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The person who does my expenses at work has never been to Wetherspoons. Every meal claim gets queried for having alcohol on the receipt. I patiently explain it's a free drink and point out that the cost is deducted further down the receipt. She counters..."but your not allowed alcohol". I then lose patience and go to her manager who immediately authorises the claim. I kind of look forward to it now.

When I worked for GEC Marconi, they had this rather pathetic approach to expenses where no alcohol could ever appear on receipts but they were happy for its cost to be included in different ways - "side dishes", for example. No doubt some sort of tax reasons that they couldn't afford out of their obscene profits.


My boss was working for a few days at Milton Keynes, and happened to meet the Big Boss (MD of our Division, who was also down there for a couple of days) at one of the rubbish pubs when they were both out for their evening meals with separate groups. The BB seemed OK out of work, and my boss bought him a beer. Got his entire expenses knocked-back for the days he was down, told he had to "re-submit on BB's orders after deducting all alcohol costs".


The thing is, that expenses claim would not have been seen by the BB in the normal run of things: the intervention was a completely cynical statement of "know your place!", passed down the hierarchy pre-emptively.


He also used to take down the No Smoking signs at the start of meetings, saying, "Fvck it, it's my meeting room - I'll smoke if I like!" Sort of like Father Fintan Stack.

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The Wetherspoons in Inverness is always a laugh.  Folk all seem to queue at one end of the bar as if they're waiting in line at a supermarket.  Which leaves the rest of the 50ft plus length of bar for the non-simpletons to get served instantly.




I always go to the left side of the pillar to get served. The folk queuing off the right side of the bar are obviously the weirdos who don't ever go to normal pubs. There's even a sign up asking people not to queue in a line.

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I went to a cafe/bar opening where my girlfriend was starting work during lunch break on a Friday. When I phoned into work about 3pm, pished, explaining why I wouldn't be back my Boss was furious until I told him about the free bar and he said oh, I understand, see you on Monday then. Happier times.

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I ended up on the Whiskey Finish (7.4%) which completely fucked me right up.

Good times.

My pal was on that as well and ended up in a taxi shortly afterwords. Very nice place it has to be said, keen to give the food a go as well.

Back on the etiquette I'm away to start my shift, the other day some guy wouldn't get out the way of paramedics trying to get a woman to hospital. Fully prepared to expect more low life cuntery tonight.

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The pub is fairly quiet. There are two of you standing at an area being zonally marked by one member of staff. The other person is clearly aware that you were there first. The member of staff offers to serve the other person first. The other person fails to say 'he was here first'. 


Is it in keeping with pub etiquette to glass the other person?

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The pub is fairly quiet. There are two of you standing at an area being zonally marked by one member of staff. The other person is clearly aware that you were there first. The member of staff offers to serve the other person first. The other person fails to say 'he was here first'. 


Is it in keeping with pub etiquette to glass the other person?


No, if there's only two of you there who gives a fk. If it was some cnut ordering cocktails then yes.

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No, if there's only two of you there who gives a fk. If it was some cnut ordering cocktails then yes.

It's the principle of the thing rather than the length of the wait. Everyone should know the score at bars and barbers. 

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It's the principle of the thing rather than the length of the wait. Everyone should know the score at bars and barbers. 


Agreed, but a dismissive glance laden with contempt is quite sufficient. Save the glassing for someone ordering cocktails.

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Yeah to be honest, in reality there'll be little more than a glare, possibly an exhalation and a shake of the head as if to say "I'm not mad, I'm just very disappointed". 


That's the one.

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Nothing worse than the guy you don't know, who asks you to 'watch ma pint' while he goes for a pish. Or is that just a Glasgow thing?


Know a guy who had a glass eye who would take it out and put it in his pint to "watch" it while he went to the toilet

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Nothing worse than the guy you don't know, who asks you to 'watch ma pint' while he goes for a pish. Or is that just a Glasgow thing?

I've never done it but that to me sounds sensible. Nothing worse than going to the toilet, coming back and finding an over eager staff member has taken your half full drink away.

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Know a guy who had a glass eye who would take it out and put it in his pint to "watch" it while he went to the toilet

Forgot all about him. How is Deano anyway?

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An idea for a new thread? Barber Etiquette?


Keep your mouth shut about holiday or weekend plans unless you're female. If so, rest my head between your breasts to get the tricky bits while rubbing your crotch against my elbow. It's not rocket science ffs.

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