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General Election 2015


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Hope your happy when you wake up to a Tory/UKIP and Ulster Unionist majority. But then again it's Sturgeon's plan, it helps the Independence hopes. I can understand what she's up to but I wish she'd just be honest about it.



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Hope your happy when you wake up to a Tory/UKIP and Ulster Unionist majority. But then again it's Sturgeon's plan, it helps the Independence hopes. I can understand what she's up to but I wish she'd just be honest about it.

Red tory, blue tory. Diet tory, full fat tory.

Very little difference to most in Scotland. But given the choice I'd prefer a strong SNP with a left leaning hold over the diet tories.

Regardless of the wider UK result:

a greater SNP contingent = a greater voice

for Scottish interests.

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Can you explain exactly how a vote for the SNP helps the Tories Jim? Given the SNP would never put the Tories in government

The party with the most seats will be given the chance to form the next government. In marginals this could make the difference between a Tory or labour government. Apparently you have a politics degree. Surely you could have worked that out for yourself

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Can you explain exactly how a vote for the SNP helps the Tories Jim? Given the SNP would never put the Tories in government

To be fair, if the Tories are the largest party by 10 seats or so, then it could be argued that the SNP winning seats off Labour prevented them from being the largest party.

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To be fair, if the Tories are the largest party by 10 seats or so, then it could be argued that the SNP winning seats off Labour prevented them from being the largest party.

Indeed. I genuinely don't think anyone here cares which way the pendulum swings at Westminster anymore tbh.

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I don't want to see a Tory/UKIP coalition (it's never going to happen either :lol: ) but if that ever did happened, it's not my fault.

The Labour flavoured No campaign that told us all Labour are getting in anyway so don't worry about (and the gullible fuds who bought it) would be entirely responsible.

You had your chance to get rid of the Tories. If England gives us more Conservative governments (Scotland won't elect many Tory MPs) fucking deal with it.

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Indeed. I genuinely don't think anyone here cares which way the pendulum swings at Westminster anymore tbh.

Exactly. The problem with the "vote SNP, get Tories" line is not that it's untrue, it's that people a lot of people no longer see a Tory government as a worse option.

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Quick we've been found out this time chaps.

Lets make sure we change context on the news desks and get a story out about "the ugly side of Scotch nationalism"

Away an bile yer heid.

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Exactly. The problem with the "vote SNP, get Tories" line is not that it's untrue, it's that people a lot of people no longer see a Tory government as a worse option.

Exactly your happy to see another Tory government. Enough said. At least you are all admitting it now.

The most right wing government for decades but yes it's fine we don't care.

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Exactly your happy to see another Tory government. Enough said. At least you are all admitting it now.

The most right wing government for decades but yes it's fine we don't care.

Problem with that chief is that its not true.

I don't see anyone who has said that. Of course for you slab types the truth don't matter.

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Exactly your happy to see another Tory government. Enough said. At least you are all admitting it now.

The most right wing government for decades but yes it's fine we don't care.

Try reading this post and imagine it's someone talking about voting No.

It would make a lot more sense than someone talking about a debunked bit of gossip.

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Problem with that chief is that its not true.

I don't see anyone who has said that. Of course for you slab types the truth don't matter.

But it is, many in here have said they don't care who forms the next government at Westminster. Happy to see the Tories back in thinking as long as the SNP get a good few seats . Sturgeon wants the Tories in so she can push for another referendum

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