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What happens after a NO?


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Bit harsh, especially as questions regarding the economic sense a Yes vote would make have yet to be answered. These arguments are only "weak" if you're gambling with other people's money.

But just one, just one!, bland and ambiguous statement would still be one more post than you ever made about Rangers on this forum. :)

We are still waiting for Better togethers white paper (or equivalent).

Should people not get to know what awaits them if they vote "no"?

After all any sensible person should realise there will be changes in the event of a no vote. We don't know what they will be as the BT parties will not give a straight answer.

There is more certainty from yes. At least we know the general plan.

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But we've been "promised" and "guaranteed" more powers if we succumb to the blinkered politics and fear tactics of a xenophobic and anti-European Westminster government.

Are those promises actually guaranteed, or guarantees promised? Well no, of course not, but just remember it's the Yes campaign for having the gall to put forward their plans rather than utter lack of transparency from the No campaign that is at fault here.

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Bit harsh, especially as questions regarding the economic sense a Yes vote would make have yet to be answered. These arguments are only "weak" if you're gambling with other people's money.

But just one, just one!, bland and ambiguous statement would still be one more post than you ever made about Rangers on this forum. :)

I don't see what that has to do with anything. Does who i support, or how I use this forum, have anything to do with you?

Arguments are weak if they don't prove a point, and I have yet to see any good ones from you.

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Bit harsh, especially as questions regarding the economic sense a Yes vote would make have yet to be answered. These arguments are only "weak" if you're gambling with other people's money.

But just one, just one!, bland and ambiguous statement would still be one more post than you ever made about Rangers on this forum. :)

Google Yes Scotland, click on word 'Answers', (a list of questions will appear) click on whichever question you want answered (a short answer will appear), click on 'read more' and a full explanation inc relevant figures will appear. If your question is not listed, there is facility to send your question, to which you will receive an answer.

Just because the answers to these ''many unanswered questions'' are not printed in the daily press or featured on radio/TV news, does not mean the answers have not been given. The ridiculous bias of the national media means you have to make a little more effort to access them, than should be necessary.

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David Cameron will lead us into yet more illegal wars in gaza/ Syria/ wherever. The NHS will be destroyed, public services will be privatised to benefit the Tory donors. Southern English voters and BNP/ UKIP types will ensure an exit from the EU. The barnet formula will be cut, the Scottish tax payer will pay more for less. Austerity will truly kick in post no. Food banks will probably become as common as a tesco metro. Oil will be discovered conveniently off the west coast just after we've been talked in to voting no because oil is running out. Labour will slide even further to the right, Nigel farage will make gains in Westminster. We will continue to be made out to be subsidy junkies, a drain on resources and second class citizens, the 'national news' will continue to be London centric pish a flooded field in Tory heartlands will continue to be a bigger news priority than a murder in the East End of Glasgow. But hey at least we'll still have the orange order parading through the street and all feel great about being 'together'.

Aye, that sounds about right. :(

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I don't see what that has to do with anything. Does who i support, or how I use this forum, have anything to do with you?

I never said it did. :)

I'm merely pointing out you've joined a football forum and not even bothered to make one football post on a thread of the club you (claim to) support. If you want to pretend to be a Rangers Yes supporter, go ahead, but you've not got me fooled. :)

Google Yes Scotland, click on word 'Answers', (a list of questions will appear) click on whichever question you want answered (a short answer will appear), click on 'read more' and a full explanation inc relevant figures will appear. If your question is not listed, there is facility to send your question, to which you will receive an answer.

Just because the answers to these ''many unanswered questions'' are not printed in the daily press or featured on radio/TV news, does not mean the answers have not been given. The ridiculous bias of the national media means you have to make a little more effort to access them, than should be necessary.

So to get a complete unbiased opinion I should go to the Yes Scotland site?

No thanks. :)

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I never said it did. :)

I'm merely pointing out you've joined a football forum and not even bothered to make one football post on a thread of the club you (claim to) support. If you want to pretend to be a Rangers Yes supporter, go ahead, but you've not got me fooled. :)

So to get a complete unbiased opinion I should go to the Yes Scotland site?

No thanks. :)

So what are you fucking moaning for and hoing on about unanswered questions from the YES camp?!

They've been answered and you are refusing to look at them you fucking numpty.

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I never said it did. :)

I'm merely pointing out you've joined a football forum and not even bothered to make one football post on a thread of the club you (claim to) support. If you want to pretend to be a Rangers Yes supporter, go ahead, but you've not got me fooled. :)

So to get a complete unbiased opinion I should go to the Yes Scotland site?

