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General Election 2015


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A right-wing rag run by raging British nationalists that hate the SNP with every fibre of their being. And also have a track record of telling scandalous lies to discredit them in the very recent past.

Yet jmothecat laps it up like the zombie he is.

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And Labour zombie will believe whatever suits his purposes no matter how ridiculous.


Although I do wonder what effect the story would have, even if true. It's just another cheap ploy to aim for the "vote SNP get Tory" idea, but surely nobody is buying into that shite.

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:lol: as predicted Nats can't for one second believe a negative story about St Nicola might be true.

Do you believe The Telegraph? Do you think the reporter should have confronted her with it? Maybe been able to produce the evidence? You can hardly blame folk for being more than a tad sceptical when a paper so obviously anti SNP comes out with this snotters.

How daft do you think Sturgeon is?

Bear in mind how very clear she has been on camera. What probability do you think there is that this is anything other than bollocks?

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To be fair to JMO, he lives in England. Most in Scotland are blind to the constant anti-SNP media stories after the referendum.

It's been a conveyor belt of unbridled shite.

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'The media hate us'

'Labour are going big on the story'

That's seriously the best you can come up with?

Come on bud - answer my questions. You're just chucking in guff here which, despite playing with such a difficult hand you've tended to avoid. Sudden change tbh.

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