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The BT arguments that match 100yo anti-suffrage ones.

Casual Bystander

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So, this popped up on Imgur...


It's a pamphlet handed out to campaign against the suffrage campaign (allowing women the vote). Considering all the stooshie about #patronisingBTLady it's funny to see how the arguments against giving women the vote are broadly similar to the arguments being put forward by Bitter Together.

Let's have a look at them:

1) Most don't want it or don't care.

- BT has been at pains to tell us the majority of Scots don't want independence, or that there isn't a desire for it.

2) Because it will mean competition rather than co-operation.

- This is the "A small country can't compete as well as a large one like the UK" line.

3) Voting won't change anything.

- The "nothing will change, why do you need independence" argument.

4) The costs won't match the benefits.

- Ah, costs, costs, costs... and of course for no benefit.

5) Allowing women to vote will mean you will have women in power.

- If you vote SNP you are going to be stuck with an SNP government forever.

6) Things are already great, why risk it?

- Well it's not as if we haven't heard that is it?

Funny how the arguments of hate don't change over the years, not a one for one of course but then after a century the spin does need a little tweaking.

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I clicked it, it did nothing, it's just a bit of text.

Still, back onto the subject, I find it not surprising in the slightest that the same arguments put forward to stop women having the vote 100 years ago is the same sort of fear and doom mongering that is going on now from the Bitter campaign.

Hope over hate.

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I clicked it, it did nothing, it's just a bit of text.

Still, back onto the subject, I find it not surprising in the slightest that the same arguments put forward to stop women having the vote 100 years ago is the same sort of fear and doom mongering that is going on now from the Bitter campaign.

Hope over hate.

Just a slight flaw in your argument dear boy.

Suffragettes had no vote.

Scots have a vote.

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