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General Election 2015


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I speak to people in England a lot, and am an Englishman myself. The concern is the potential bias a regional party could have on a UK level and how it benefits people in the UK as a whole. Why would anyone outside Scotland want a party who first and foremost will try to get the best deal for Scotland?

This is not "seethe". For many their involvement at a UK level is not compatible with what UK politics should be about. And I can sympathise with that.

What should UK politics be about?

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I speak to people in England a lot, and am an Englishman myself. The concern is the potential bias a regional party could have on a UK level and how it benefits people in the UK as a whole. Why would anyone outside Scotland want a party who first and foremost will try to get the best deal for Scotland?

This is not "seethe". For many their involvement at a UK level is not compatible with what UK politics should be about. And I can sympathise with that.

Big fuckin deal, the Tories and UKIP are English nationalists. You elect MP's to represent you, that's why they're called representatives, what's wrong with Scotland electing representatives that will represent Scotland?

The hysteria in England that for the first time in 300 years Scotland will actually have a voice in its own government is staggering.

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I speak to people in England a lot, and am an Englishman myself. The concern is the potential bias a regional party could have on a UK level and how it benefits people in the UK as a whole. Why would anyone outside Scotland want a party who first and foremost will try to get the best deal for Scotland?

This is not "seethe". For many their involvement at a UK level is not compatible with what UK politics should be about. And I can sympathise with that.

The way westminster is set up, this is democracy. Deal with it.

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I speak to people in England a lot, and am an Englishman myself. The concern is the potential bias a regional party could have on a UK level and how it benefits people in the UK as a whole. Why would anyone outside Scotland want a party who first and foremost will try to get the best deal for Scotland?

This is not "seethe". For many their involvement at a UK level is not compatible with what UK politics should be about. And I can sympathise with that.

I guess its about the fact that England does not have a regional party. Why do you think that is?

The answer of course is that the Tory party is essentially an (arguably southern) English party. There is so much bias in favour of England (which is natural, of course) that they don't need specific representation.

The seethe is understandable - but incredibly ironic.

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Why oh why did people vote no.

The absolute hypocrisy of all this after being 'love bombed' last year.

Mon the English Independence. Atleast they wouldn't bottle it

its got nothing to do with Scotland, its about the SNP. Its a nifty sleight of hand the yessers have been adopting since the referendum, bringing up anti SNP viewpoints in the UK media as suggesting the ruk hates Scotland when in reality its a few newspapers hate the snp .
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I can sympathise with people in other parts of the UK that are inclined to want the SNP nowhere near government. It's a UK election and the SNP are blatantly only in it for one country within the UK so those in other parts of the UK probably don't want a party in government that has no regard for their personal interests.

Having said that I think there will be others in rUK that will be absolutely delighted to see the SNP playing a minor role in government because it will be a chance to get some genuine centre-left policies through the house. With a small but vocal portion of the electorate in other parts of the UK saying they wish they could vote SNP, someone is going to try and claim that ground. It might come in the form of a Labour lurch to the left, but I can't see it because looking at the bigger picture if Labour went too far to the Left and Boris Johnson was appointed Tory leader then the 2020 election would be a slam dunk Conservative majority. What I think is more likely is we see a party popping up that supports English devolution (if not independence) from a centre-left economic standpoint and has formal ties to the SNP and Plaid Cymru. UKIP are a spent force and the English Democrats are too racist to work with the SNP but if a new centre-left English National Party was formed to sit alongside the SNP and Plaid then I think they could capture a lot of voters that feel disillusioned with new Labour in a way that the Greens and Lib Dems have been unable to.

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Shocking that a lot of people aren't happy at the prospect of a UK government being propped up by a party that doesn't want to be part of the UK. It isn't exactly going to reassure people that they are the best choice for Britain, is it?

At any rate, that particular line seems to have failed the Tories. They have put far too much emphasis on a Lab/SNP pact (which might not even happen) and have run a campaign that is on the whole far too negative. When Ed Milliband is PM (with or without any deals), they will only have themselves to blame. It'll end in a lot of infighting over Europe and between the two party factions whilst ignoring the real reasons they lost.

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I can sympathise with people in other parts of the UK that are inclined to want the SNP nowhere near government. It's a UK election and the SNP are blatantly only in it for one country within the UK so those in other parts of the UK probably don't want a party in government that has no regard for their personal interests.

