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NUS Scotland representatives in unanimous support for Yes!

Casual Bystander

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NUS president Gordon Maloney, vice president Robert Foster and women’s officer Vonnie Sandlan have all declared for Yes.

Mr Maloney said: “What’s clinched it for me is looking at who’s lining up to tell us we’re too stupid and uppity to manage it. When oil execs and big bankers make pathetic threats, I have no doubt which side I’m on. I believe an independent Scotland can deliver a better future"

Mr Foster said: “I haven’t taken the decision to vote Yes lightly, but it is a decision that feels completely comfortable to me and it feels right for my country. I believe an independent Scotland can deliver a better future for my family and my four-year-old son.”

Ms Sandlan said: “With four young children to think of, I have not taken this decision lightly.

“All of the political issues which are close to my heart are being best addressed in the vision set out by those campaigning for a Yes vote: treating immigrants with respect, prioritising funded accessible childcare, guaranteeing free fair and funded further & higher education, removing Trident from Scotland, investing in renewable energy and making Scotland the best place in the world to grow up to name but a few.”


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