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General Election 2015


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.@simon_telegraph your story is categorically, 100%, untrue...which I'd have told you if you'd asked me at any point today

From Sturgeons twitter

The unfortunate thing is most Nats will probably believe her without question.

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Are you saying she's lying?

I'm saying she might not be telling the truth.

SNP tactic when things get difficult is to deny everything. Though naturally politicians are renowned for always telling the truth.

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And Westminster civil servants start leaking dubious info to the press again, on behalf of the Government. When was the last time I saw this?

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The unfortunate thing is most Nats will probably believe her without question.

Seriously - you think she's stupid enough and sufficiently indiscreet to come away with utter bilge like that? If we've learned one thing about Sturgeon in the last 6 months it is that she is very astute. She's no more said that than fly.

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The Tartan Tories thing is a lot of garbage but I do think the SNP would prefer the Tories to win the election. It would continue to strengthen the SNP's power in Scotland.

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Twitter going wild over this leaked memo. It's a truncated second hand account of an apparent conversation with zero context. The idea that she was perhaps asked who she thinks would make a better PM and answered Cameron isn't at all far fetched, I don't think anyone believes Milliband is more Prime Ministerial. But does it mean she backs Cameron?

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