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General Election 2015


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You reckon?

I also know for a fact they despise the nationalists even more now.Don't be expecting the old shire tories to be lending votes to the SNP ever again after the fiasco of the past two years.

Not to worry. Margaret Curran has got it into her head that a tour of Scotland with Johann Lamont is exactly what's required to get the troops back onside, because Everyone Loves Millibland has decreed that Scotland must be held at all costs.

A few months of the doily set getting regular coverage of two prime examples of the sort of scheme goblins they wouldn't trust to be scanning their shopping at M&S - with the tart reminder they will be the future Scottish Secretary at Westminster & First Minister at Holyrood respectively should Labour succeed - will put matters sharply into perspective that they will just have to regard the SNP as by far the lesser of two evils until Jacob Rees Mogg becomes prime minister and householders are granted the right to shoot to kill anyone stepping onto their property and not wearing a tie.

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Not to worry. Margaret Curran has got it into her head that a tour of Scotland with Johann Lamont is exactly what's required to get the troops back onside, because Everyone Loves Millibland has decreed that Scotland must be held at all costs.

A few months of the doily set getting regular coverage of two prime examples of the sort of scheme goblins they wouldn't trust to be scanning their shopping at M&S - with the tart reminder they will be the future Scottish Secretary at Westminster & First Minister at Holyrood respectively should Labour succeed - will put matters sharply into perspective that they will just have to regard the SNP as by far the lesser of two evils until Jacob Rees Mogg becomes prime minister and householders are granted the right to shoot to kill anyone stepping onto their property and not wearing a tie.

Ive got next to no interest in what Labour are up to in Scotland. They are c***s just as the SNP are c***s. Labour will still absolutely romp the GE up here all the same.

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SNP - 1/20

Conservatives - 10/1

Labour - 20/1

Liberal Democrats - 100/1

UKIP - 100/1

Banff & Buchan

SNP - 1/16

Conservatives - 10/1

Labour - 20/1

Liberal Democrats - 100/1

UKIP - 100/1

Dundee East:

SNP - 1/12

Labour - 6/1

Conservatives - 100/1

Liberal Democrats - 100/1

UKIP - 100/1


SNP - 1/16

Conservatives - 10/1

Labour - 20/1

Liberal Democrats - 100/1

UKIP - 100/1

Na h-Eileanan an Iar:

SNP - 1/5

Labour - 7/2

Conservatives - 50/1

Liberal Democrats - 50/1

UKIP - 100/1

Perth & North Perthshire:

SNP - 1/16

Conservatives - 10/1

Labour - 16/1

Liberal Democrats - 100/1

UKIP - 100/1

I think it's fair to say the SNP won't be losing any seats. Indeed, their odds have shortened in the past week with their nearest challengers drifting.

They are 8/11 to get more than ten seats and are just 7/4 to win between 11 and 15. I'd be surprised if their campaign message wasn't along the lines of "only we will hold the Westminster parties to account over new powers". This likely could be the most successful general election in the SNP's history.

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SNP - 1/20

Conservatives - 10/1

Labour - 20/1

Liberal Democrats - 100/1

UKIP - 100/1

Banff & Buchan

SNP - 1/16

Conservatives - 10/1

Labour - 20/1

Liberal Democrats - 100/1

UKIP - 100/1

Dundee East:

SNP - 1/12

Labour - 6/1

Conservatives - 100/1

Liberal Democrats - 100/1

UKIP - 100/1


SNP - 1/16

Conservatives - 10/1

Labour - 20/1

Liberal Democrats - 100/1

UKIP - 100/1

Na h-Eileanan an Iar:

SNP - 1/5

Labour - 7/2

Conservatives - 50/1

Liberal Democrats - 50/1

UKIP - 100/1

Perth & North Perthshire:

SNP - 1/16

Conservatives - 10/1

Labour - 16/1

Liberal Democrats - 100/1

UKIP - 100/1

I think it's fair to say the SNP won't be losing any seats. Indeed, their odds have shortened in the past week with their nearest challengers drifting.

They are 8/11 to get more than ten seats and are just 7/4 to win between 11 and 15. I'd be surprised if their campaign message wasn't along the lines of "only we will hold the Westminster parties to account over new powers". This likely could be the most successful general election in the SNP's history.

Which seats do you reckon they will win?

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On my phone so can't check myself, what's the odds for Dundee West?

Labour are 2/5, the SNP are 7/4.

