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P&B General Election - Game

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With your dislike of all things doss, what do you make of Adam's position as deputy leader of your party?

Thanks for your question TRS. *steps away from behind podium and walks towards the audience*

First of all, I wouldn't say I disliked Club Doss. Pitied, felt sorry for, looked down on? Yes. Disliked, hardly. The reason for these feelings were because Club Dece started and as far as I was aware Doss was a desperate attempt to compete. Deceness isn't about this club vs that, it's a state of self belief that everyone should have. To try and compete with that is hashtagridic.

As for A-Dayum, I know very little about his contribution to that thread as I rarely read it. What I do know about him is that he's a great, great guy, a family man and a bright, interesting mind. Adam clearly made a decision that the Dece movement is a positive one and one which anyone can take into their heart, and I have huge respect for that. Our message is that anyone who wants to be Dece is Dece, all they have to do is really want it. The fact that Adam embraced the Dece Party and the Dece Party embraced him is something that makes me very proud. I'd also point out that you can be in Club Doss and the Dece Party, because Club Dece and the Dece Party aren't the same thing.

Anyone can embrace the Dece Party and be embraced back, and I include you in that. I've heard your sick bars and I know you have the swag in you to be all kinds of Dece.

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Klopp have ran their campaign on the platform of Inclusion. The fact that the party leader has secretly private messaged a select fewmembers looking for, and I quote,members with "good humour, team spirit, eloquence, brutal honesty and creative input ".

This, my friends, is not inclusion.

No,this is elitism of the worst kind. Klopp don't care about you if you don't meet their strict criteria, they only want your vote. There's only one party that cares about all P&B members - and it's FUN.

If you vote for Klopp, and god knows how you could after this, then you are only reinforcing Albino and his goons' idea that we are vote monkeys who he can abandon while he does side deals elsewhere.

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Klopp have ran their campaign on the platform of Inclusion. The fact that the party leader has secretly private messaged a select fewmembers looking for, and I quote,members with "good humour, team spirit, eloquence, brutal honesty and creative input ".

This, my friends, is not inclusion.

No,this is elitism of the worst kind. Klopp don't care about you if you don't meet their strict criteria, they only want your vote. There's only one party that cares about all P&B members - and it's FUN.

If you vote for Klopp, and god knows how you could after this, then you are only reinforcing Albino and his goons' idea that we are vote monkeys who he can abandon while he does side deals elsewhere.

Hi Yassin.

I make no secret of having invited some members to apply, and I made no secret of what I was looking for- I posted it publicly as soon as I was announced as a party leader. Looking for the best cabinet possible is not elitism, it's common sense, and I've assembled a cabinet inclusive of all sorts, who have been great so far.

Regardless of political strategy we are absolutely the most inclusive party in our philosophy and our policies, and when you read the Klopp Party manifesto I'm confident you'll be satisfied that we are the credible party of the people.

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Think its worth noting that whilst #PMgate has naturally grabbed the thread's attention, the evening did start with the de-facto leader of the fun party believing BarraJag and falsely accusing The Klopp party of something that was quite obviously not true.

This kind of slander (and tragic gullibility) shouldn't be forgotten just because the target off said duff gen went on to have a mare of their own.

We don't want to see people trying to throw our rivals under the bus in a dishonest way #Dece #Decent

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Hi Yassin.

I make no secret of having invited some members to apply, and I made no secret of what I was looking for- I posted it publicly as soon as I was announced as a party leader. Looking for the best cabinet possible is not elitism, it's common sense, and I've assembled a cabinet inclusive of all sorts, who have been great so far.

Regardless of political strategy we are absolutely the most inclusive party in our philosophy and our policies, and when you read the Klopp Party manifesto I'm confident you'll be satisfied that we are the credible party of the people.

Hi Albion.

Surely looking for a narrowly specific type of candidate is, by definition, exclusive?

Over at FUN we don't care if people are deranged, mind numbingly boring, thickos or even Junior fans. We accept people from all walks of life.

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Hi Yassin.

I make no secret of having invited some members to apply, and I made no secret of what I was looking for- I posted it publicly as soon as I was announced as a party leader. Looking for the best cabinet possible is not elitism, it's common sense, and I've assembled a cabinet inclusive of all sorts, who have been great so far.

