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General Election 2015


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The TORIES have announced that rail fares will be frozen for their entire term in government if they get into power. Wow, I think that might be a vote winner.

Unless they nationalise all the railways I cannot see how they can promise this.

Once a company has the franchise there are certain restrictions on fare increases, but the government is in no position by the terms of the contract to force companies to have frozen fares on routes which due to circumstances beyond their control may have saw their passenger numbers markedly decline.

The only way they could guarantee it would be by promising the companies concerned to pick up the tab for any such shortfall, whereupon they would probably demand some sort of interest as well to "compensate" for the time between the losses incured from running the services and the government's eventual reimbursement - in itself a potential banana skin should private rail providers threaten to go to court if they feel they're not being paid enough (or simply have an eye for the main chance).

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The TORIES have announced that rail fares will be frozen for their entire term in government if they get into power. Wow, I think that might be a vote winner.

I can get on board with that. Think these sorts of policies are on the right track.

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A wee ditty. Apologies to the Proclaimers.


When you go will you take a note to branch HQ.


You are fucked and there's no one here that's wanting you.


Murphy no more, Curran no more, Sarwar no more, Danny no more.


Labour no more, Lib Dems no more, Tories no more, liars no more...

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Are they not private companies? How can they do that?

I guess it's similar to freezing power prices etc?

As I say, if that gets through scrutiny, that's a great idea I think. No idea how it would be implemented!

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Reminds me of that Michael Portillo anecdote (think it was him at least). He walked up a driveway and as he knocked on the door he realised the drive had just been laid and he'd left huge footprints going right up it.

The door opened and he said 'hello, I'm your local Labour candidate.'

I've done that out canvassing. Late at night I buzzed an intercom to gain entry into a block of flats, the women went tonto saying I could be a murderer etc.

So I said I was the labour candidate.

Turns out, he defected and he's now a mate....

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Someone just posted something from the Facebook page "I bet this jobby can get more likes than Jim Murphy"

Jobby page 6254 likes

Jim Murphy 5702 likes

Nicola Sturgeon 152k likes


Ooft, that's not good for Murphy either. Probably shows the demographics voting for SNP and Labour too.

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