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Does anyone here believe we can't use the pound?


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Plan B is probably to use the pound for a period of time with no CU while setting up our own currency

That is indeed plan B. It is not deemed prudent to reveal this presently, as the Yes side will be best served if it is kept secret until post Indy negotiations commence. The new currency option, is being robustly explored at this very time and findings will be presented to The Scottish Government shortly.

The UKG is of a mind, that if The SG do not have a plan B, then the UK will have the upper hand in the negotiations. ''We'll allow a currency union if we get xy & z''. It is smart to let them believe they are in control.

This is the point when plan B is revealed, with the statement ''stick your fkg pound and your fkg debt, we'll pin our pound to your's for the next 3-5 yrs and then we'll be using this and get they nukes to fk right fkg now. :lol:

To me it is basically like asking 'what's Plan B if tomorrow isn't Thursday?'.

Of course there will be a currency union. Was that made clear to your average punter last night though?

Unfortunately, no it was not. :(

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Sorry, if posted already but here's more support for a CU from an English economist. Can't believe Darling is perceived to have 'won' by simply repeating 'what is plan b'.


TRUTH is usually the first casualty of political battles, as it is of war. I believe that Scotland and England are individually stronger for being part of the UK, but 25 years in currency markets tell me that the No campaign’s argument that Scotland cannot keep the pound is false.

It would certainly be a limited version of independence, but there is nothing stopping an independent Scotland from declaring sterling sole legal tender and borrowing it on the financial markets to hold in reserve. However much it may appear to be like having your cake and eating it, neither action requires the permission of the rest of the UK.

First, the list of countries that have adopted a currency issued by another state, outside formal agreement, officially or not, includes past monetary sinners like Russia in the 1920s, Mexico in the 1980s and many others. Today, it also includes about 30 small countries from Andorra to Panama and the Vatican that have officially chosen to do so. History and the present day teach us that currency substitution is possible. It should also be easier for Scotland than others, because it already uses sterling and its economy is tightly integrated into the rest of the UK economy.

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Sorry, if posted already but here's more support for a CU from an English economist. Can't believe Darling is perceived to have 'won' by simply repeating 'what is plan b'.


That's not support for a currency union. The only thing that is supported is the union. Thereafter the commentator merely states facts about using a currency of choice. That is not the same thing as a currency union.

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Christ. How the hell is this moron allowed to be first minister of the devolved parliament?

I lament the day Alex Salmond is head of an actual independent country.

Wonder if Darling still wants a 'Workers Republic'? Maybe that explains his ruinous time as chancellor? Destroying from within? He kept his own wealth though.


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That's not support for a currency union. The only thing that is supported is the union. Thereafter the commentator merely states facts about using a currency of choice. That is not the same thing as a currency union.

It means that we can use the pound, offically or not. And there's plenty of examples.

You know it makes sense.

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It means that we can use the pound, offically or not. And there's plenty of examples.

You know it makes sense.

Anyone with working brain cells knows Scotland can keep using the pound.

You stated that the article supported a currency union. It does not. The only thing the article supports is the current union that the SNP are so desparate to get out of (or get out of parts to be more accurate).

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Anyone with working brain cells knows Scotland can keep using the pound.

You stated that the article supported a currency union. It does not. The only thing the article supports is the current union that the SNP are so desparate to get out of (or get out of parts to be more accurate).

Keep the pound, CU...

We're being told by the antis that it "won't" happen. It will.

As to the Union - I guess 'parts' of us are independent already. We just want the rest. Though to be fair, 'parts' of the UK are not independent either, not least our expensive nuclear 'deterrent' which we pay for, but needs say-so from the US if we actually want to use it.

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