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The Arbroath Thread

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17 hours ago, AFC360PUNK1320 said:

In any level of football that is SHOCKING stats.

I agree McIntyre came into a hard job given the way DC left and the injuries but he has had a window to sign players and been backed by the AFC Board (who i think for 90% has done a great job on and off the Gayfield pitch for the last 7/8 years) he has brought in at least 10 new players and i would go as far to say we are in a worse position now than when he took over and there is far more dismay in the Red Lichtie support than at the end of the DC era.

We 100% need a new fresh Manager in to boost the AFC support and to keep our loyal established players and the AFC Board must see that if we do not do this then AFC as a club will lose a lot of finance with a lot of the support not renewing their season tickets (you will always get the older loyal support buying a season ticket every season) but the "newer" AFC fans and younger kids who are used to success plus a Manager they could relate to (i.e. although DC had mistakes he was very charismatic which was good for the fans young and old)  but sadly it is clearly obvious McIntyre is the total opposite with no fan engagement.

For this i would ask Goldie to take charge of the team until the seasons end, i am sure the vast majority of players would be happy with this and the vast majority of the AFC fans including the youngsters who love him as a player and probably been to his coaching classes would as well, if Goldie is interested to take on the job permanent then let him throw his hat in the ring at the end of the season and take it from there, the other thing is if Goldie did get the AFC job i am sure the vast majority of the fans would be happy with consolidation next season (top half of League 1) and he would get a bit of time to find his feet.

I would go as far as to say we need to take a "gamble" even if it cost the club £20-£30k as a "pay-off" for McIntyre as if not we will lose far more than that in season tickets/AFC Corporate and other things that AFC fans fork out for which would be a disaster for the club.    

This is the last i am saying on this subject as i have made my feelings known what i want my club to do (as have loads of other Red Lichtie fans) and i will still support my club through thick and thin regardless who our Manager will be next season but the above is my view on it.


This must be a new world record for the amount of AFC's in 1 post. Thank goodness its the last thing you are saying on this subject.

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Here's an unpopular post.   I find this stream of `sack the manager' invective as tedious and am also not sure it fully reflects fan opinion.   I don't have a strong opinion one way or another on J McIntyre but, unless there has been some breakdown in terms of player relations, would not really mind his continuing for a further spell. I have little faith that change for the sake of change serves any useful purpose and can often be counterproductive.   I laugh at the similar simplistic kneejerk  response when big teams have a few off days .. and we're not a big team

Yes the results record has been appalling but, as others have mentioned, we have endured as horrific season in terms of injuries as I can ever remember.  Our Goals For this season is below average (tho' not that off many others in the league) but it is the defensive record which has killed us - surely directly related to having all four back 4 either out or recovering from injury (ie not fully fit),  Since it is our impressive defensive record which has largely kept us in the Championship, I don't think this catastrophe can be overstated. Having to then juggle with slotting newcomers or midfielders (or returning from injured) into a constantly-changing back four - enforced rather than through choice.    Difficult to know what any other manager would have been able to achieve under similar circumstances (and that applies to AN Other).

Surely following Arbroath should be character-building, accepting the rough (this and last season, late 1970s-90s) with the smooth (most of the 2011-12-2-21-22 era) so I find it hard to stomach all this moaning and whingeing because we're on a bad run due almost entirely to exceptional circumstances.  I'd give the current manager at least until December and see how things pan out.

Edited by farflung lichtie
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Looking forward to seeing you utter wankers again next season for the revivial of the lower leagues' only Cat A game.

My prediction: McIntyre will be sacked after a 0-1 home defeat to Stirling Albion in late January in front of barely 600 fans, with Arbroath treading water in 6th / 7th. The appointment after him will be crucial in trying to turn around the club in a positive direction or frankly crashing like a burning shuttlecock straight into the bottom tier. Mr Petrie will once again cold shoulder the siren calls of Mr Christison, who despite being armed with a box of smokies and the promise of a free service for Petrie's car at Keptie Motors, will be sent away with a noisy flea in his ear.

A reminder that all threads next season will probably include the following:

1. both sets of fans to claim that the other's towns are famous for f**k all

2. both sets of fans to claim that the other's town is rife with drug abuse, sex work, unemployment, genetic defects caused by in-breeding, and high rates of illiteracy

3. accusations that the Monday after the game will involve the opposing sets of fans standing in pish-stained leisurewear outside the local Benefits Office;

4. terrible Green Street-style tik toks from the juvenile element cluttering up social media platforms like a virulent yellow starburst of digital acne;

5. Pompous statements from both boards on the deployment of "pyro" by away supports effecting precisely zero change in the deployment of "pyro" by both supports;

6. The picture of that obsese bleached blond galoot in suspiciously green swimming trunks running onto the pitch at Gayfield in 2011, knocking over our terrible Argentinian goalkeeper, being recycled;

7. Montrose fans to roar TIMOTHY FUCKIN CLAYPOLL as Mr Robert Linn is observed through a pair of opera glasses in the directors' box at Gayfield;

8. That picture of Arbroath goalkeeper Hinchliffe being dismissed in our cup tie in 1997, being cheerily waved off by the visiting support, as the Smokies crashed out of the cup at the hands of Lazy Mike McKenzie, being recycled

We've so much to look forward to together, haven't we? Who will win the Tommy Campbell Memorial Quaich over our four games next season?