At the very least Labour's majority there will be decimated.

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Which seats do you reckon they will win?

The Lib Dems won 11 seats at the last General Election in Scotland, so most of those will change hands. I reckon the Tories take Michael Moore's seat in Berwickshire and also West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine where they're a few thousand behind. Jo Swinson's seat in East Dumbartonshire is doomed, it'll go Labour. Gordon goes SNP for sure, Argyll and Bute is a 4 way marginal and both SNP and Labour have a shot but SNP are definitely the most likely here. Alexander has a decent lead in Inverness but he's despised and that will probably go SNP. Edinburgh West I'm not sure about, Labour and Tories both have a shot here. SNP have a shot a Caithness but the Lib Dems will probably just hold it.

Essentially, the Lib Dems will be cut down to Orkney and Shetland, Menzies Campbell's seat in Fife and Charlie Kennedy's seat with maybe Caithness as well.

I also think the SNP take Dundee West, Falkirk and Ochil and South Perthshire from Labour for definite. They've got a shot at some of the Labour seats in the West as well, while I think there's a good chance the Tories get Dumfries and Galloway from Labour.

SNP will probably double their number of seats at least IMO.

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Labour are 2/5, the SNP are 7/4.

At the very least Labour's majority there will be decimated.

That's the problem in Dundee West. For years upon years we had one of the best Labour politicians around a guy that wanted to serve the people first and foremost. Now we have the absolutely useless and incompetent Jim McGovern who's just been living on easy street with a massive majority purely because of his predecessors impressive work for the past 10 or so years.

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Indy-ref 'losers' onto a win-win:


If there is going to be disagreement in England over the terms of the constitution, it will be over what is to be discussed. Defining the scope is likely to lead to serious disagreement. In Ireland this was quite broad, probably more so than would be generally acceptable in England. Disagreement over this seems likely, all of which risks undermining the process.

And that risk, above all, is what puts Salmond and Sturgeon in such a strong position. They have always known that independence is a long game – any kind of constitutional change is, as the Lords reform battle shows. What their referendum has started is a slow-burning revolution, a chain of events which started on September 18th and ultimately makes Scottish independence much more likely.

As to Labour, they won't appear more 'socialist' by getting into bed with the Orange Order. This is their MP for Livingston:


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That's the problem in Dundee West. For years upon years we had one of the best Labour politicians around a guy that wanted to serve the people first and foremost. Now we have the absolutely useless and incompetent Jim McGovern who's just been living on easy street with a massive majority purely because of his predecessors impressive work for the past 10 or so years.

And Hosie, who is an utter imbecile.

Dundee basically elects morons. That says quite a lot about Dundonians really. No wonder its a poverty stricken soviet bloc style shitehole.

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That's the problem in Dundee West. For years upon years we had one of the best Labour politicians around a guy that wanted to serve the people first and foremost. Now we have the absolutely useless and incompetent Jim McGovern who's just been living on easy street with a massive majority purely because of his predecessors impressive work for the past 10 or so years.

Dundeh is a c**t of a place.You don't have to look further that George Galloway.

What a c**t of a man and a deeply depressed city.

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And Hosie, who is an utter imbecile.

Dundee basically elects morons. That says quite a lot about Dundonians really. No wonder its a poverty stricken soviet bloc style shitehole.

You're from Paisley aren't you?!

Anyways, Hosie's a decent guy in my experiences with him. Certainly doesn't transfer well over to TV though when he came across as a smug twat.

Regarding Galloway, up until the point before he done Big Brother, I couldn't have said a truly bad word about him. Since then he's just went batshit mental. He might be from Dundee, but he does his beat to pretend to be Glaswegian.

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You're from Paisley aren't you?!

Anyways, Hosie's a decent guy in my experiences with him. Certainly doesn't transfer well over to TV though when he came across as a smug twat.

Regarding Galloway, up until the point before he done Big Brother, I couldn't have said a truly bad word about him. Since then he's just went batshit mental. He might be from Dundee, but he does his beat to pretend to be Glaswegian.


He's totally thick

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^^^^Never been to Dundee, comes from a shithole.

Just a guess.

My bro in law studied medicine there. Its an utter shtehole of a city. Been up often when he was a student.

An absolute dump, filled with toothless locals gibbering away in some unintelligible local dialect.

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So why do you support St Mirren if you're not from Paisley?

It's not exactly a lifestyle choice.

He was feart of the tweet tweet brigade at Somerset.

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