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Celtic European Campaign 2014-15


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If Ronnie Mowbray had been in charge last season, Celtic certainly wouldn't have won the title by as many points as they did. It's admirable in a way that you have dispensed with medicrity in the shape of Lennon, and replaced it with incompetence.

To be fair, if Lennon had any long term vision he would have sacrificed 25 points and given 4 or 5 of the youngsters 10 games each to prepare them for the step up. Winning the league with 100 points is as good as winning it with 90 or 80.

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Too early to state he's clueless ... but agree that changes need made to the squad and our recruitment policy ... but that is another debate entirely.

My post still makes the point/argument I replied to null/ invalid and the poster a simpering moron for posting contradictory mince.

Not only are you still too upset from your beloved Celtic demonstrating a Hibernian like thirst for levels of fail to take part in this reasoned debate around coefficient, but it appears you are also too stupid as well. Please step away from the keyboard and re-read the last few pages and come back when you understand.

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Personally if Van Dyik and Commons are wanting away ... sell them if we get the right money. Bring in Stefan (if he still wants to come) look for some cheap imports from now to January, blood the 'yoof' with Scott Brown, James Foster, McGregor, keep Izzy and few others as squad players and let him get players that will play the way he wants ...

Let's hope the PL£ do indeed take that approach, as amusing though it was to see Celtic laughed at by European minnows, that is sadly a fleeting joy.

Watching hapless clogging performances like the woeful loss in Inverness is a more year round form of "entertainment" and Celtic's fringe players certainly look to have real scope to plumb the kind of depths which will have Scottish football fans pishing themselves weekly, whilst the local vermin take time out from watching cars in the vicinity of Celtic Park, to vent fury in an open mouthed nasally way outside the main building.

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Totally missing the point that Slovenia have a team in the CL and none of our illustrious '2nd and 3rd' fare could make it to the Europa group stages.

This has been covered in some detail - they only have a team in the CL because for the first time this millenium they have played a seeded team they were better than... because Celtic are, despite their vast wealth and spending, absolutely horrific, with a clueless coach and a collection of European journeymen with a striker who hasn't scored in Europe for 3 years played up front in a sole role.

Both St Johnstone and Aberdeen performed better than the 2nd and 3rd best Slovenian sides in EL qualifying - this has already been covered also.

Still, good contribution, typing through tears can't be easy.

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Deary me - let me condense this for you...

The Slovenian league is considerably worse than the Scottish league

Celtic should not be getting beat by a team who play in such a league and who also have such an infinitesimal budget in comparison

This is why it is funny, and no amount of trying to dress this result as anything other than a massive embarrassment in the history of Celtic football club is laughable.

The excuse of: well the Slovenian game is actually quite good at the moment eh? This does not stand up to scrutiny as covered in the last few pages.

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Already been covered ... the Slovenians most likely would have progressed had they played this dross.

Maribor performed better than the Scottish Champions and are their Champions ... they progressed to the CL group stages and are the last man standing at a later stage.

So tears or not ... it really does make your point invalid.

Please provide evidence to suggest that Koper and Rudar Vlaenje (who finished 2nd and 3rd in the Slovenian league) would have beaten Aberdeen and St. Johnstone given their woeful showing.

If Celtic hadn't had such a laughably bad result, you would not currently be trying to billy bullshit your way to convincing people that the Slovenian league is at a higher standard than the SPL.

So to recap - the point is still valid and your tears make it all the sweeter.

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Already been covered ... the Slovenians most likely would have progressed had they played this dross.

The Slovenians lost to Laci (subsequently destroyed by Zorya Lukhansk in the next round) and Neftchi Baku (, as you'd have already seen if you hadn't been snuffling into your St Pauli scarf and watching reruns of "the Road to Seville".

Aberdeen and St Johnstone beat Gronigen and Luzern respectively, before losing in a round the Slovenians didn't get near. I did actually miss another Slovenian representative... but it was easily done, given they too were mauled in the Second Qualifying Round, one even St Johnstone and Aberdeen sailed by.

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The Slovenians were probably desperate to get Celitc such is the state of Celtic, with a clueless manager and a mediocre loser squad.

Well, yes, indeed. That point has also been covered in some detail.

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The European Cup was destroyed as a potential fairytale moment for smaller clubs the moment the league system was introduced. It was engineered and designed to keep smaller clubs from progressing and ensure that armchair viewers are catered for and not club fans (unless you are a fan of one of the big guns).

