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General Election 2015


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A lot of people will be voting SNP but don't want Scotland to be Independent. I think some have come to conclusion that it's the best way to get Scotland's voice heard. Lets face it too, if Labour do end up in power, they'll probably need someone to hold their hand.

I am one of those.........we never had my prefered option of Devo Max to vote on.

The excitable SNP members on here must take this in.

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I am one of those.........we never had my prefered option of Devo Max to vote on.

The excitable SNP members on here must take this in.

I cannot see the logic in Devo Max. What benefit does this have for Scotland? I can see the benefits of all the policy areas that would become devolved however my question is which of the remaining powers that would be in Westminster are so significant that we cannot be empowered with them?

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I cannot see the logic in Devo Max. What benefit does this have for Scotland? I can see the benefits of all the policy areas that would become devolved however my question is which of the remaining powers that would be in Westminster are so significant that we cannot be empowered with them?

None of them, you can make the odd practical argument about things like collective defence - but such things could easily be dealt with by bilateral treaty rather than constitutional union.

The form of Indy being touted by Yes six months ago was essentialy Devo max plus plus. It sought to head off the major roadblock that a lot of folk had - namely an emotional attatchment to the status quo.

For Yes voters Devo Max is a good thing though, as it allows the evolution of the indy idea in people's heads, by disentangling ourselves from the British state one institution at a time, you allow folk to get comfortable with the more radical idea of doing things for ourselves.

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In order to make a point you must make a rational argument or provide evidence of your veracity. You have done neither.

I am simply stating that if he behaved in an politics seminar at uni like he did on here he would be laughed out the room. If he behaved differently at this world class uni, then fine.
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I am one of those.........we never had my prefered option of Devo Max to vote on.

The excitable SNP members on here must take this in.

You have Mr Cameron to thank for that. He gambled by removing it and won...unfortunately from my point of view, although ultimately he will end up losing.

I don't understand your point though. Are you suggesting that no one in the SNP understands that a percentage of SNP voters don't want independence? I think it's about 10-15%. There are Tory voters who voted Yes in the referendum.

If people like yourself want Scotland to have a strong voice then you are voting correctly, as they are the only ones who will at Westminster.

Voting for the party that best suits your needs at an election and a single issue referendum are two completely different things.

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I cannot see the logic in Devo Max. What benefit does this have for Scotland? I can see the benefits of all the policy areas that would become devolved however my question is which of the remaining powers that would be in Westminster are so significant that we cannot be empowered with them?

Defence and foreign affairs.

Having said that, I've long since accepted that Scotland will be independent by 2030 at the latest

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You have Mr Cameron to thank for that. He gambled by removing it and won...unfortunately from my point of view, although ultimately he will end up losing.

I don't understand your point though. Are you suggesting that no one in the SNP understands that a percentage of SNP voters don't want independence? I think it's about 10-15%. There are Tory voters who voted Yes in the referendum.

If people like yourself want Scotland to have a strong voice then you are voting correctly, as they are the only ones who will at Westminster.

Voting for the party that best suits your needs at an election and a single issue referendum are two completely different things.

This GE is more or less an independence referendum all over again but with the "No" vote splintered. Recent polling suggests 90% of those who intend to vote SNP voted Yes and 90% of those who intend to vote LAB/LIB/CON voted No.

Wouldn't be surprised at all if the SNP end up getting high 30's/low 40's percentage points and the 3 unionist parties combined take around half the vote.

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I am simply stating that if he behaved in an politics seminar at uni like he did on here he would be laughed out the room. If he behaved differently at this world class uni, then fine.

I am stating you are a liar and a troll and if you behaved at any uni like you do on here - spouting utter shite, refusing to explain or justify it, attacking those who request you justify your position - you really would be laughed out of the room. You're a wee trolling Labour Britnat. Everyone sees it now.

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Quite a handy site, this: https://yougov.co.uk/#/centre

Interestingly I see that YouGov are saying that if an election was held now, Labour would have 285 and Tories 261, but they're actually predicting Tories 297 and Labour 262. SNP also drop from 52 seats if an election was today, to a predicted 35 seats they'll win.

Hypothetically, if their forecast was correct, Tories would be on 297 and Lib Dems on 30 = 327 seats, which would give them a minor majority if they went into another coalition.

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This GE is more or less an independence referendum all over again but with the "No" vote splintered. Recent polling suggests 90% of those who intend to vote SNP voted Yes and 90% of those who intend to vote LAB/LIB/CON voted No.

Wouldn't be surprised at all if the SNP end up getting high 30's/low 40's percentage points and the 3 unionist parties combined take around half the vote.

