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General Election 2015


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the Scottish referendum is any guide to future behaviours, we’d expect Mrs Sturgeon to flatten her opponents. Her demolition of the Lib Dem Scottish Secretary, Alistair Carmichael, in that campaign has passed into SNP folklore. (Her opponent was decent, and gentlemanly. Ms Sturgeon used this against him.)


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the Scottish referendum is any guide to future behaviours, we’d expect Mrs Sturgeon to flatten her opponents. Her demolition of the Lib Dem Scottish Secretary, Alistair Carmichael, in that campaign has passed into SNP folklore. (Her opponent was decent, and gentlemanly. Ms Sturgeon used this against him.)


FFS, they can't even get her name right. She's not "Mrs Sturgeon".

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the Scottish referendum is any guide to future behaviours, we’d expect Mrs Sturgeon to flatten her opponents. Her demolition of the Lib Dem Scottish Secretary, Alistair Carmichael, in that campaign has passed into SNP folklore. (Her opponent was decent, and gentlemanly. Ms Sturgeon used this against him.)



I've literally just finished reading that article. The headline is glorious. Alan Cochrane must be absolutely shitting himself. The Telegraph however is pretty much preaching to the converted.

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Defence and foreign affairs.

Having said that, I've long since accepted that Scotland will be independent by 2030 at the latest

That doesn't actually answer my question. Why can Scotland not be empowered to control our own defense and foreign affairs?

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That doesn't actually answer my question. Why can Scotland not be empowered to control our own defense and foreign affairs?

I personally want to see devo max for all 4 nations with WM being retained ONLY for defence and foreign affairs.

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the Scottish referendum is any guide to future behaviours, we’d expect Mrs Sturgeon to flatten her opponents. Her demolition of the Lib Dem Scottish Secretary, Alistair Carmichael, in that campaign has passed into SNP folklore. (Her opponent was decent, and gentlemanly. Ms Sturgeon used this against him.)


Mr Graeme Archer is a seething nonentity. I can't help but feel there is a wee bit of personal jealousy here.

Can't see there being many Telegraph readers amongst likely SNP voters or possible SNP voters.

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I personally want to see devo max for all 4 nations with WM being retained ONLY for defence and foreign affairs.

Which is an opinion that you have a right to and one which no-one is denying you.

Can you justify why we, as a nation, cannot look after these two policy areas ourselves?

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So, when Katy Clark isn't exploiting her staff on zero hour contracts she's reduced to keen "volunteers" from Solihull or wherever to help keep her snout in the trough.

Get her tae f**k.

I guess the SNP don't use volunteers then?

Anyway, I recognise a couple of people in that photo and they are Glasgow uni students. Glasgow Uni Labour Club are basically a huge Katy Clark love in club, don't think they got over Jim and Kez storming to victory in the leadership contest.

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the Scottish referendum is any guide to future behaviours, we’d expect Mrs Sturgeon to flatten her opponents. Her demolition of the Lib Dem Scottish Secretary, Alistair Carmichael, in that campaign has passed into SNP folklore. (Her opponent was decent, and gentlemanly. Ms Sturgeon used this against him.)


Gentlemanly? He was nothing of the sort. Reason they replaced Moore with him is because they thought Moore wasn't enough of a pit-bull. Sturgeon got the better of him because she's a far better politician than he is, nothing more to it than that.

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Gentlemanly? He was nothing of the sort. Reason they replaced Moore with him is because they thought Moore wasn't enough of a pit-bull. Sturgeon got the better of him because she's a far better politician than he is, nothing more to it than that.

No shame in being bested by Sturgeon in fairness. She's probably one of the best in the UK, particularly in that situation.

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Which is an opinion that you have a right to and one which no-one is denying you.

Can you justify why we, as a nation, cannot look after these two policy areas ourselves?

...plus - why pay MP's salaries/running costs for Westminster/House of Lords when the bulk of political decisions are taken in devolved parliaments? Why not just let Westminster + Holyrood, independent of each other, come to mutual agreements on defense/foreign policy? If you're going to go the "devolution on everything bar defence and foreign policy" route then tbh it's just a baby step forward to go for "devolution on everything".

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Protester who forced Iain Gray to take refuge in a sandwich shop causes new commotion after being denied entry to Ed Balls' Glasgow event


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Look at this utter clown

I've been assaulted blah blah blah.


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Protester who forced Iain Gray to take refuge in a sandwich shop causes new commotion after being denied entry to Ed Balls' Glasgow event


Shared by the Scottish Daily Record App

iOS: http://ads-5.com/sdr/ios/

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Look at this utter clown

I've been assaulted blah blah blah.


Daily Record in anti nats shocker!!

What next? Fire? The wheel?

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I voted yes but I intend to vote for Labour in May. I've never been convinced that the SNP conversion to social democratic politics was genuine.

Would like to see them make more of a positive case for why others should too. Yes the thought of another 4 years of Tory misrule is horrifying but they have some genuinely progressive policies that if they got an airing, could appeal to a broad section of society. On tax their proposals for a top 50p rate, a bankers bonus tax, a mansion tax, the reintroduction of the 10p rate as well as ruling out a rise to VAT/NI or a cut in corporation tax sets them apart.

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I voted yes but I intend to vote for Labour in May. I've never been convinced that the SNP conversion to social democratic politics was genuine.

Would like to see them make more of a positive case for why others should too. Yes the thought of another 4 years of Tory misrule is horrifying but they have some genuinely progressive policies that if they got an airing, could appeal to a broad section of society. On tax their proposals for a top 50p rate, a bankers bonus tax, a mansion tax, the reintroduction of the 10p rate as well as ruling out a rise to VAT/NI or a cut in corporation tax sets them apart.

Hiya pal


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I voted yes but I intend to vote for Labour in May. I've never been convinced that the SNP conversion to social democratic politics was genuine.

Would like to see them make more of a positive case for why others should too. Yes the thought of another 4 years of Tory misrule is horrifying but they have some genuinely progressive policies that if they got an airing, could appeal to a broad section of society. On tax their proposals for a top 50p rate, a bankers bonus tax, a mansion tax, the reintroduction of the 10p rate as well as ruling out a rise to VAT/NI or a cut in corporation tax sets them apart.

Billions on weapons of mass destruction and your chancellor in waiting saying he wouldnt change anything from the last budget

Vote labour=get tory

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I voted yes but I intend to vote for Labour in May. I've never been convinced that the SNP conversion to social democratic politics was genuine.

Would like to see them make more of a positive case for why others should too. Yes the thought of another 4 years of Tory misrule is horrifying but they have some genuinely progressive policies that if they got an airing, could appeal to a broad section of society. On tax their proposals for a top 50p rate, a bankers bonus tax, a mansion tax, the reintroduction of the 10p rate as well as ruling out a rise to VAT/NI or a cut in corporation tax sets them apart.

You say you're not convinced of SNP conversion to social democratic politics, this implies that you want to vote for a party with social democratic policies. You then go on to say you will vote Labour, a party who recently supported Tory austerity cuts and wants to spend £100 billion renewing trident. A party who when they were last in office oversaw an increase in relative poverty, introduced crippling PFI initiatives for purely political reasons and deregulated the banking system in a way that assisted in creating a huge recession.

Maybe you're a WUM, there's a few of them on P&B, but if you're 'genuine' maybe you can respond to the points I've made.

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