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General Election 2015


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its got nothing to do with Scotland, its about the SNP. Its a nifty sleight of hand the yessers have been adopting since the referendum, bringing up anti SNP viewpoints in the UK media as suggesting the ruk hates Scotland when in reality its a few newspapers hate the snp .

The SNP get it, but the narrative does appear to be anti-Scottish. They need to be clearer that it's just the SNP they're having a go at. They're not clear at the moment. The Comments sections are also littered with anti-Scottish sentiments.

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Listened to an interview on LBC this morning between Nick Ferrari and the SNP islands minister/representative. Ferrari kept moaning on about the influence the SNP may have despite only having 4% of the vote. The SNP guy didn't pull him up on it with any criticism of FPTP. Do the SNP have a policy on this at Westminster?

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You're absolutely correct.

There's nothing I can do, other than tactically vote for Labour and hope for the best.

You're voting tactically? I never had you down for a spineless, craven shitbag who abandons his morals at the drop of a hat. Oh, wait...

The seethe on election night will be beautiful. It's just a pity we'll only get to see the salty tears from the likes of Curran, Sarwar, Alexander etc as they're unceremoniously kicked out the door.

I would love to visit every Sevco unionist, Effie Deans acolyte and craven shiter on election night and laugh directly into their crumbling faces.

Aaaaand, relax..

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And why arent all these "proud scots" speaking up about all the anti scottish headlines in the press south of hadrians wall(since northumbria is now included in scotland according to farage)

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And why arent all these "proud scots" speaking up about all the anti scottish headlines in the press south of hadrians wall(since northumbria is now included in scotland according to farage)

They've never spoken out against those who label us benefit scroungers.

Wasn't that long ago Gordon Brown was telling us Scots should be leading the union within the UK

Obviously he didn't mean via voting in the SNP

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its got nothing to do with Scotland, its about the SNP. Its a nifty sleight of hand the yessers have been adopting since the referendum, bringing up anti SNP viewpoints in the UK media as suggesting the ruk hates Scotland when in reality its a few newspapers hate the snp .

You really do need to start reading more. Read the letters that are written in newspapers, comments on on-line articles. It is much wider than a few newspapers.

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I don't understand what they are doing. Surely the first rule of advertising is don't mention your competitors, especially if they are miles ahead of you. Sell yourselves on your own right and ignore the opposition. Instead we have the SNP gaining publicity daily from the mad rantings of Labour and the Tories. The SNPs biggest problem has always been that they seem an irrelevance at Westminster, now they seem to be the most important issue of all.

I was a bit worried that in the last 2 weeks, with no UK wide debate platform for Sturgeon, that the SNP would get squeezed out of the news cycle in favour of the old binary choice. Doesn't look that is happening any time soon.

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Back in Glasgow Friday morning, for a mates wedding. Decent flute band over from Belfast booked for the festivities, you would f*ckin love it !!

Quite possibly the most pathetically tragic thing, I've ever read on here.

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Well, yes. people can vote for whoever the hell they want. Anyone raging about that is a moron.

There is a difference between that and being unhappy about the prospect of the SNP in government. They want to leave the UK, so aren't exactly going to inspire confidence in a lot of people as the best to run it. People are perfectly entitled to be concerned about that, just as they may be concerned about a Tory government etc for different reasons.

The Tories have embarrassed themselves over the SNP, however. It may actually end up costing them the election.

You completely contradict yourself, people can vote for whoever they want to get annoyed about that is a moron but its okay to be unhappy at the prospect of the SNP in govermment? That's a contradictory statement. They wanted Scotland as part of the UK, Scotland is now going to vote SNP, deal with it.

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Do the SNP have a policy on this at Westminster?

Yes. Manifesto commits to voting for replacement of FPTP with a system of proportional representation.

Always surprises me that no-one raging about how undemocratic it is for the SNP to wield power says the same about the 783 unelected members of the House of Lords.

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The seethe from people I speak to in England at the moment is phenomenal:lol:

They're shitting themselves. They know a change is coming, the British political scene will never be the same again.

I live in England. People are sound but turn into absolute whompercunts whenever the conversation turns to politics.

This. It's absolutely glorious.

On the other hand living in Hampshire voting is a pointless exercise, Tory stronghold.

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Quite possibly the most pathetically tragic thing, I've ever read on here.

Thats a bit harsh, they play a really decent set, granted they're not perhaps the SRD or Black Skull, but who can afford those lads for a wedding bash !!? It doesn't come cheap mate, I tell ya !!
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