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The Last BBC Scotland "Big Debate" Programme (20:00 - BBC1)

Casual Bystander

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This has been badly sidetracked into questions of bias rather than talking about the actual issues we're going to be voting on

That's what the last few days will be though. Both sides scrambling for points scoring exercises and even more bickering, it becomes desperate.

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Who's responsible for these panels? Do the BBC approach people or do the sides nominate? If the Yes campaign have nominated Rab's wife they have dropped the ball. Someone like Humza Yousef or another heavy hitter would have made a difference. Yes are taking a bit of a doing here, which is something I hate saying.

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That's what the last few days will be though. Both sides scrambling for points scoring exercises and even more bickering, it becomes desperate.

Agreed. We've had these arguments now for over two years. If I hear one more time 'but we don't even know what currency we will use' I think I'm going to lose it.

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Not watching it as I have debate fatigue but the responses are not encouraging. Yes need to get back out on the streets. Towns villages and cities and get the message across there. Think we have done enough TV debates don't want to start losing momentum with shit TV displays.

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stumigoo, on 14 Sept 2014 - 20:48, said:

The problem is that Hosie has nobody to play off with, he is having to field all the serious stuff himself due to Elaine being totally shit. He is getting angry and annoyed but is coming across like a bit of an arse.

That's the Yes Campaign's fault though. They put their people forward.

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That's the Yes Campaign's fault though. They put their people forward.

Yep, got to agree sadly, whoever put these two forward need their head examined..AS needs to get his finger out and get the campaign back on track tomorrow and try to limit the damage this has done

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Gave this one a miss too because I'm getting bored of these now. Going by the reaction here, I'm glad I did. The most irritating thing for me, is seeing Yes people argue the case badly.

Only hope is that this didn't get as much build up as the Hydro one and hopefully BT's awful performance there has negated this tonight or worse.

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