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Does anyone here believe we can't use the pound?


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The debt isn't being reneged on though. The only way the debt will be defaulted on is if the UK defaults. Money markets only care about money getting paid. So again... Examples or precedents would be nice on how debt that isn't being reneged can adversely affect a credit rating.

I'd go as far to say that a debt free Scotland would be very attractive to lenders.

Deluded in the extreme.

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Is Ad Lib going to provide the statute that states that Scotland must assume a share of the UK's debt (a debt which the UK government have said they will assume responsibility for in the event of independence) or is he going to admit that he lied when he made that statement.

In the world of law, you provide evidence to support your points. That's how it works.

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No. Dealing with deluded morons.

If you can't understand that iScotland would be toxic if it choose to walk away from the debt then you are dumber than I thought.

Again... Can you provide some evidence or examples of nations being adversely affected even though the debts getting paid and another nation has accepted liability ?

You married couple analogy falls flat on it's face if the husband accepts responsibility for the debt.

If you want to resort to name calling because I've called you out on your bullshit then be my guest.

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Is Ad Lib going to provide the statute that states that Scotland must assume a share of the UK's debt (a debt which the UK government have said they will assume responsibility for in the event of independence) or is he going to admit that he lied when he made that statement.

In the world of law, you provide evidence to support your points. That's how it works.

He specifically made no claims that there was a statute which dictated this. Utter utter fail.

Nice of you to lecture on the world of law though.... having completely failed to understand his post, and being so completely out of your depth that you think international law is merely statutory.

Here's a tip. It isn't.

You are welcome.

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He specifically made no claims that there was a statute which dictated this. Utter utter fail.

Nice of you to lecture on the world of law though.... having completely failed to understand his post, and being so completely out of your depth that you think international law is merely statutory.

Here's a tip. It isn't.

You are welcome.

He specifically said that international law dictates that Scotland would assume a share of the debt. He was wrong and you are wrong... Unlucky.

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"When the Soviet Union broke up, Whitehall officials argued long and hard about how best to deal with the USSR's international debt. It was not fair to put the whole Soviet burden on Russia. On the other hand, the hassle involved in trying to share it out among the 15 republics would be horrible, plus Russia seemed more likely do pay back the debt. Eventually Russia did take on the whole debt, and in August 2006 finally paid it all off -- an impressive achievement. This simplification of the problem made it much easier for the other new countries to launch themselves on international financial markets and set up their own new currencies."



Would quite like to see a reply re this from the nos?

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No. Dealing with deluded morons.

If you can't understand that iScotland would be toxic if it choose to walk away from the debt then you are dumber than I thought.

We can't walk away from debt we don't owe. The international money markets will understand that even if you can't get it into your thick skull.

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Would quite like to see a reply re this from the nos?

Because Russia decided to take on the debt - not because the other 14 walked away.

It's part of the negotiation process - the refusal to take the debt is posturing - it would be akin to rUK saying that iScotland were not to get a share of the assets. Where there is perhaps doubt is the amount of debt (and assets) to be taken - but that would be up to negotiators.

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We can't walk away from debt we don't owe. The international money markets will understand that even if you can't get it into your thick skull.

Looks like you havent got a clue about the markets then Parp. Not surprising, just add it to the massive list of things that you don't have a fucking clue about.

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Because Russia decided to take on the debt - not because the other 14 walked away.

It's part of the negotiation process - the refusal to take the debt is posturing - it would be akin to rUK saying that iScotland were not to get a share of the assets. Where there is perhaps doubt is the amount of debt (and assets) to be taken - but that would be up to negotiators.

Hate to break it to you but the UK have accepted liability as well.

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