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Trust Ratings


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Poll conducted by Panelbase:


* Do you trust ALEX SALMOND, First Minister, to stand up for Scotland's interests?
Yes: 55%
No: 37%
Don't know: 9%
Net trust rating: +18

* Do you trust NICOLA STURGEON, Deputy First Minister, to stand up for Scotland's interests?
Yes: 54%
No: 33%
Don't know: 13%
Net trust rating: +21

* Do you trust JOHANN LAMONT, leader of Scottish Labour, to stand up for Scotland's interests?
Yes: 37%
No: 42%
Don't know: 22%
Net trust rating: -5

* Do you trust RUTH DAVIDSON, leader of the Scottish Conservatives, to stand up for Scotland's interests?
Yes: 31%
No: 51%
Don't know: 18%
Net trust rating: -20

* Do you trust WILLIE RENNIE, leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, to stand up for Scotland's interests?
Yes: 23%
No: 51%
Don't know: 26%
Net trust rating: -28

* Do you trust PATRICK HARVIE, leader of the Scottish Green Party, to stand up for Scotland's interests?
Yes: 36%
No: 37%
Don't know: 27%
Net trust rating: -1

* Do you trust DAVID CAMERON, Prime Minister, to stand up for Scotland's interests?
Yes: 24%
No: 65%
Don't know: 11%
Net trust rating: -41

* Do you trust NICK CLEGG, Deputy Prime Minister, to stand up for Scotland's interests?
Yes: 13%
No: 71%
Don't know: 16%
Net trust rating: -58

* Do you trust ED MILIBAND, leader of the Labour Party, to stand up for Scotland's interests?
Yes: 23%
No: 61%
Don't know: 16%
Net trust rating: -38


* If a Scottish Parliamentary election was held tomorrow, who would you vote for with your constituency vote?
SNP: 42%
Labour: 27%
Conservative: 15%
Liberal Democrat: 5%
UKIP: 5%
Other: 5%

* And who would you vote for with your regional vote?
SNP: 37%
Labour: 27%
Conservative: 16%
Liberal Democrat: 5%
Greens: 9%
UKIP: 4%
Other: 1%

* If a UK Parliamentary election was held tomorrow, who would you vote for?
SNP: 34%
Labour: 32%
Conservative: 18%
Liberal Democrat: 5%
UKIP: 6%
Other: 5%

Note: The poll was conducted from 29 September to 1 October, among 1,049 adults resident in Scotland aged 16+. All the results were weighted by age, sex, household tenure, country of birth and socio-economic group. Respondents who voted in the 2011 Holyrood election and/or 2014 European elections were weighted back to the actual election results. UK voting intention was weighted to reflect the 2010 Westminster election rather than 2011.

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I think the Net Trust ratings are quite something. (esp. considering the SNP have been in government since 2007)

Also to contrast Scottish leaders versus Westminster leaders

Scottish Government

Alex Salmond: +18

Nicola Sturgeon: +21 ( :wub: )


Johann Lamont: -5

Ruth Davidson: -20

Willie Rennie: -28

Patrick Harvie: -1 ( :wub:)


David Cameron: -41

Ed Miliband: -38

Nick Clegg: -58

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I lol'd today seeing Willie Rennie's statement on Salmond resigning. Absolutely classless stuff. "He has exhausted his political purpose."

Net trust rating -28% :lol:

Looking forward to Willie and the Lib Dem realising they've exhausted their purpose big time in 2015 and 2016. Big Eck will still be about well after these fuds.

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I lol'd today seeing Willie Rennie's statement on Salmond resigning. Absolutely classless stuff. "He has exhausted his political purpose."

Net trust rating -28% :lol:

Looking forward to Willie and the Lib Dem realising they've exhausted their purpose big time in 2015 and 2016. Big Eck will still be about well after these fuds.

Willie Rennie is just one out of a whole long line of people who have been found wanting over the course of the referendum. Going by the bit I made bold, maybe he's Banterous judging by his inane drivel?

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Obviously there is an entire election campaign coming, so things can change between now and then for sure.

The signs are pretty ominous for all the Westminster parties. Hope tae f**k the majority stick to their guns and don't bottle it.

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The signs are pretty ominous for all the Westminster parties. Hope tae f**k the majority stick to their guns and don't bottle it.

What 'majority' is this out of interest?

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Scotland will be SNP vs Labour for the foreseeable. Labour are the worst party in Britain other than the likes of UKIP (And obviously non-entities like the BNP). Zero morals whatsoever, Lib Dems are finished. The Tories may well be absolute c***s, but they seem to embrace that fact whilst Labour still try to pretend they're 'fighting for the common man'.

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they seem to embrace that fact whilst Labour still try to pretend they're 'fighting for the common man'.

So do the SNP to be fair. Laughably.

All parties electable in Scotland and the UK are centre right.

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