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General Election 2015


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Is Mr Bairn not the guy that did the run down of every seat in Scotland a while back, that was decent - in what way is he a troll

He's a Unionist pretending to be a Nationalist.

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DavidMcG, on 06 Apr 2015 - 11:02, said:

Is Mr Bairn not the guy that did the run down of every seat in Scotland a while back, that was decent - in what way is he a troll

You surely can't have been part of this sub forum on the build up to the referendum if you're asking that question. He went from troll to normal in the click of a finger.

Since post-referendum, he's been normal, but I've never taken them seriously, because it's obvious what Mr Bairn's like.

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If Labour and the SNP have an informal agreement at Westminster. How would any Tory motion on EVEL go? The SNP surely cannot disagree on the principle and any voting down of this by the SNP will only serve to reverse the goodwill being built by the SNP within Englandshire. At the same time, it would be political suicide for Labour.


I doubt the people in England impressed with the SNP will be the same people looking for EVEL tbh. It's hardly popular outside Middle England.
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I doubt the people in England impressed with the SNP will be the same people looking for EVEL tbh. It's hardly popular outside Middle England.

Middle England being the UKIP/Tory voters = the majority of English Constituencies.

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Not sure how we've all managed to miss this, but there was another full scottish yougov poll last night apparently. Just saw the results on the bbc;

Full breakdown of latest YouGov Scotland poll for The Sun: SNP 46%, Lab 29 %, Con 16%, Libs and Greens 3% and Ukip 2%. #GE2015.

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Not sure how we've all managed to miss this, but there was another full scottish yougov poll last night apparently. Just saw the results on the bbc;

Full breakdown of latest YouGov Scotland poll for The Sun: SNP 46%, Lab 29 %, Con 16%, Libs and Greens 3% and Ukip 2%. #GE2015.


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Which is all fine and dandy but we know that trident is not on the table. The issue for the SNP is that their principled stand on decisions being made by the people they affect is exactly what EVEL is intended to address (from the English perspective).

Yeah but is supporting EVEL in the SNP manifesto? Is it anywhere in the top 100 wishlist for SNP voters? I think being all moral and pricipled is fine in theory, what I want is SNP representation that will fight as ugly for what we want as those who have imposed unwanted policies on us have.

Goodness who would have we would have seen the day. Labour activists campaigning for a tory vote:


Again this is in the Telegraph, so perhaps made up.

Interesting to hear the views on this from any labour folk.

I really want to see Jum Murphy's take on this.

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EVEL is a Tory policy. It's total Kryptonite for Labour, who can't win a majority of English seats. There's utterly no point in discussing it.

This is true, Labour would never enact EVEL or devo-max for Scotland as both effectively end the Labour party.

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EVEL is a Tory policy. It's total Kryptonite for Labour, who can't win a majority of English seats. There's utterly no point in discussing it.

Of course there is a point in discussing it, if the Tories manage to get an amendment to a bill then Labour would have to address the issue. My point is that the SNP would have a major say in this either by supporting labour (and therefore weakening the case for further devolution) or supporting the principles of EVEL and indirectly supporting the tories.

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Not sure how we've all managed to miss this, but there was another full scottish yougov poll last night apparently. Just saw the results on the bbc;

Full breakdown of latest YouGov Scotland poll for The Sun: SNP 46%, Lab 29 %, Con 16%, Libs and Greens 3% and Ukip 2%. #GE2015.

Big sample as well 1800. Better accuracy.

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