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General Election 2015


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I get that, but imagine not knowing how the rest of the seats were going all at the same time?

Oh we'll know :)

Hopefully the feed they gave us for the Referendum will be matched this time. Couldn't believe it when they brought out the rolls and sausage on top of the spread they had already laid on.

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You have to be there in some sort of official capacity, yes. You can't walk in off the street.

I'll get a ticket via labour. Nae c**t wants to campaign for them anyway, so they'll appreciate the support. Once the results start going yellow, I'll do my 'face' turn and get it right up the likes of Sarwar and Curran at the Glasgow count.

Oh, how sweet that would be.

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I'll get a ticket via labour. Nae c**t wants to campaign for them anyway, so they'll appreciate the support. Once the results start going yellow, I'll do my 'face' turn and get it right up the likes of Sarwar and Curran at the Glasgow count.

Oh, how sweet that would be.

If you could pull this off with pics it could be the greatest thread in the history of the politics forum.

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As a socialist, I actually oppose taking the lowest earners being taken out of the tax system.

I think they should be taxed at a very low rate - but the principle of contributing to society is a big one imo.

It's a bit like making your teenage sprog pay a minimal amount of digs when they get their first job. It's not about the amount, it's the principle.

While I'm fundamentally opposed to having income tax. If there was a flat tax of 17-18 percent with no deductions. There would be more intake for the government and it would be much less bureaucratic. The only problem is as soon as left wing governments get into power they'll turn it into a progressive tax system and right wing government will create all these deductions for people at the top. Leading to the messy and complicated system we have now.

Oh don't get me wrong, I would like to see a massive redistribution of wealth in this country. Quite simply, there's more than enough money to go round.

And I wasn't commenting on the specific policy, just a general observation. The narrative of the last few years has returned to the old 19th century deserving/undeserving poor. There's a stigma being created - intentionally by those on the political right. The idea that the nhs, benefits, the old age pension are handouts from the government rather than what they are: things are paid for by the people.

There isn't actually "more than enough money to go round", but that's a topic within itself. Your average one percenter is someone earning a low six figure sum. I suspect you're thinking of the one percent of the one percent

Yes I do agree trying to attack people living on welfare is counterproductive and shows their pet peeves. When someone talks about scroungers or disabled people living on benefits. I always say "Yeah, but what about all that corporate welfare?". Aside Jobseekers Allowance only counts for 1% of government handouts. Lastly, we don't come close to paying the amount of taxes it takes to fund "the nhs, benefits and the old age pension". These are provided by stealing wealth from the future generations. This is why the power for governments to borrow is so destructive, because it gives the illusion of something for nothing and punishes the people who can't yet vote, or are yet to be born.

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If there was a flat tax of 17-18 percent with no deductions. There would be more intake for the government and it would be much less bureaucratic.

There is zero economic or other empirical evidence that a flat tax would generate more revenue. Without a robust personal allowance, it would screw the poor massively too.

It's just a total myth that revenue maximising tax systems are easy or straightforward to legislate for. Yes our tax code is probably too complex, but that's neither out of malice nor profound ineptitude. It's because it's so difficult to get right even with good information and intentions.

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There is zero economic or other empirical evidence that a flat tax would generate more revenue. Without a robust personal allowance, it would screw the poor massively too.

It's just a total myth that revenue maximising tax systems are easy or straightforward to legislate for. Yes our tax code is probably too complex, but that's neither out of malice nor profound ineptitude. It's because it's so difficult to get right even with good information and intentions.

The system already screws the poor massively, because they get hit hardest by the inflation tax. Personally, I'd much rather see the entire tax system scrapped and replaced solely with a transaction tax. Regardless, the solution is to simplify the tax system; not fix loopholes. Which end up creating two more in the process.

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How does one get involved in the count? I'm a member of the SNP, and I'd absolutely love to savour the moment in the building where Dundee's vote will be announced.

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Personally, I'd much rather see the entire tax system scrapped and replaced solely with a transaction tax.

So the poor pay from what they buy and the rich save from what they invest?

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How does one get involved in the count? I'm a member of the SNP, and I'd absolutely love to savour the moment in the building where Dundee's vote will be announced.

Do you take an active part in your branch?

You shouldn't be able to take part in the actual count as a member, but tickets to be a party representative should be up for grabs...

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Do you take an active part in your branch?

You shouldn't be able to take part in the actual count as a member, but tickets to be a party representative should be up for grabs...

I'm not the most active admittedly. I should have signed up for some non-entity of a party like the Lib Dems in Dundee in order to get a chance as I imagine there'll be a large amount of Dundonian's that are far more active than I am wanting a ticket.

Yeah, I didn't want to actually be one of the counters, should have made that clearer, just wanted to attend and take in the spectacle!

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