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General Election 2015


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Any Dundeh folks want to comment. The old ill health excuse. Perhaps I'm being harsh and he may very well be ill, but you can't help but be suspicious. Or perhaps ill health due to stress.

He was fucked (politically speaking) anyway, but still pretty sensational timing.


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Any Dundeh folks want to comment. The old ill health excuse. Perhaps I'm being harsh and he may very well be ill, but you can't help but be suspicious. Or perhaps ill health due to stress.

He was fucked (politically speaking) anyway, but still pretty sensational timing.


Five weeks to go and he is suddenly too unwell to stand? If he was not going to get completely gubbed he would be standing again IMO.

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I'd expect more than a few on here were quietly led away from sharp objects and the medicine cabinet on indyref D+1 last year. I know I was. But isn't it glorious that the handringing and malaise lasted about five minutes and a renewed positivity has led to where we are now. Sturgeon last night was fabulous. It was important to show a wider audience that Eck isn't in charge any longer, that the SNP are a genuine centre-left alternative and not an ogre to be feared and vilified.

Murphy must be in despair this morning.

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I apologize if I came across in a bad way. I am not trying to be critical of anyone's viewpoints here.

I would just like my original question answered so I can further my knowledge and understanding of this topic. Thus, can somebody please provide me with an answer to my question/s?

ETA: Thank you in advance.

Apology accepted.

I don't think the 'you Scots' bit went down well.

Perhaps if you could broaden your search we may be able to help you.

If I said 'what is up with you English, you seem to think you are always right about everything'........ just think for a mo how you would respond

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I posed a perfectly legitimate question here yet nobody answered it. Is it because nobody can?

I am genuinely interested in finding out the answer so I shall ask again:

What is the problem with you Scots? Do you really believe that the rest of the UK deliberately try to piss you all off?

You'd probably be better off asking some of your students tbh.

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Humza Yousaf implied he was standing down for health reasons, does anybody know the full story before calling him a coward?

What else is he going to say? That said I can well believe he has health issues, he looks like he downs a bottle of every day value vodka before breakfast.

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