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General Election 2015


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It's like the referendum all over again. Help us Vladimir. Only this time it is help us Francois.

So an account of an alleged conversation written by a UK civil servant (who let us not forget are duty bound to try and preserve the union), passed on to the Torygraph.


Edit: and of course we have Alan Cochrane at the helm of the said Torygraph sobbing bitter salty tears into his £25k bonus cheque every morning, moaning "But I won the referendum for us. My book says so How can they be so strong?"

My guess is a hotline between him and McTernan

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If that's the best they can do to dig up dirt on Sturgeon it's looking good. A rushed chat with the French Ambassador who recollected and passed on the gist of it to the consul-general, and passed on by telephone to a UK civil servant, and then through who knows how many intermediaries to the Telegraph.

"The Ambassador....had a truncated meeting with the FM [Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister] (FM running late after a busy Thursday…). Discussion appears to have focused mainly on the political situation, with the FM stating that she wouldn’t want a formal coalition with Labour; that the SNP would almost certainly have a large number of seats... that she’d rather see David Cameron remain as PM (and didn’t see Ed Miliband as PM material)."

Even if it's not fabricated, who cares?

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This is like the indyref all over again. Something inconvenient comes along, deny it, then claim it doesn't matter anyway.

What's "inconvenient" about it? Genuinely struggling to see what the story is here and why we're meant to care?

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I take it Nicola will be suing the Telegraph over this slanderous accusation then?

Kudos to The Telegraph for running the story. Goes against their interests but they did it anyway.

Erm they're massive unionists so how the f**k does it go against their interests?

You really have lost any modicum of credibility you may have had, you are a proper, bona-fide imbecile.

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I take it Nicola will be suing the Telegraph over this slanderous accusation then?

Kudos to The Telegraph for running the story. Goes against their interests but they did it anyway.

I'm sorry to have to break this to you but this isn't going to change the impending apocalypse facing your utter joke of a party.


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What's "inconvenient" about it? Genuinely struggling to see what the story is here and why we're meant to care?

Considering most folk voting SNP at this election are former Labour voters this harms Sturgeon.

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