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General Election 2015


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I don't see why the Telegraph would make something up that helps Labour. As much as mistruths and omissions are regularly made by papers, The Telegraph completely fabricating a story (which goes against their editorial line) seems unlikely.

Not that it will stop the Nats from bleating on about the media being out to get them.


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'the first scoop of the campaign' :lol::lol::lol:

The humiliating collective climbdowns of Labour losers across the country :lol:

And best of all, less than five weeks until the SNP utterly romp it and leave Scottish Labour utterly broken beyond repair


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I don't see why the Telegraph would make something up that helps Labour. As much as mistruths and omissions are regularly made by papers, The Telegraph completely fabricating a story (which goes against their editorial line) seems unlikely.

Not that it will stop the Nats from bleating on about the media being out to get them.

Well they seem to have got you and Jim Murphy big style the way it's looking. Job done for the Telegraph, whose "whoops, sorry" will be on page 13.

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The memo is out there. Have a look at it. So, to conclude this. Both parties deny this happened, nothing in the civil service minutes, no government officials attended the meeting and the memo has a qualification. :lol:Come on now jmo. Labour suffered from similar in the past, indeed fairly recently with that business letter from the very same paper. To say the truth has been stretched is the understatement of the century.

The business letter was harmful to Labour but legitimate. A completely made up story, including a fabricated memo? That's a whole different level. If this is the case it is a scandal.

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I don't see why the Telegraph would make something up that helps Labour. As much as mistruths and omissions are regularly made by papers, The Telegraph completely fabricating a story (which goes against their editorial line) seems unlikely.

Not that it will stop the Nats from bleating on about the media being out to get them.

Because they would probably prefer labour elected under their own steam than labour propped up by the SNP on a vote by vote basis. And because they're a tory paper who are already beelin that big Eck made it clear the snp would vote down a tory queen's speech. If they can get the snp vote down it's feasible in the event of a hung parliament that Cameron will still have the largest party and that a combination of that,ukip and Lib Dem would give them what they need. 40+ snp in the chamber is a bigger nightmare for them than labour on its own.

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I don't see why the Telegraph would make something up that helps Labour.

Because after the debates "vote labour get SNP" is not a scare story for many Labour voters, they are just hamming up the tartan tories angle.

But its all a bit rushed and poorly executed. Osborne and Crosby are great at making up stories that play well with the base for a day or two, they are week at aiming for the floaters long term.

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Well they seem to have got you and Jim Murphy big style the way it's looking. Job done for the Telegraph, whose "whoops, sorry" will be on page 13.

Possibility being they made it up to make Labour look stupid? If so they succeeded. That's the sort of skullduggery I like (apart from the fact I've fallen victim to it). Can't see it though. That would be House of Cards style mischief.

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Possibility being they made it up to make Labour look stupid? If so they succeeded. That's the sort of skullduggery I like (apart from the fact I've fallen victim to it). Can't see it though. That would be House of Cards style mischief.

So you're acknowledging that this is likely hammed up bullshit.

Cool. Glad we got there in the end.

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I don't see why the Telegraph would make something up that helps Labour. As much as mistruths and omissions are regularly made by papers, The Telegraph completely fabricating a story (which goes against their editorial line) seems unlikely.

Not that it will stop the Nats from bleating on about the media being out to get them.

Read this -


The Telegraph is rotten to the core

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I don't see why the Telegraph would make something up that helps Labour. As much as mistruths and omissions are regularly made by papers, The Telegraph completely fabricating a story (which goes against their editorial line) seems unlikely.

Not that it will stop the Nats from bleating on about the media being out to get them.

The likes of the Telegraph and the Mail hate the SNP more than they hate Labour.

The reason The Telegraph are happy to push this agenda is because "vote SNP get Tories" is their best hope of harming the SNP and it doesn't help Labour because the SNP have categorically ruled out voting for a Tory government which, y'know, only leaves one other option. They're more frightened of a Labour government with SNP influence than they are of a Labour majority. They'll say "of course the SNP want the Tories in... it helps independence" while conveniently leaving out how the main proponents of independence facilitating a government completely rejected by the Scottish people will help their cause.

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This is the newspaper that got, arguably, the biggest public interest scoop of the century in the expenses scandal. How the f**k can they go from something so worthwhile to the gutter in such a short space of time?

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