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General Election 2015


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I think its an important conversation and am happy to have it. If you don't like reading I'm sure there are other threads.

He could've written out your part of the entire conversation when he set out the bait for you.

You're getting the run around in these exchanges. Jmo's a Britnat, just leave him to do it.

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Scotland is a country, it's also a region of the UK. In this context it's a region.

This isn't the time to whine about it. SNP could decide who rules Britain with 4% of the UK vote.

The SNP won't be deciding anything don't get carried away. England will decide who governs the UK as always, we might be able to have a small influence for the first time ever.

And personally I think, until such time as we are independent, its always the time to 'whine' about this imbalance.

Scotland is a country, it's also a region of the UK. In this context it's a region.

As is England then, not Yorkshire. In that context there are only four regions of the UK, one who almost always get the government they vote for, two who don't more than half the time and one that never does.

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He could've written out your part of the entire conversation when he set out the bait for you.

You're getting the run around in these exchanges. Jmo's a Britnat, just leave him to do it.

I honestly don't think he has the intelligence to troll. This is the honest mindset of a Britnat we are dealing with, and personally I think its a mindset that needs to be exposed for how ludicrous and anti-Scottish it is, if we are ever to achieve independence.

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That's because England is a lot bigger than Scotland.

I don't feel Yorkshire or the North generally is any better represented than Scotland is.

That's because there is too much consolidated power in London. We are one of the most centralized countries in the Western world.

The areas best represented by WM are Tory/Labour marginals. The more of these there are in any region you might want to name, the better westminster represents that area.

The 'region' of England i live in (North West) has a lot more Lab/Tory marginals than Scotland does.

That's why it's never a good idea to become too loyal or resentful towards any party, because if you always/never vote for a certain party. Then politicians have no reason to fight for you. This is why Labour has treated Scotland so badly in recent decades, because we've conditioned them to take us for granted. This is why I have no problem switching allegiances when it comes to voting.

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I honestly don't think he has the intelligence to troll. This is the honest mindset of a Britnat we are dealing with, and personally I think its a mindset that needs to be exposed for how ludicrous and anti-Scottish it is, if we are ever to achieve independence.

The sooner Unionist's stop being labelled "anti-Scottish" by the people who misinterpret the N word in SNP the better.

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The sooner Unionist's stop being labelled "anti-Scottish" by the people who misinterpretate the N word in SNP the better.

I'm not labelling anyone anything and am perfectly aware what SNP stands for. If someone is espousing views that are anti-Scottish, such as jmothecat here, it is entirely reasonable to point out that's what they are.

The SNP don't formulate my political beliefs for me anyway, so even if you were right, what the N stands for would be entirely irrelevant.

I think this forum is populated with people who I would describe as aggressively reasonable, or militant middle of the roaders. I think you would be a good example of that, and your hysterical reaction to me taking a position and expressing an opinion which doesn't chime with what you consider to be reasonable is evidence of that.

Sometimes the truth isn't very reasonable I'm afraid, and its actually unreasonable to oppose people telling it like it is, just cause you are aggressively reasonable.

British nationalism is inherently anti-Scottish, that's just a simple fact. It is a misunderstanding of the issue not to recognise that.

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I'm not labelling anyone anything and am perfectly aware what SNP stands for. If someone is espousing views that are anti-Scottish, such as jmothecat here, it is entirely reasonable to point out that's what they are.

The SNP don't formulate my political beliefs for me anyway, so even if you were right, what the N stands for would be entirely irrelevant.

I'm not saying anything anti-Scottish, I'm saying Scotland shouldn't get a disproportionate influence over the UK.

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I honestly don't think he has the intelligence to troll. This is the honest mindset of a Britnat we are dealing with, and personally I think its a mindset that needs to be exposed for how ludicrous and anti-Scottish it is, if we are ever to achieve independence.

Yip the hypocrisy of a britnat using the term "nationalist" in an anyway derogatory manner against people who suppprt Scottish independence, is pretty plain. Especially from those who espouse suppport for a certain former socialist party.

Best just leave them to wrestle with their own minds. They will eventually figure it out or bile in their ain p@sh.

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I'm not saying anything anti-Scottish, I'm saying Scotland shouldn't get a disproportionate influence over the UK.

