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General Election 2015


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I've also got an exam at 9.30 on the 8th. :thumbsdown

Does anyone know if the BBC's whole coverage will be put up on iPlayer? If so I might try and do the equivalent of not seeing the scores until you watch Match of the Day. Would that be sad?

Absolutely not! Ive been known to watch election nights back years later!

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Anyone waiting on their poll fix, just to titillate you


SNP 47% (+6)
Labour 29% (-2)
Conservatives 14% (n/c)

More details to follow. Don't know if a sample or not. Sunday Times has a poll out

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Yeah you are a fucking idiot though. Chance is a liberal term considering a likely majority of anti Tory MPs will vote against a Tory majority. Easy to understand if you are not a simpleton.

Tories will have the most seats and will be propped up by ukip/ lib dems/ Ulster unionists. Due to labour losing seats to the snp. The party with the most seats get the chance to form the government.

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I quite like Cook and thought he was pretty even handed during the Indy ref tbh.

Unfortunately there are quite a few angry simpletons out there looking for things to get worked up about.

Exactly. I think Cook is quite reasonable as well.

Nice opportunity for some deflection away from the main issues though.

The main issue being that it would appear some Alan ba'astard within the impartial civil service has been conspiring to produce and then distribute lies against one of the leaders of a major political party during an election campaign.

The further issue being that this lie was picked up without any check with regards veracity and then run for the best part of a day by the majority of our press and the impartial state broadcaster. All this despite it being very quickly disproved.

Don't let this get in the way of a good cybernat troll story though.

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Anyone waiting on their poll fix, just to titillate you


SNP 47% (+6)

Labour 29% (-2)

Conservatives 14% (n/c)

More details to follow. Don't know if a sample or not. Sunday Times has a poll out

That's definitely worth a chug.

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To be fair, if the Tories are the largest party by 10 seats or so, then it could be argued that the SNP winning seats off Labour prevented them from being the largest party.

Which is irrelevant if they don't have a majority, which they obviously won't.

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Cook is so far out of order today. Doing his job? Only if his job is protecting the British establishment.

Overreacting imo. Yes he should have focused more on the false leak and how it found it's way to the Telegraph, but the snp is a broad church now and I don't doubt there's some members, and perhaps some of the leadership, who think a weak Tory government could further their raison d'etre best.

It's not something I'm too bothered about tbh as I'd rather have Cameron than Miliband I think. Although I do think it's a legitimate line of questioning for a political journalist, regardless of the scoop of the century.©jmo.

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My recollection of Cook during the referendum was that during a Question Time type debate in the borders and in the context of defending the BBC at the height of their nonsense, he said something along the lines that it was their duty to test the independence argument.

At that particular point in time it was their job to remain neutral between YES and NO.

It struck me that he was, at best, hopelessly naive.

He shouldn't bother moaning, rather, he should just get better at his job.

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Anyone waiting on their poll fix, just to titillate you


SNP 47% (+6)

Labour 29% (-2)

Conservatives 14% (n/c)

More details to follow. Don't know if a sample or not. Sunday Times has a poll out

Oh my.

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The only possible way I could see a Tory government would be a Tory/libdem/UKIP/Dup agreement and even then they'll probably still be well short of 326.

Would be an absolute clusterfuck of an administration though. :lol:

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I've also got an exam at 9.30 on the 8th. :thumbsdown

Does anyone know if the BBC's whole coverage will be put up on iPlayer? If so I might try and do the equivalent of not seeing the scores until you watch Match of the Day. Would that be sad?

I would do this but it is my last exam of the semester so we'll be straight down the union at half 12 when it finishes and pretty much drinking straight through until the clubs chuck out at 3 in the morning, then working on the Saturday so wouldnt get a chance to watch it until the Saturday evening which is probably too long to black the result out

What I might do instead is aim to finish my revision by Thursday afternoon and go to bed around 7pm, setting an alarm for 2am to wake up in time to watch the results coming in.

Most annoying thing is the exam is for a piss easy module but its part of my degree

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Overreacting imo. Yes he should have focused more on the false leak and how it found it's way to the Telegraph, but the snp is a broad church now and I don't doubt there's some members, and perhaps some of the leadership, who think a weak Tory government could further their raison d'etre best.

It's not something I'm too bothered about tbh as I'd rather have Cameron than Miliband I think. Although I do think it's a legitimate line of questioning for a political journalist, regardless of the scoop of the century.©jmo.

Yes. The true issue here is firstly how this transcript came into existence and then how it got into the hands of the Daily Telegraph.

Can u imagine the shitstorm if a transcript of Cameron and the US ambassador was leaked to the press.

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Possible but unlikely and unsustainable. Would never last the term. If they want real chaos the likes of which they are warning about re the SNP a minority govt will bring it.


For that reason alone I would like to see a minority govt.

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