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Vincent Tan CORRECT In Getting Rid Of Moody And Mackay


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They were talking about this on Talksport and apparently because Mackay had filed for unfair dismissal and was suing Cardiff they are entitled to look for evidence to support their actions.

So why wait until he gets offered another job? Although terrible in isolation it possibly could have been taken out of context completely. Doubtful to be honest but if it was a daft conversation it could be possible?

Various conversations would have to be taken out of context - he offended a pretty wide range - the Chinese, the Koreans, the Jews, fake titted women, independently minded young homos and the blacks.

Not the prods though, because he is typical of the Celtic family and we don't discriminate against those dirty bassas. :)

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Tan's played an absolute blinder here, that e-mail with all the details has clearly been sitting in his drafts in outlook since he punted him. Wait until the last minute before Mackay gets a job and absolutely torpedo him. Tremendous work.


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Looks like Tan's done a perfect number on him and moody. I heard on the radio tonight that when the unfair dismissal claims were withdrawn by Moody and Malky before they issued statements apologizing to Tan (5 or 6 weeks ago?) was when they were told about the messages by Cardiff, i.e. the precursor to withdrawing claim. Machiavellian genius to wait till Moody was installing his mate at Crystal Palace before dropping the bomb on the FA and claiming 'obligation to do so, duty bound guv.' Can't help but think Pulis affair may have been engineering by Moody whom seems to be the main author of these text messages?

Fair do's I say, play with fire you might get burnt; the attitudes on display indicate a atmosphere and temperament belonging to the dark ages. I think I was reading that Cardiff are now withholding some 700K in fees for deals involving these guys. the whole thing reeks of murkiness. Tan is obviously sharper than he was being made out to be.

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Has anyone seen the LMA statement? Apparently it was all just banter.

That's alright then.

Obviously borrowed their speechwriter from Gordon Taylor.

Embarrassing stuff.

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Tan's played an absolute blinder here, that e-mail with all the details has clearly been sitting in his drafts in outlook since he punted him. Wait until the last minute before Mackay gets a job and absolutely torpedo him. Tremendous work.


I think he loses bonus points for not waiting another week, but yeah, overall this is tremendous stuff from Tan.

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There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that away from the media, old 'Arry will definitely have said something along the lines of -

"don't kno wot the faaacking issue is, faaacking political correctness gone mad innit, can't say faaacking anyfing abat Poofs and Dykes and Foreigners and that anymore, eh."

Harry Redknapp is a complete and utter c**t.

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I think he loses bonus points for not waiting another week, but yeah, overall this is tremendous stuff from Tan.

Reckon? I think this is much better. Saves Palace that awkwardness of trying to deal with the shitstorm that it has rightfully become, and has stopped Mackay getting anything near a pay off.

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Reckon? I think this is much better. Saves Palace that awkwardness of trying to deal with the shitstorm that it has rightfully become, .

That's the point though. Cardiff hate Palace after the wrangles last year in the Premiership.

Surely dicking them even further by waiting til they appointed him and he managed for a game would have caused maximum hurt to Palace?

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That Jewish agent on the news last night did look funny, though. How could you not take the piss out him! There were no two pounds of him hanging the right way. He fucking waddled up the mic.

However, "a snake, a gay snake" and the stuff about the jewish guys and the other texts = game over.

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There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that away from the media, old 'Arry will definitely have said something along the lines of -

"don't kno wot the faaacking issue is, faaacking political correctness gone mad innit, can't say faaacking anyfing abat Poofs and Dykes and Foreigners and that anymore, eh."

Harry Redknapp is a complete and utter c**t.

Does Redknapp actually think he's being helpful there?

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That's the point though. Cardiff hate Palace after the wrangles last year in the Premiership.

Surely dicking them even further by waiting til they appointed him and he managed for a game would have caused maximum hurt to Palace?

A very fair point, I was just thinking from my perspective rather than Vinny's.

Outstanding work, nonetheless.

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Not so much on here, but a lot of people seem to be forgetting Moody. You can't blame them for thinking mackay is the only one at fault considering the way it was reported by the Daily Mail.

Not really. Ian Moody is, and will remain, a complete irrelevance. Nobody has ever cared who he is or what he has done.

Malkay was a public figure, of course he's going to get brunt of this even though it appears he sent far fewer of the offensive texts. Doing it on a company mobile phone is the height of idiocy though. Now with work communications via lync if you say anything stupid you could be in line for dismissal - it's natural selection for people with no media control.

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Let's be honest, he'll serve the standard football penance for this, a couple of years out of work, then slowly reintroduced back into the public. Goals on Sunday on Sky is usually a good bet for that, then after another 6 months or so, back in work and all forgotten about.

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