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General Election 2015


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Dog whistling bigots can prosper unfortunately, as we've seen with both him and Farage. I would love it if they both lost but can't see it.

Don't think he's aiming for the micro brewery vote. Hope he isn't relying on It


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Watching the TV the other night, and when questioned, Cameron didn't rule out a deal with UKIP.

He avoided the question.

Big surprises I think are ahead next month in terms of UKIP seats.

Ukip will get 3 mps max. Yes they have c. 12% of uk vote and can prevent torys winning seats by labour winning them... but in terms of their final number of seats and them being in the mix.... they are a complete and utter irrelevance

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They will be no matter what happens.

JM will virtually see to that. :)

Aye, but they depend on the Welsh and NE votes as well.

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It really really doesn't. If middle England vote Tory there is f**k all anyone can do to stop the UK getting a Tory government.

A vote for the SNP will at least give us a voice at Westminster.

But I am sure you are well aware of these things

This is why Independence must continue to be the priority. If Scotland occasionally bought into Tory values then the re would be nothing morally wrong with us being run by a Conservative government in Westminster. However the people of Scotland have rejected Conservative values for decades and yet we have been subject to Thatcher, Major and Cameron.

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As far as I could gather of all that, his biggest problem seems to be that the brewery serves beer and pork pies. In a county famous for its beer and pies.

Makes me want to pop over to Bradford for a pint.

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The sooner the parties accept that coalitions are here to stay the better. Gove was embarrassing the other night, demanding an answer from Labour on the SNP, then furious when a coalition between Tories and UKIP was mentioned because the Tories are going for a majority. They should just concentrate on selling themselves, not worry about the deals after the election. Muddies the waters.

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Can't believe Galloway is favourite to win his seat. Who in their right mind would vote for him?

He's high profile, which counts for a lot in politics. Plus the Labour candidate he's up against is a joke. As soon as she was made candidate. A scandal about her past was quickly brought up.

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GG. :lol:

A complete and utter c**t, one of the most loathsome politicians in the UK today.

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He's high profile, which counts for a lot in politics. Plus the Labour candidate he's up against is a joke. As soon as she was made candidate. A scandal about her past was quickly brought up.

Galloway on the other hand is a walking scandal, but he doesn't even have the decency to be ashamed of it.

He will probably sue me now.

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With all of the fuss surrounding the Telegraph over the weekend, this tear stained rant managed to escape me until now.


Wouldn't surprise me in the least if Enoch Powell was a member of a Satanic cult, so where are they hiding our fucking oil?

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I wouldn't say the hidden oil field claims were common, just a few extremists talked about them, the same ones who promote the conspiracies about the result being rigged. Clearly a small minority and not representative of nationalist thinking at large.

Articles like that are poor and harm the legitimacy of genuine criticisms.

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Wouldn't surprise me in the least if Enoch Powell was a member of a Satanic cult, so where are they hiding our fucking oil?

Sounds like an accurate description of Ulster Unionists.

Really doesn't reflect well on the DUP that they are the extremist version of the party Enoch was an MP for.

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George Galloway is a c**t.

Indeed he is. A grade A c**t no less

Hope he brings his Respect Party circus back, to the only country in the world he doesn't want to see independent, for the Scottish Election.

I predict a breakdown or two if he does.

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Are the Lib Dems and Tories intending on raising the tax free allowance again? I think it's a good policy personally. Takes lowest paid out of tax, benefits everyone who works, makes work pay (thus incentivising employment) without the burden falling on employers by raising minimum wage too quickly and without having to cut benefits for those who need them.

It's always irritated me the way the right talk about cutting benefits because it stops people having an incentive to work. This problem is better solved by making the benefits of work more attractive.

As a socialist, I actually oppose taking the lowest earners being taken out of the tax system.

I think they should be taxed at a very low rate - but the principle of contributing to society is a big one imo.

It's a bit like making your teenage sprog pay a minimal amount of digs when they get their first job. It's not about the amount, it's the principle.

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As a socialist, I actually oppose taking the lowest earners being taken out of the tax system.

I think they should be taxed at a very low rate - but the principle of contributing to society is a big one imo.

It's a bit like making your teenage sprog pay a minimal amount of digs when they get their first job. It's not about the amount, it's the principle.

Anyone earning the minimum wage will still be paying some tax, plus national insurance, VAT etc. I wouldn't say they aren't contributing, and they are earning such a small amount the burden on them should be minimal.

I think it's only fair that the well off pay their share to the benefit of the less well off.

What's more important? Everyone contributing, or the worst off benefitting?

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