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What happens after a NO?


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The English vote will be good for about 10% of No's total. That could well be what secures the win. Although, I'd expect something more like a 62%-38% outcome.

I doubt his other claim though that most Scottish people will vote Yes.

Why do you think most English people will vote No? Practically slandering a whole nation of people.
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Why do you think most English people will vote No? Practically slandering a whole nation of people.

Because polls suggest so. Anecdotally, nearly every English person I know with a vote is a solid No without any potential to be moved. And they're a non-negligible demographic.

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Because polls suggest so. Anecdotally, nearly every English person I know with a vote is a solid No without any potential to be moved. And they're a non-negligible demographic.

Polls suggest a solid majority for No but nowhere near close to 100%.

I know 3 English folk. One is a guaranteed Yes, one a guaranteed No, and one a soft No.

There are also plenty of folk in England who would love to have a vote to rid themselves of the Westminster clique.

BOB MORTIMER 'Scotland: You have the chance to rid yourselves of this filth. FOREVER! #jealous' #YouYesYet pic.twitter.com/2eEusCM0Hm


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If No does happen can we be sure it will all blow over in 6 months and we'll go back to being a peaceful Union?

There is a swell of people in England that are buying the media spin that Scotland is a country of leeches and they're now wanting us out.

It's unfortunate that they can't vote but fortunately the more anti-Scotland hatred from England is good for a Yes vote.

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Why do you think most English people will vote No? Practically slandering a whole nation of people.

Why do you think most English people wouldn't vote no? I mean, its fairly obvious almost all will opt to keep Scotland within the United Kingdom.

There is a swell of people in England that are buying the media spin that Scotland is a country of leeches and they're now wanting us out.

It's unfortunate that they can't vote but fortunately the more anti-Scotland hatred from England is good for a Yes vote.

Anti-Scottish hatred, bar the rantings of a few, is a myth.

I compare it to the Rangers/Aberdeen rivalry. 90% Aberdeen - 10% Rangers.

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Why do you think most English people wouldn't vote no? I mean, its fairly obvious almost all will opt to keep Scotland within the United Kingdom.

Anti-Scottish hatred, bar the rantings of a few, is a myth.

I compare it to the Rangers/Aberdeen rivalry. 90% Aberdeen - 10% Rangers.

So 90% of Scotland hate the English?

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If No does happen can we be sure it will all blow over in 6 months and we'll go back to being a peaceful Union?

There is a swell of people in England that are buying the media spin that Scotland is a country of leeches and they're now wanting us out.

It's unfortunate that they can't vote but fortunately the more anti-Scotland hatred from England is good for a Yes vote.

What swell of people is this?

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The clear majority of 400,000 'English Scots' will vote no, of that there is no doubt!

Don't contest, just ask them

I don't doubt it.

I work with a guy originally from London and he's voting No.

When I asked him why he said "well I'm here aren't I?"

At least he was being honest.

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Nowhere near, maybe 20% of the YES vote are, F*ck the English Bassas, and F*ck Westminster, it ain't gonna be enough1


A lot can change over the next 7 or so weeks. The last 2 weeks will be important.

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From my experience the English contingent are split between the "Scotland, please don't go" camp and the camp that think it's fucking hilarious that we even think we might be able to give it ago, with one or two yes minded in amongst them. The only two English yes voters I know are the only English people I know that have actually settled here whereas the others are here to buy a degree then get on the first train out

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The English vote will be good for about 10% of No's total. That could well be what secures the win. Although, I'd expect something more like a 62%-38% outcome.


The gap will be no greater than six points either way.

I doubt his other claim though that most Scottish people will vote Yes.

They will.

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