Having said that I think there will be others in rUK that will be absolutely delighted to see the SNP playing a minor role in government because it will be a chance to get some genuine centre-left policies through the house. With a small but vocal portion of the electorate in other parts of the UK saying they wish they could vote SNP, someone is going to try and claim that ground. It might come in the form of a Labour lurch to the left, but I can't see it because looking at the bigger picture if Labour went too far to the Left and Boris Johnson was appointed Tory leader then the 2020 election would be a slam dunk Conservative majority. What I think is more likely is we see a party popping up that supports English devolution (if not independence) from a centre-left economic standpoint and has formal ties to the SNP and Plaid Cymru. UKIP are a spent force and the English Democrats are too racist to work with the SNP but if a new centre-left English National Party was formed to sit alongside the SNP and Plaid then I think they could capture a lot of voters that feel disillusioned with new Labour in a way that the Greens and Lib Dems have been unable to.

There is little to no real support for English devolution, let alone independence. Where it does exist, it isn't coming from the left.

Even the prospect of devolution seems to terrify the left here.

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its got nothing to do with Scotland, its about the SNP. Its a nifty sleight of hand the yessers have been adopting since the referendum, bringing up anti SNP viewpoints in the UK media as suggesting the ruk hates Scotland when in reality its a few newspapers hate the snp .

Absolute shite, its anti-Scottish rhetoric people are pointing out not anti-SNP, no voters like you are just that craven and servile you will defend and deny it.

Shocking that a lot of people aren't happy at the prospect of a UK government being propped up by a party that doesn't want to be part of the UK. It isn't exactly going to reassure people that they are the best choice for Britain, is it?

At any rate, that particular line seems to have failed the Tories. They have put far too much emphasis on a Lab/SNP pact (which might not even happen) and have run a campaign that is on the whole far too negative. When Ed Milliband is PM (with or without any deals), they will only have themselves to blame. It'll end in a lot of infighting over Europe and between the two party factions whilst ignoring the real reasons they lost.

Who gives a f**k? They're not supposed to be the best choice for Britain, they are elected by Scotland to represent their individual constituencies and that they will do. The UK wanted us, now they have us , they can't moan when we do what we were told to do and exercise our strong voice at Westminster.

We have had governments for hundreds of years that didn't give a shit about us, now a small part of one goverment will prioritise Scotland, its really not the big drama that's being made out.

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RedRob, nobody would accuse you of being raging because they disagree with you. They'd accuse you of being raging because every single one of your many posts across this entire forum has been filled with tear stained shite. You don't get any benefit of the doubt because you lost that a long time ago.

Tear stained Shite? No mate, I'm happy with things the way they are! Work like F*ck, long hours, to keep things ticking over, hard sometimes, there's 22 lads with families who rely on our every job and whether we make any money on it to secure them their next month's work, Can't sleep sometimes just thinking about it. Good last 3 months. Gonna enjoy some Golf!!
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Who are you planning to vote for if you don't mind me asking?

Living in England but was registered in Dundee until yesterday. Switched to Edinburgh South and applied for a postal vote last week.

Dundee will be 60% SNP so figured my vote is worth more in Edinburgh.

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Living in England but was registered in Dundee until yesterday. Switched to Edinburgh South and applied for a postal vote last week.

Dundee will be 60% SNP so figured my vote is worth more in Edinburgh.

Wait, what?

How is that possible?

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Who gives a f**k? They're not supposed to be the best choice for Britain, they are elected by Scotland to represent their individual constituencies and that they will do. The UK wanted us, now they have us , they can't moan when we do what we were told to do and exercise our strong voice at Westminster.

We have had governments for hundreds of years that didn't give a shit about us, now a small part of one goverment will prioritise Scotland, its really not the big drama that's being made out.

Well, yes. people can vote for whoever the hell they want. Anyone raging about that is a moron.

There is a difference between that and being unhappy about the prospect of the SNP in government. They want to leave the UK, so aren't exactly going to inspire confidence in a lot of people as the best to run it. People are perfectly entitled to be concerned about that, just as they may be concerned about a Tory government etc for different reasons.

The Tories have embarrassed themselves over the SNP, however. It may actually end up costing them the election.

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