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Repair/Remove anti reflective coating from glasses.


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Not only an I rapidly balding and overweight but I have very bad eyesight resulting in a bill every couple of years for several hundred pounds. I got my most recent pair of glasses from boots in April 2013. Recently they developed what I thought were scratches that seemed to spread very quickly resulting in an almost frosted look on one of the lenses.

I went to boots to show them the glasses and the guy took them away to speak with his manager. On his return I was informed that these were indeed scratches and the best thing to do was replace the lenses, he quoted me £155 quid. I decided to have a think about it and came home to do a bit of research on the internet.

I came across this video, it's not great quality but I think there are others.

Anyway I went ahead and bought this for £8 form The Art Store in Glasgow.


I followed the instruction in the video and hey presto my glasses are as good as new, this stuff completely removed the coating.

So the result is Boots are a shower of cvnts, I saved £147 and the internet wins again. The glasses are of course more reflective but this is a small price to pay, I think in future I would not get this coating on my glasses in the first place.


Only do this on plastic lenses as this stuff is for etching glass and will completely f**k up your lenses if they are glass; I think you can use it on polycarbonate lenses too. Also wear gloves as this stuff is pretty toxic and make sure you wash all the Armour Etch off.

I hope this will save others a few quid, if it does give £5 to Maire Curie.

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My specs are nearly as thick as yours. I wear daily disposable contacts for 5s, which I reuse for months at a time. I've had the box that long they are now 2 prescriptions behind my Greg's. Still OK for 5s, not so clever on the drive there and back.

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My specs are nearly as thick as yours. I wear daily disposable contacts for 5s, which I reuse for months at a time. I've had the box that long they are now 2 prescriptions behind my Greg's. Still OK for 5s, not so clever on the drive there and back.

I pay a fortune to have them thinned down. Have often considered getting contacts but can be arsed putting them in/taking them out. Are there contacts you can wear for longer?

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I think there are one you wear for a month and can leave in when you sleep now. I pioneered this idea with the old gas permeables in the 80s and finished up in hospital several times to have them removed.

Gave up, but went back when the technology caught up with me.

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