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General Election 2015


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Early Thatcher was OK at the time [same as early Blair] no alternative to Michael Foot or latter day Thatcher was there.

It was only when they started believing what the press were writing about them that it all went pear shaped.

what did the press say about them? im too young to mind

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How about during the 80s?

I was at Primary for most of the 80's, so very little.

You need to remember though, I'm the soft /wet right wing SNP guy here, although I do believe in Universalism. I'm not anti-capitalist ( as a partner in a large professional services firm, you wouldn't expect me to be), but in a kind of post war consensus way. Swinneyesque if you will.

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Too true, the SNP voted against Labour in the no confidence motion because of their betrayal and deceit in the devolution referendum. The DUP, DUUP and the Liberals also voted against Labour much to the annoyance of the drooling morons who want to taint the SNP with any kind of association with Thatcher.

it not so much being an association with Thatcher, it is more the fact disaffected Scottish Tories, who seen a vote for the Tories a waste, but could never vote Labour, so the SNP often picked up those votes
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it not so much being an association with Thatcher, it is more the fact disaffected Scottish Tories, who seen a vote for the Tories a waste, but could never vote Labour, so the SNP often picked up those votes

A polar opposite of what is happening now of course. Disaffected Labour voters are giving their support to the SNP in huge numbers and Labour look like they will pick up the odd Tory vote by having a right wing fella like Murphy in charge.

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it not so much being an association with Thatcher, it is more the fact disaffected Scottish Tories, who seen a vote for the Tories a waste, but could never vote Labour, so the SNP often picked up those votes

How about my Gran, who had voted Unionist or Conservative all her life?

In her case, Thatcher made a speech explaining why she was making a cold-weather payment to pensioners, but not in Scotland because "they were used to it"

She got up, walked round to Brothock Bridge & joined the SNP that afternoon. She was a card carrying member until her death.

Is that the sort of disaffected Tory you mean?

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How about my Gran, who had voted Unionist or Conservative all her life?

In her case, Thatcher made a speech explaining why she was making a cold-weather payment to pensioners, but not in Scotland because "they were used to it"

She got up, walked round to Brothock Bridge & joined the SNP that afternoon. She was a card carrying member until her death.

Is that the sort of disaffected Tory you mean?

Its a shame to take advantage of senile old folk like that really.

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It's funny when Reynard/HB try to portray the SNP as similar to the Tories in the vain hope any of us give a f**k.

Reminds me when Oldco fans used to call us Dandies 'Ahbergreen'

We just laughed and got on with the business of hating two cheeks of the same arse

Which is exactly what the Tories and Labour are :)

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The old firm simile stands up well.

Labour folk warning about the Tories chances of winning a General Election is exactly like the "so as a Hibby you'll be wanting us to win then eh" conversations I had over and over again with Celtic fans when I stayed in Glasgow.

Nah pal, I really couldn't give a f**k.

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Early Thatcher was OK at the time...

Except that during her first two years as PM, Scotland lost a fifth of it's entire workforce to the dole queue as a direct result of her policies.

It wasn't the SNP who put her in power though (they only had 11 votes out of 650-ish in the No-Confidence ballot) it was the electorate in England.

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Except that during her first two years as PM, Scotland lost a fifth of it's entire workforce to the dole queue as a direct result of her policies.

It wasn't the SNP who put her in power though (they only had 11 votes out of 650-ish in the No-Confidence ballot) it was the electorate in England.

It was the electorate in Britain, I think you'll find.

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Except that during her first two years as PM, Scotland lost a fifth of it's entire workforce to the dole queue as a direct result of her policies.

It wasn't the SNP who put her in power though (they only had 11 votes out of 650-ish in the No-Confidence ballot) it was the electorate in England.

The tories got over 30% of the vote in 79 in Scotland. And 22 seats.

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No policies? :huh:

Exactly what I thought. My guess is they're only appealing to the hardcore perthshire Tories, which is hardly going to buy them votes these days

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How about my Gran, who had voted Unionist or Conservative all her life?

In her case, Thatcher made a speech explaining why she was making a cold-weather payment to pensioners, but not in Scotland because "they were used to it"

She got up, walked round to Brothock Bridge & joined the SNP that afternoon. She was a card carrying member until her death.

Is that the sort of disaffected Tory you mean?

No, but a nice story all the same, glad you felt the need to share
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