I'm not saying anything anti-Scottish, I'm saying Scotland shouldn't get a disproportionate influence over the UK.

You're saying Scotland doesn't deserve to have a government it elects, should be happy to be a minor partner in the UK, comparing it to regions of England

You're denying its even an issue or problem that Scotland regularly gets governments it doesn't vote for and, as part of the UK, will always be a minor partner of little importance.. Everything you have said is anti-Scottish, you just don't see it as you are a British nationalist.

Yip the hypocrisy of a britnat using the term "nationalist" in an anyway derogatory manner against people who suppprt Scottish independence, is pretty plain. Especially from those who espouse suppport for a certain former socialist party.

Best just leave them to wrestle with their own minds. They will eventually figure it out or bile in their ain p@sh.

Its amazing, they are the biggest nationalists of all but just don't see it.

I take them on sometimes don't others, but think what really matters is we just have to win. We have to make Scotland an independent country, everything else is secondary to that.

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I'm not saying anything anti-Scottish, I'm saying Scotland shouldn't get a disproportionate influence over the UK.

With respect, that's the problem with the UK. Whichever way you try to work it, it's inherently undemocratic for at least one member of the family. Although it does seem that Scots are labelled as whining while the minute the shoe is on the other foot, it's undemocratic.
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I'm not labelling anyone anything and am perfectly aware what SNP stands for. If someone is espousing views that are anti-Scottish, such as jmothecat here, it is entirely reasonable to point out that's what they are.

The SNP don't formulate my political beliefs for me anyway, so even if you were right, what the N stands for would be entirely irrelevant.

I think this forum is populated with people who I would describe as aggressively reasonable, or militant middle of the roaders. I think you would be a good example of that, and your hysterical reaction to me taking a position and expressing an opinion which doesn't chime with what you consider to be reasonable is evidence of that.

Sometimes the truth isn't very reasonable I'm afraid, and its actually unreasonable to oppose people telling it like it is, just cause you are aggressively reasonable.

British nationalism is inherently anti-Scottish, that's just a simple fact. It is a misunderstanding of the issue not to recognise that.

To have the view that Scotland's future would be better served by remaining within the United Kingdom rather than as an independent nation is a legitimate point of view, if mistaken from my perspective. To call anyone who holds that view anti-Scottish slurs Scottish Nationalism and associates it with vile movements in European history.

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You're saying Scotland doesn't deserve to have a government it elects, should be happy to be a minor partner in the UK, comparing it to regions of England

You're denying its even an issue or problem that Scotland regularly gets governments it doesn't vote for and, as part of the UK, will always be a minor partner of little importance.. Everything you have said is anti-Scottish, you just don't see it as you are a British nationalist.

Its amazing, they are the biggest nationalists of all but just don't see it.

I take them on sometimes don't others, but think what really matters is we just have to win. We have to make Scotland an independent country, everything else is secondary to that.

^ 100% agree with this.

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I honestly don't think he has the intelligence to troll. This is the honest mindset of a Britnat we are dealing with, and personally I think its a mindset that needs to be exposed for how ludicrous and anti-Scottish it is, if we are ever to achieve independence.

This is exactly what's happening. When I read his post about folk in Yorkshire not wanting a parliament, I knew you would agree Yorkshire doesn't need one, he would compare Yorkshire to Scotland and the same argument about Scotland being a country would be played out yet again.

If I saw the whole thing playing out, so did he. Everyone on P&B (except for maybe him) knows jmo is a raging Britnat - it would be swell if there wasn't multi-page identical arguments about it every other day.

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Maybe you're right, maybe I shouldn't get drawn in.

With people like him and Berwickmad though I wish they would just admit it. The adult way to be is to be intellectually honest and to defend your position, but those two refuse to even admit their true positions and reasoning.

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This is exactly what's happening. When I read his post about folk in Yorkshire not wanting a parliament, I knew you would agree Yorkshire doesn't need one, he would compare Yorkshire to Scotland and the same argument about Scotland being a country would be played out yet again.

If I saw the whole thing playing out, so did he. Everyone on P&B (except for maybe him) knows jmo is a raging Britnat - it would be swell if there wasn't multi-page identical arguments about it every other day.


Spot on

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