I wish you a long and bitter marinade in the acid herbs of relegation this summer, and a sackful of cloggers from Berwick, East Stirling and Brechin City to be signed up for your new "squad".




(or maybe we all grew up since we were last in the same league, but somehow I doubt it).



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8 minutes ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

Looking forward to seeing you utter wankers again next season for the revivial of the lower leagues' only Cat A game.

My prediction: McIntyre will be sacked after a 0-1 home defeat to Stirling Albion in late January in front of barely 600 fans, with Arbroath treading water in 6th / 7th. The appointment after him will be crucial in trying to turn around the club in a positive direction or frankly crashing like a burning shuttlecock straight into the bottom tier. Mr Petrie will once again cold shoulder the siren calls of Mr Christison, who despite being armed with a box of smokies and the promise of a free service for Petrie's car at Keptie Motors, will be sent away with a noisy flea in his ear.

A reminder that all threads next season will probably include the following:

1. both sets of fans to claim that the other's towns are famous for f**k all

2. both sets of fans to claim that the other's town is rife with drug abuse, sex work, unemployment, genetic defects caused by in-breeding, and high rates of illiteracy

3. accusations that the Monday after the game will involve the opposing sets of fans standing in pish-stained leisurewear outside the local Benefits Office;

4. terrible Green Street-style tik toks from the juvenile element cluttering up social media platforms like a virulent yellow starburst of digital acne;

5. Pompous statements from both boards on the deployment of "pyro" by away supports effecting precisely zero change in the deployment of "pyro" by both supports;

6. The picture of that obsese bleached blond galoot in suspiciously green swimming trunks running onto the pitch at Gayfield in 2011, knocking over our terrible Argentinian goalkeeper, being recycled;

7. Montrose fans to roar TIMOTHY FUCKIN CLAYPOLL as Mr Robert Linn is observed through a pair of opera glasses in the directors' box at Gayfield;

8. That picture of Arbroath goalkeeper Hinchliffe being dismissed in our cup tie in 1997, being cheerily waved off by the visiting support, as the Smokies crashed out of the cup at the hands of Lazy Mike McKenzie, being recycled

We've so much to look forward to together, haven't we? Who will win the Tommy Campbell Memorial Quaich over our four games next season?

I wish you a long and bitter marinade in the acid herbs of relegation this summer, and a sackful of cloggers from Berwick, East Stirling and Brechin City to be signed up for your new "squad".




(or maybe we all grew up since we were last in the same league, but somehow I doubt it).



f**k off ya c**t.

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Fair play to McIntyre - away to do a fans meeting - with Gold which seems very awkward cause only reason he’s gonna be there or been asked to be there is cause people been shouting his name as future gaffer 


McIntyre gonna be getting the chance then…. Interesting… I feel the only way he truly gets people on his side if extensions are announced for Stewart, McKenna and Gaston - so it shows that without a doubt these guys wanna play for him 

Edited by 1320Lichtie
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5 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Fair play to McIntyre - away to do a fans meeting - with Gold which seems very awkward cause only reason he’s gonna be there or been asked to be there is cause people been shouting his name as future gaffer 


McIntyre gonna be getting the chance then…. Interesting… I feel the only way he truly gets people on his side if extensions are announced for Stewart, McKenna and Gaston - so it shows that without a doubt these guys wanna play for him 

Goldie is there as a peacekeeper 

Edited by lichtie23
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1 minute ago, lichtie23 said:

Goldie is there as a peacemaker. 

I mean it’s obviously been done with the best intentions - but it just doesn’t feel right or like a very good idea at all 😂 




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People have been asking for some fan interaction so can't really complain about it as it has been missing. 

That said it has the potential to turn a bit nasty so will be interesting to see if his plans can change any minds.

Either that or he will be punted and Gold will do the meeting as the new caretaker.

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5 minutes ago, timlichtie said:

Great idea. Just what we’ve been asking for. Hope everyone will attend and clear the air.

Yeah takes baws to do right now too so fair enough. 

I don’t know if I could handle it, you just know it’ll end up extremely cringeworthy at times 

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Spirits will clearly be high after our relegation is confirmed. The more I think about it, the more this doesn’t seem like a good idea. It’s also got potential for supporters to turn on each other. The ultra positive sort that think everything at the club is brilliant won’t like the criticism being fired at the manager 

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Shouldn’t this kind of thing have been done weeks ago to try and get the fans on board, when we actually still had a chance of survival?

Shut the stable door once the horse has bolted.

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24 minutes ago, Hammerafc said:


Either that or he will be punted and Gold will do the meeting as the new caretaker.

Anyone else thinking........nah surely not 🤔

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