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General Election 2015


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The reporter on the news there; whilst it might not be true, there's definitely people in the SNP who think it.

Just hilariously desperate :lol: If this excites Jim, Kez and co to get extra giddy with the #VoteSNPgetTories #TartanTories stuff, well good. It's not working as a strategy because it fundamentally misunderstands why people are voting SNP. Keep it up chaps.

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Considering most folk voting SNP at this election are former Labour voters this harms Sturgeon.

I imagine most former labour voters voting snp, like me, will share her view, if it is her view, that Miliband is not prime minister material.

I'm sure one of the Ashcroft polls even had Cameron's personal rating higher among LABOUR voters. :lol:

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Totally disgusted with this revelation. I had really warmed to Nicola Sturgeon but this level of betrayal is beyond comprehension.

I have resigned from the SNP and so have another 136 people I have spoken to in the last 20 minutes. We are all moving to the West Coast and working to ensure Jim Murphy gets re-elected; we need men of his calibre to counteract the immoral and corruptable Scottish Nationalists.

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If this is what happens five weeks out, just think what they are going to launch at us over the next few weeks.

This is essentially an admission that they know things are bad and nothing they can legitimately do can stop the SNP from winning these seats..

Back to Indyref tactics we go. The phoney war is over and they have launched the dirty one

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Twitter has certainly exploded over this, Im really failing to see why

It's another referendum. Both Labour and the Tories are united in attacking the SNP.

2 cheeks of the same arse.

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It's another referendum. Both Labour and the Tories are united in attacking the SNP.

2 cheeks of the same arse.

And that is their mistake. Labour voters moved away from them because they worked with the tories. And now it has started all over again.

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Oh no!! What a blow. I will now vote labour after this. No, really. I will. Definitely.

I might wait and see what the forces of darkness and the Russians will do before I vote.

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