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General Election 2015


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We can expect to see a lot more of these "leaks" and "revelations" from unnamed civil servants in the next weeks, and it's nothing to do with whether the Tories get enough votes to form a government, the split in Scotland has no effect on that. It's the Unionists, Tory and Labour, relaunching Project Fear because they're terrified of a powerful SNP and how they could upset the cosy Westminster duopoly and potentially break up the UK.

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French consul general Pierre-Alain Coffinier, speaking on Sky News about the Nicola Sturgeon story , says: "At no stage did anyone make any comment on their preference regarding the outcome of the elections."

He says he was present at the meeting between Scotland's first minister and the French ambassador to the UK, Sylvie Bermann, and had not told civil servants Ms Sturgeon had expressed a preference for Mr Cameron.

Mr Coffinier added he "did not know" how the claim got into a British civil service memo.

"I can tell you that no-one made any preference," he said. "I don't know where this comes from."

Carmichael - the one truly safe Lib Dem in Scotland - could find himself in real trouble if this does indeed fall back on him.

What a thundercunt.

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Alan Cochrane Scottish editor of the Telegraph (the paper in question remember) said in his book about the referendum

"Jenny [Hjul, Cochrane's wife and fellow columnist] said I should do what Darling asks. He’s in charge after all.

It’s not really good journalism but what the hell does journalism matter? This is much more important."

So in black and white we have it. He is happy to utilise journalism that is "not really good" and if the cause is important enough what does journalism matter.

Why can you not accept that the press are lying manipulative b*****ds who will stop at nothing to spin what they want

If you haven't read it read this review of his book


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I may have been wrong, the French CG denial is evidence of that, but I find it more interesting that people refused to believe it might be true when the only evidence against it being true was the statement of Nicola Sturgeon. Had this story been about Murphy instead of Sturgeon I wonder how many people would have believed Jim's denial.

"Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability."

George Galloway. Baghdad 1994

Ffs gie it a rest man.

Sturgeons denied it. The French have denied it. It comes a day after she won over a large audience in the big tele debate. The only "evidence" would appear a 3rd hand civil service memo. Pretty desperate stuff.

This is clearly a smear.

Either the torygraph has made it up or devious work is ongoing within the civil service. Given the action of the UK treasury during 2014, this would not surprise me.


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This is a perfect example of Labour's snakey wee attempts at gaining a few votes that kill them in the long term.

For every numpty they're hoping will change their mind based on a headline, someone will be reading the fully story and learning for certain that Labour are lying red-Tory wanks.

I may have been wrong, the French CG denial is evidence of that, but I find it more interesting that people refused to believe it might be true when the only evidence against it being true was the statement of Nicola Sturgeon. Had this story been about Murphy instead of Sturgeon I wonder how many people would have believed Jim's denial.

:lol: The story was so obviously w**k - the only blind bias was morons like you somehow believing it.

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Did any of the papers actually manage to get this out on their front pages this morning?

The Scottish Daily Mail has a predictably tear-stained headline. Can't remember exactly what it was though.

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