There's absolutely nothing wrong with two leg ties and a good old fashioned draw with no seeds after the qualifiers.

Everything else is to ensure the big clubs get more money spinning ties each season ....

Unfortunately the smaller clubs that qualify now will never get the benefit of a run due to luck of the draw, player suspensions, injuries and other teams doing the giant killing acts .... the league is 'theirs' to weed that out.

Ruined it if you ask me ...

You forgot "administrative errors"...

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Aberdeen and St Johnstone are the evidence themselves along with the state of Scottish football.

No amount of stats can compensate for that ...

Mmm, well, a humiliating end to this thread was always going to happen - you've just provided it a little earlier than the spread betting suggested.

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Our exit is nothing short of a farce, comical and has everything to do with the state of Slovenian football v Scottish football.

They beat us fair and square and played on the whole semi decent football ... they were clearly better than us over the two legs.

To imagine that somehow Aberdeen or SJ would have turned them over is laughable ... (though I suspect Ross County and ICT may have given them a run for their money ;) ).

The Slovenians were probably desperate to get a Scottish side such is the state of our game.

To pretend otherwise is laughable ...

Please don't blame Celtic's laughable collapse on the 'state of our game'.

You are however correct in saying that they were probably desperate to draw Celtic in comparison to the likes of Arsenal and Besiktas, especially having watched Celtic get bummed by the European Giants of Legia Warsaw.

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Aberdeen and St Johnstone are the evidence themselves along with the state of Scottish football.

No amount of stats can compensate for that ...

Aberdeen and St Johnstone are the evidence themselves along with the state of Scottish football.

No amount of stats can compensate for that ...

Aberdeen and St Johnstone are the evidence themselves along with the state of Scottish football.

No amount of stats can compensate for that ...

Aberdeen and St Johnstone are the evidence themselves along with the state of Scottish football.

No amount of stats can compensate for that ...

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I actually didn't think it could get any worse for you than your hilarious gag about mince n' tatties, but that now looks like a glimmering oasis in the vast and desolate desert of your 'failitude' over the last few pages. Staggering stuff.

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I actually didn't think it could get any worse for you than your hilarious gag about mince n' tatties, but that now looks like a glimmering oasis in the vast and desolate dessert of your 'failitude' over the last few pages. Staggering stuff.

Semolina? Tapioca? Rice Pudding?

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You're missing the point .. I have no interest in defending Celtic or their woeful shabby performances or blaming anyone else for their failures.

You can't defend the indefensible so wise move...unusually for you.

If you think Scottish sides are somehow superior to the Slovenians you're clearly deluded ...

Are you still peddling this? That is exactly what I think and it is founded in fact rather than dillusion.

No amount of focusing on Celtic will change the fact the rest are dross and we are the best side in that pile of manure.

Aberdeen and St. Johnstone performed better in Europe in relative terms to Celtic. Unlucky.

If you're imagining that somehow the other Scottish sides are better than the Slovenians then keep taking the happy pills mate .... if it works for you .. best of luck.

STILL peddling this. Slovenian sides went out to both an Albanian team and a team from Azerbijan at earlier stages than Aberdeen and St Johnstone - happy pills will not be required when we have fact to rely on. Unlucky.

The fact remains Scottish football is dross and like deidco fast becoming the butt of jokes in Europe ...

Even Mhonkey knows a shyte Celtic side is still head and shoulders above the rest .. pretty sure that while Maribor have won their league for the last four years the title was also contested mainly by Olympija and Gorica in the many years before .. who have fallen by the wayside.

Only once in the four years have Maribor won the league by points in the double digits ... making it more competitive than the dross in Scotland ...

I wondered when you would start to blame the SPL for Celtic's poor performance...oh dear.

This years results in Europe point to that being the case.

No about those tears ... you want a hanky or are still greeting than your no as shyte coz .. what?

??????????? - please try and formulate another sentence.

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I don't even have to drag the demise of Hibs into the equation .... the fact you even posted on this subject is laughable ... Your post above is a ringing endorsement to the delusion of the diddies. Thanks.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I have long since come to terms with the state of Hibernian, but can always take solace in the fact that I am not a Celtic fan with delusions of grandeur...especially seeing as your season is now over in August. Gutted for you - please enjoy the less than half empty Parkhead.

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