No thanks. :)

As opposed to just swallowing the BT shite without even looking at the other side of the argument? Yes.

Anyway I was pointing out where to find the answers, to the questions you say have not been answered, by the yes campaign. It's the place to find them but of course, you - like many of your persuasion - don't actually want to find them, do you?

Thought not.

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Anyway I was pointing out where to find the answers, to the questions you say have not been answered, by the yes campaign. It's the place to find them but of course, you - like many of your persuasion - don't actually want to find them, do you?

Thought not.

I know the answers they've given.

Not good enough. :)

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You know the answers, you have been told they've given, more like. Zombie by name....

You seem angry.

I've heard answers directly from the likes of Salmond, Sturgeon and Jenkins. Not convincing enough in my opinion. And I'm glad about that because it keeps them lagging behind in the polls. :)

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You seem angry.

I've heard answers directly from the likes of Salmond, Sturgeon and Jenkins. Not convincing enough in my opinion. And I'm glad about that because it keeps them lagging behind in the polls. :)

Aye :rolleyes:

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You seem angry.

I've heard answers directly from the likes of Salmond, Sturgeon and Jenkins. Not convincing enough in my opinion. And I'm glad about that because it keeps them lagging behind in the polls. :)

Mmm.. the point is at least they have tried to provide answers.

The other side have just produced fear, confusion and untruths. We just do not know what we will get from a "no" vote.

Far too risky.

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1) the point is at least they have tried to provide answers.

The other side have just produced fear, confusion and untruths. We just do not know what we will get from a "no" vote.

2) Far too risky.

1) So "at least they have tried" is good enough for you? You sound like a sceptical religious person who just can't bring themselves to accept reality.

2) In what way is it "far too risky" to vote to keep things the same but with a more powerful Holyrood? If you think voting for independence, and all the uncertainties that go with it, is less of a risk than voting No then I'd have to doubt the sincerity of what you're saying.

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I don't want to risk a continuing austerity agenda where the poor are made to pay for the mistakes of the rich.

I don't want to risk being dragged out of the EU by an increasingly right wing and xenophobic government.

I don't want to risk being dragged into another pointless and bloody war in the middle east.

I don't want to risks involved with having a massive nuclear WMD arsenal sitting just outside our biggest city.

And that's just for starters.

There are risks on both sides of the vote. Voting Yes brings risks...with control. Voting No brings risks with no control.

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1) So "at least they have tried" is good enough for you? You sound like a sceptical religious person who just can't bring themselves to accept reality.

2) In what way is it "far too risky" to vote to keep things the same but with a more powerful Holyrood? If you think voting for independence, and all the uncertainties that go with it, is riskier than voting No then I'd have to doubt the sincerity of what you're saying.

So you agree that independence is less of a risk?

Well then " theprepper ", tell us all how Holyrood will be more powerful. Going to let us all into what powers Holyrood will get, for we have yet to be told?

Labour have hinted to us that Holyrood will get nothing of worth.

Tories have yet to tell us anything. That has left us certain of it being nothing of worth.

Now the uncertainties of independence.

Why dont you give us a list and we shall go through them with you?

Screaming " ooh the uncertainties the uncertainties " like a demented fishwife is getting you nowhere.

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Mmm.. the point is at least they have tried to provide answers.

The other side have just produced fear, confusion and untruths. We just do not know what we will get from a "no" vote.

Far too risky.

When I see the lists of negative things from Yes voters here I have to wonder what the real project fear is.

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David Cameron will lead us into yet more illegal wars in gaza/ Syria/ wherever. The NHS will be destroyed, public services will be privatised to benefit the Tory donors. Southern English voters and BNP/ UKIP types will ensure an exit from the EU. The barnet formula will be cut, the Scottish tax payer will pay more for less. Austerity will truly kick in post no. Food banks will probably become as common as a tesco metro. Oil will be discovered conveniently off the west coast just after we've been talked in to voting no because oil is running out. Labour will slide even further to the right, Nigel farage will make gains in Westminster. We will continue to be made out to be subsidy junkies, a drain on resources and second class citizens, the 'national news' will continue to be London centric pish a flooded field in Tory heartlands will continue to be a bigger news priority than a murder in the East End of Glasgow. But hey at least we'll still have the orange order parading through the street and all feel great about being 'together'.

And they call BT project fear.

Pot, kettle and black.

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When I see the lists of negative things from Yes voters here I have to wonder what the real project fear is.

If these negative things are already happening can they legitimately be labelled as fear-mongering?

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