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Which P & B yes voter is the most seething?


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I'm going to put it out there that Alex Salmond has probably had more success in life than some Walter Mitty Rangers fan who can't even pull off a lie about the incredible achievement of being in Spain.


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I'm going to put it out there that Alex Salmond has probably had more success in life than some Walter Mitty Rangers fan who can't even pull off a lie about the incredible achievement of being in Spain.

Aye well done, keep it going mate and get back to your own life! Is it a bit shit ? then its up to you to change it, not anyone else!

This forum is full of the seethe and not healthy at all, enjoyed it at first, but just shows what a spiteful division we have created, its time to move on now!

See yas!

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I'm going to put it out there that Alex Salmond has probably had more success in life than some Walter Mitty Rangers fan who can't even pull off a lie about the incredible achievement of being in Spain.

Will ye? Aye?

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What the f*ck is that supposed to mean? Another f*cker who expects other people to work hard, and just chuck their hard earned wages into an empty pot perhaps!?

I really thought that after the result on Thurs/Fri that it might get us going again, No chance! We have a country that is divided by those who want to give it a go and those who will just sit and snipe from the sidelines!


Plenty of yes voters are going to 'give it a go' like never before.

They're giving their all to make this country fairer, helping those less fortunate, and rebuilding the broken communities (broken by decades of neoliberal wm governments).

We didn't all buy into this thatcherite mantra of help yourself. Work hard and you might have a holiday home in Spain? Nah f**k that.

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Plenty of yes voters are going to 'give it a go' like never before.

They're giving their all to make this country fairer, helping those less fortunate, and rebuilding the broken communities (broken by decades of neoliberal wm governments).

We didn't all buy into this thatcherite mantra of help yourself. Work hard and you might have a holiday home in Spain? Nah f**k that.

Time will tell. Talk is cheap and we ll see how many making these claims actually get off their arse and make good on them.

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Plenty of yes voters are going to 'give it a go' like never before.

They're giving their all to make this country fairer, helping those less fortunate, and rebuilding the broken communities (broken by decades of neoliberal wm governments).

We didn't all buy into this thatcherite mantra of help yourself. Work hard and you might have a holiday home in Spain? Nah f**k that.

I just looked out the window. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and people seem to be happily going about there business. Doesn't seem to be broken to me. Only upset is that I don't have a holiday home in Portugal. Would I have been given one if I voted yes?
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I just looked out the window. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and people seem to be happily going about there business. Doesn't seem to be broken to me. Only upset is that I don't have a holiday home in Portugal. Would I have been given one if I voted yes?

What's in it for me? The mantra of the No voter.

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What's in it for me? The mantra of the No voter.

Whats in it for me is whatever I make of it. Not asking for any help from anyone. Its down to me to take care of my own family. I'm a contributor to society. I pay my taxes, a lot of which will provide a social security safety net for people that are struggling to get jobs. A lot of it will pay for the NHS which I don't use very often but realise the importance of as I'll probably need it more as I get older. If tax was raised a bit because there wasn't enough money in that particular pot to help people that need help then so be it. What i have left after that I've earned so can spend how i like. Not buying into any socialist utopia. Go ask the people of Eastern Europe how well socialism worked for them.
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Whats in it for me is whatever I make of it. Not asking for any help from anyone. Its down to me to take care of my own family. I'm a contributor to society. I pay my taxes, a lot of which will provide a social security safety net for people that are struggling to get jobs. A lot of it will pay for the NHS which I don't use very often but realise the importance of as I'll probably need it more as I get older. If tax was raised a bit because there wasn't enough money in that particular pot to help people that need help then so be it. What i have left after that I've earned so can spend how i like. Not buying into any socialist utopia. Go ask the people of Eastern Europe how well socialism worked for them.

I do agree with most of what you're saying except the stuff about Eastern Europe. Scotland isn't emerging from decades of Soviet domination, or looking to become a communist nation.

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It's seems like quite a few of the Yes posters on here who have disappeared were really just part of the campaign. Probably sent here from organised meetings or separatist forums to spread propaganda. They wouldn't know a football if it smacked them in the face. I'd assume this was the same for the Facebook pages like 'Berwick Rangers fans for Scottish independence'. It was never a Berwick fan.

It would be interesting to find out how many people these plants influenced.

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Whats in it for me is whatever I make of it. Not asking for any help from anyone. Its down to me to take care of my own family. I'm a contributor to society. I pay my taxes, a lot of which will provide a social security safety net for people that are struggling to get jobs. A lot of it will pay for the NHS which I don't use very often but realise the importance of as I'll probably need it more as I get older. If tax was raised a bit because there wasn't enough money in that particular pot to help people that need help then so be it. What i have left after that I've earned so can spend how i like. Not buying into any socialist utopia. Go ask the people of Eastern Europe how well socialism worked for them.

And how is this any different regardless of how the vote went on Thursday? I think many Yes voters share this view.

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It's seems like quite a few of the Yes posters on here who have disappeared were really just part of the campaign. Probably sent here from organised meetings or separatist forums to spread propaganda. They wouldn't know a football if it smacked them in the face. I'd assume this was the same for the Facebook pages like 'Berwick Rangers fans for Scottish independence'. It was never a Berwick fan.

It would be interesting to find out how many people these plants influenced.

Who's dissapeared likes? as far as I can see the regular posters are all still here, who are you talking about in particular?

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It's seems like quite a few of the Yes posters on here who have disappeared were really just part of the campaign. Probably sent here from organised meetings or separatist forums to spread propaganda. They wouldn't know a football if it smacked them in the face. I'd assume this was the same for the Facebook pages like 'Berwick Rangers fans for Scottish independence'. It was never a Berwick fan.

It would be interesting to find out how many people these plants influenced.

Not quite as many as the No voters who showed up after the Youguv pole. Amazing how many of them happened to be from outside of Scotland as well.

"I just typed Scottish Independence into google and it took me here" was a common theme

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Not quite as many as the No voters who showed up after the Youguv pole. Amazing how many of them happened to be from outside of Scotland as well.

"I just typed Scottish Independence into google and it took me here" was a common theme

Maybe, although I don't think they were actively trying get people onside, more they were just trolling and trying to wind people up.
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What the f*ck is that supposed to mean? Another f*cker who expects other people to work hard, and just chuck their hard earned wages into an empty pot perhaps!?

I really thought that after the result on Thurs/Fri that it might get us going again, No chance! We have a country that is divided by those who want to give it a go and those who will just sit and snipe from the sidelines!

It was a fucking joke in reply to your pathetic 'I've worked hard for this shit' nonsense.

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