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Those who vote 'No' have no place in Scotland post-ref..

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Yet here we have a No voter, in their natural habitat, trying to stir up hatred. It is people like this that brought the hateful UKIP or BNP into positions of political power South of the border. It is also why we need to take this opportunity to rid ourselves of this sort of creeping racism.

Trying to stir up hatred? You are the one who has embarrassed fellow Yes supporters by starting a thread suggesting No voters should be evicted from the country. Is that not hate speech?

Did you know that when the story broke of the behaviour of Cybernats, support for Yes decreased by 2 points in the polls?

Yes was already lagging way too far behind. You are doing the Yes campaign no favours.

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Trying to stir up hatred? You are the one who has embarrassed fellow Yes supporters by starting a thread suggesting No voters should be evicted from the country. Is that not hate speech?

It's not hate speech for suggesting that those who do not wish to see the nation move forward should be politely asked to get off the bus when the inevitable Yes vote is delivered.

Did you know that when the story broke of the behaviour of Cybernats, support for Yes decreased by 2 points in the polls?

It's sweet that you follow the rigged polling that is fed to people. Look around you do you see windows draped with No banners, or stickers on lamp posts wishing to retain Westminster power? Come the referendum results we will all see polls were badly out of kilter with the actual will of the people.

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It's not hate speech for suggesting that those who do not wish to see the nation move forward should be politely asked to get off the bus when the inevitable Yes vote is delivered.

You said in your opening post on this thread that No voters "should all be run out of town".


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You said in your opening post on this thread that No voters "should all be run out of town".


Did you actually take the phrase literally? Literally? Really? I hope all the safety labels are still on your possessions, that's all I'm saying to that.

At least if anything it explains why you support Rangers.

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Folk should stop responding to this attention seeking clown.

You might have your opinion, but it's wrong.

This is a genuine view. It may be unpopular, but it's genuine.

Let's just give an analogy. You along with a bunch of friends all go out for a meal, on the way they all decide to buy lottery tickets, all containing the same number (a selection of birthdays, we shall say for arguments sake). All that is except one guy, who not only doesn't buy a ticket but actively tells everyone else not to buy a ticket as well. Long story short the tickets come up and everyone is rich except for that one guy, who then demands money from all those who bought tickets. Do you think that is fair? Should the person who tried to stop the others from benefiting benefit himself?

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You might have your opinion, but it's wrong.

This is a genuine view. It may be unpopular, but it's genuine.

Let's just give an analogy. You along with a bunch of friends all go out for a meal, on the way they all decide to buy lottery tickets, all containing the same number (a selection of birthdays, we shall say for arguments sake). All that is except one guy, who not only doesn't buy a ticket but actively tells everyone else not to buy a ticket as well. Long story short the tickets come up and everyone is rich except for that one guy, who then demands money from all those who bought tickets. Do you think that is fair? Should the person who tried to stop the others from benefiting benefit himself?

If they used his money to buy the ticket, then yes.

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Did you actually take the phrase literally? Literally? Really?

Yes, because you meant it literally.

Folk should stop responding to this attention seeking clown.

If it was No supporter who started this ridiculous thread you'd be on it like a rash, lol.

Maybe you could ask the Scottish National Party if they'll contact the Pie and Bovril to get the thread deleted?.... :)

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If it was No supporter who started this ridiculous thread you'd be on it like a rash, lol.

You mean... like the Yes voters are now? We know it's tedious pish and Mr Bairn has posted such stuff before and, knowing he's a troll, folk have reacted in the same way.

You don't even have to go far to see this happen. I suggest you read about the forum before you tell us what's going to happen. Might let you have a clue or something.

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You mean like throwing bottles at twelve year old girls. That is the level the Orange Order, and by implication the Rangers support, have stooped to. There is no shame in Rangers supporters eyes, always the victims in some mad conspiracy. It's entirely right you represent the No campaign. Entirely right indeed.

Hardly "calling names". They will have shamed themselves and the country that has given them so much. Like biting the hand that feeds them.

Carry on with that line, it will get you nowhere! :rolleyes:

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I suggest you read about the forum before you tell us what's going to happen. Might let you have a clue or something.

I've been reading most of the independence threads since the Independence section was created.

Long before you created your account but cheers for the advice. :)

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I've been reading most of the independence threads since the Independence section was created.

Long before you created your account but cheers for the advice. :)

Wow, it's not like this could be... a new account? You know... as ever so subtly hinted at by my username? It's not like I'm hiding my true identity in a cave.

And since you've been reading this forum since then, please don't be so blatantly dishonest about the way trolls are treated, no matter what side they're on. You know it's not the case.

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Wow, it's not like this could be... a new account? You know... as ever so subtly hinted at by my username? It's not like I'm hiding my true identity in a cave..

Ah right, so you've been banned before?

That does not surprise me as, regardless of the thread topic, you are always trying to argue with people.

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Why is it always Rangers fans who are the most empty of vessels.

Not sure it's that CB, I try, I really try, but most of the time I haven't got a clue what you're on about?

Sorry :unsure2:

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I'm disappointed that my question didn't drag this thread towards a sensible discussion.

Further to my post though, I was looking in to some of the history surrounding Section 28, which if I have understood correctly was essentially a piece of homophobic legislation. Interestingly both Michael Howard and David Cameron tried to reject the repeal of this section. Both offered snivelling apologies and neither had their career especially harmed as a result of their stance. Presumably the naysayers would try a similar tactic.

Another thing I would like to pick up on, somebody on this thread said you just need to put a 'tick' next to your choice. I was also at a talk and the quine who was speaking said the same thing. I thought it had to be a cross? Does a tick not spoil the paper?

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Will pure Scottish blood also be a prerequisite in your Utopian post-referendum Scotland, once you've exiled all the "No" voters?

Then the immigrants..............

He got uppity the other night when I said he was a facist - if he genuinely believes that No voters should be kicked out then he is.

That being said, having reconsidered matters I think he might just be a very poor troll. Either way I'd just ignore the tedious git.

If Mr Bairn is Scrappy Doo then Casual Borestander must be Scrappy Poo.

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