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I am planning on having a small house party on the 18th September whilst our votes are counted with Scottish food, drink, decor etc. Does anyone know of or have any good party games we can play? I have seen that there were drinking games for the debate shows, maybe one could be created for the result show but it would also be good to have some games before this as it doesn't start until after 10pm. I'm considering pin the sporren on the kilt/Scotsman also thought about a Scotch Egg hunt. What else?

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Labour Party (Scotland Branch) Bingo

Everyone buys a card of phrases that the likes of Jolo and Maggie Curran are bound to say through the night, and cross off as the night goes on.

Obviously you can make your own up, but some examples could be

"We don't know about currency"

"I've been out today and the voters are saying no to the SNP's plans"

"The Labour vote will hold for no"

"Set up costs"

"I'm confident no will win"

"Separation is bad"

"300 Years"

and so on...

Other games could include :

pin the tail on the George Galloway

Guess Alex Salmond's weight

First politician to have a breakdown live on air sweepstake

The Lanarkashire vote count challenge. Closest guess to the Yes vote in the two Lanarkashires wins a bottle of Buckie

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A shot of the alcoholic variety every time a politician from the failed statelet uses the word situation is one I've heard of people doing in years gone by. Can't think of a word that gets overused in a Scottish context with predictable regularity that would work like that. How about choosing a side and taking a drink every time a local council declares a majority for them?

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How about choosing a side and taking a drink every time a local council declares a majority for them?

Results aren't due to start coming in until 2am, which is a little late to start a drinking game if you're not in Ibiza.

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