To an extent yes, but I don't see it like that. If the SNP get the required seats then regardless of who eventually forms the government it will be another step on the road to the ultimate goal.

You also have to factor in the inevitable lower turnout. I am sure many independence voters will go back to their default position of why vote because it won't make a difference.

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This GE is more or less an independence referendum all over again but with the "No" vote splintered. Recent polling suggests 90% of those who intend to vote SNP voted Yes and 90% of those who intend to vote LAB/LIB/CON voted No.

Wouldn't be surprised at all if the SNP end up getting high 30's/low 40's percentage points and the 3 unionist parties combined take around half the vote.

Agree with this - I think that's why the SNP are likely gain quite a lot of seats, or indeed ground, in every Scottish seat. The exception will probably be Orkney and Shetland to an extent. The Tories will get around 18% of the overall vote I'd think, which means labour have to take the rest of the nos just to have a chance of keeping up with those who are voting for the SNP. Unless the tactical voting angle gets more legs, and why would that resonate with Tory voters when it's their party who stand to lose most with labour having more seats, then the SNP are looking good.

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To an extent yes, but I don't see it like that. If the SNP get the required seats then regardless of who eventually forms the government it will be another step on the road to the ultimate goal.

You also have to factor in the inevitable lower turnout. I am sure many independence voters will go back to their default position of why vote because it won't make a difference.

I think the yes vote will hold stronger than the no in this election to be honest. The memory of defeat is still very fresh and they'll want to give the unionist parties a kicking.

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I think the yes vote will hold stronger than the no in this election to be honest. The memory of defeat is still very fresh and they'll want to give the unionist parties a kicking.

Up to now, yes. The danger is that voters will be sucked in to the Labour v Tory argument that will play on the airwaves for more than a month. By then, the referendum will seem distant.

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Quite a handy site, this: https://yougov.co.uk/#/centre

Interestingly I see that YouGov are saying that if an election was held now, Labour would have 285 and Tories 261, but they're actually predicting Tories 297 and Labour 262. SNP also drop from 52 seats if an election was today, to a predicted 35 seats they'll win.

Hypothetically, if their forecast was correct, Tories would be on 297 and Lib Dems on 30 = 327 seats, which would give them a minor majority if they went into another coalition.

Given they expect Labour to do better in Scotland on the day than the current forecast, that's a hell of a swing they are predicting in England.

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You also have to factor in the inevitable lower turnout. I am sure many independence voters will go back to their default position of why vote because it won't make a difference.

That's certainly true. I hadn't voted in years before the referendum and I'm only voting in this election because of a visceral hunger to help give Unionist parties a sound kicking.

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Six months on old habits die hard

Ian Davidson @IanDavidson4MP · Mar 29

A big thanks to comrades from @LYTUNetwork for travelling to Scotland this weekend from across the UK to campaign for myself & @KatyClarkMP

· Mar 28


It would appear as well that Glasgow City Council have cancelled all committee meetings until after the election, as the councillors are effectively the only activists Labour has these days.

A complete disregard for the people of Glasgow. Come 2017 I hope this is remembered by the voters.

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Six months on old habits die hard

Ian Davidson @IanDavidson4MP · Mar 29

A big thanks to comrades from @LYTUNetwork for travelling to Scotland this weekend from across the UK to campaign for myself & @KatyClarkMP

· Mar 28

Huge @unionstogether turnout for @KatyClarkMP in North Ayrshire and Arran #ReelectKaty #solidarity #labourdoorstep pic.twitter.com/N85XPT8kWK

LYTU Network, Unite the union and GMB Politics


It would appear as well that Glasgow City Council have cancelled all committee meetings until after the election, as the councillors are effectively the only activists Labour has these days.

A complete disregard for the people of Glasgow. Come 2017 I hope this is remembered by the voters.

So, when Katy Clark isn't exploiting her staff on zero hour contracts she's reduced to keen "volunteers" from Solihull or wherever to help keep her snout in the trough.

Get her tae f**k.

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Up to now, yes. The danger is that voters will be sucked in to the Labour v Tory argument that will play on the airwaves for more than a month. By then, the referendum will seem distant.

Do you really think so? Speaking to most people who voted yes, they seem set on voting SNP. Even a lot of people who voted no seem to be leaning that way too. I'm not sure the scare tactics will work so easily in Scotland - it's all a bit tame after the ARMAGEDDON shite we were subjected to during the indyref campaign.

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In saying that, it does seem to be working down South where the UKIP vote is beginning to fall. I think it will happen in a lesser way up here. Remember in 2010 Gordon Brown was a very popular Labour leader in Scotland, Miliband not so much.

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