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1 hour ago, fatshaft said:

Haha, Stewart & Miller are two of the best pundits on TV/Radio, add in Steven Thomson and BBC have 3 that outshine anything that the skysports wankathon puts on their settees week in week out. 

Miller and Thomson are awful.  Miller is the most boring , negative person on Sportsound and is excruciating to listen to.  He is only marginally better than Bonnar.

Thomson is so cliche ridden it is embarrassing at times - he says nothing controversial at all, unlike Stewart, who I may not always agree with, but at least he is interesting. 

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7 minutes ago, Darren said:

In an ideal world we would only hear from articulate ex-players - Pat Nevin and John Colquhoun being the only two I can think of in the last ten to 15 years.

Good een. Nevin thankfully long gone, said the same thing week after week. 

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1 hour ago, Hammer Jag said:

They bring on former referee Charlie Richmond from time to time. He’s painfully thick and difficult to listen to.

He absolutely slaughtered Hugh and Andrew Dallas the last time he was on which is to his credit. 

Kenny Clark used to regularly feature on Sportsound. Haven't heard him for ages though, presumably he got fed up having to defend dodgy refereeing decisions every time...


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1 minute ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I love reading Aberdeen fans unable to take any criticism of Willie Miller. It's cute.

Of course we’re able to take criticism of Willie Miller on Sportsound, it’s just that we disagree with it!

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21 minutes ago, fatshaft said:

Good een. Nevin thankfully long gone, said the same thing week after week. 

I don't particularly like him but I'd rather listen to him than most of the other pundits in Scotland.

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6 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

Willie Miller was brought in to give an inspirational speech to Craig Gordon on the occasion of his 50th cap, for some reason.  As you might imagine, it's toe-curling stuff.


I like that Aberdeen have felt the need to put a sign up telling folk not to stick pins on the Smartboard.

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24 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

The one thing that this video highlights is what an utter failure of a speaker Malky McKay is.  If that is a snapshot of his demeanour and delivery in a dressing room then god help any c**t having to play under him.  To be fair to Malky, he didn't racially or mysoginistically abuse anyone in that clip so fair play.

Thought Willie came across very professional for the Scotland and Aberdeen legend that he is.

Not pictured: Matt Phillips and Jordan Archer, who have to get changed in a separate, smaller, less well furnished changing room.

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11 minutes ago, RiG said:

Aberdeen fans really don't like it when a former player/manager gets criticised.

ETA: I see MS has the same line of thought as myself!

We fucking hate McGhee if that helps?

Kenny McIntyre asking Barry Ferguson last night what he thought about what Kris Boyd said the day before, was peak, everythingthat'swrongwithscottishfootballpunditry IMO


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Why is Peter Houston always saying "If we're being honest" before almost every sentence or answer? Does he mean to imply that he's some sort of bastion of truth and that only he is brave enough to 'say it how it is'? And that everyone else is lying?

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Guest Moomintroll

There is a reason ( apart from some honourable exceptions from teams I bloody hate) that most successful managers nowadays had at best, average careers. The skillset for a successful manager is markedly different from that of a successful player, due to the fact that the analytical mindset and communication skills required to be an effective coach/manager is a mental rather than physical skill, will preclude a lot of top level players from having any sort of overall view of what is actually happening on the pitch. To paraphrase someone " the problem is his brains are all in his feet".

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8 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Sure everyone on here loves the Terrace, I do, I think they’re very knowledgeable guys that are not ex pros. However, from time to time, sometimes a lot of the time, you must think some of their opinions are a load of shite?

No one will ever 100 percent agree with somebody else’s opinions when it comes to footbahuhll.

When you hear the same guys over and over and over you’re obviously going to strongly disagree or strongly agree with some of the things they are saying.

Why a lot of people seem to think the vast majority of pundits and commentators are shite, but will like the one or select few that have similar views to their own and sees things the same way they do.

Ffs Lichtie!     It's not about disagreeing with opinions.

It's perfectly possible to admire and enjoy listening to people you don't share a view with.

It's about requiring pundits to be able to speak with convincing authority.    People like Bonner and Ferguson can't do that, despite having had good playing careers.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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