Regardless of political strategy we are absolutely the most inclusive party in our philosophy and our policies, and when you read the Klopp Party manifesto I'm confident you'll be satisfied that we are the credible party of the people.

You neglected to tell us that you would be PMing the people you thought fitted this criteria and again failed to mention this when asked about your recruitment policy earlier.

Being a closed shop with not a drip of inclusivity about you is bad enough but lying about it is even worse. Tut tut.

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That curry pie is a fucking monstrosity to be fair. I'd have Bovril ahead of it. And I really don't like Bovril.

^^ Kelvin Mackenzie IMO. Bovril is Scotland. Pie is England. Curry pie is Wales.

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It's interesting that the Dece party are attempting to slander Klopp after a scandal has been revealed. Their level of deflection is Johan Lamont-esque. Embarrassed for them considering they are supposed to be the 'cool' party and are now in such a state that they are going out of their way to try and discredit the party they had deemed 'boring'.

The tide is swinging. People are beginning to wake up.

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It's interesting that the Dece party are attempting to slander Klopp after a scandal has been revealed. Their level of deflection is Johan Lamont-esque. Embarrassed for them considering they are supposed to be the 'cool' party and are now in such a state that they are going out of their way to try and discredit the party they had deemed 'boring'.

The tide is swinging. People are beginning to wake up.

What nice words were pasted into your PM m8?

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You neglected to tell us that you would be PMing the people you thought fitted this criteria and again failed to mention this when asked about your recruitment policy earlier.

Being a closed shop with not a drip of inclusivity about you is bad enough but lying about it is even worse. Tut tut.

No matter how much slander and name-calling you use it doesn't change that we've done nothing wrong, and after all the false allegations and fraud from your party, having the cheek to call us liars is despicable.

SSI's entire cabinet is made up of frequent posters on the "Club Dece" thread; mine is made up of posters from all walks of P&B life, and he calls us exclusive.

Dece = Hypocrite party.

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No matter how much slander and name-calling you use it doesn't change that we've done nothing wrong, and after all the false allegations and fraud from your party, having the cheek to call us liars is despicable.

SSI's entire cabinet is made up of frequent posters on the "Club Dece" thread; mine is made up of posters from all walks of P&B life, and he calls us exclusive.

Dece = Hypocrite party.

I made it perfectly clear that I'm not that bothered about your flirting with the rules.

The fact is you and your party have been constant with the name calling, namely about how we're exclusive, and this info makes a complete mockery of that. You'd think with all the hints dropped about it that you'd have worked out that this was about to bite you on the arse.

Ah well, a blow for Albino's Chosen Few Party but plenty time yet.

What did your party do to receive a 15 point deduction bud?

This ladies and gents is what..

all the false allegations and fraud

...looks like. Desperate times.

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I resent the implication that I am a "snitch". Is leaking valuable information "snitching"? If it is then lock Edward Snowden up and throw away the key.

It's in times like these I refer to Omar Little and Tay Swift:

1) It's all in the game, yo

2) The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

What was revealed was:

  • The Klopp Party "tapped up" posters for positions. Once you start playing in the dirt, things are going to get dirty. Politics is, unfortunately, a dirty game.
  • The leader of the Klopp Party claimed that no "sentient person" would support the Dece Party - this is at odds with AR's own personal views and could be an attempt at trying to drive an anti-Dece "populist" agenda.
  • PMs had already been posted in this thread well before the "reveal". A precedent was set and the Dece Party convenor was clearly not in the wrong.
  • Albino Rover did not get the cabinet he wanted - I'm not a part of it.
  • Albino Rover is a fine poster (particularly in the Film & TV subforum, where he is one of the best) but his political judgement is not his strongest attribute - approaching someone and offering a cabinet position, then claiming that no "sentient person" would support the Dece Party, whilst in between these two events the very same person posts his support for the Dece Party.

The whole "anti-dece" thing is very similar to the idiot BetterTogether voters during the independence campaign. "I'm not voting Dece because of the hashtags" is akin to saying "I can't vote Yes because Alex Salmond is fat/has an old wife". Playground politics here.

I politely declined the opportunity to join the Klopp Party but I was impressed by how the Dece Party convenor sold his vision. I don't have an active role in any policy decisions because I can't guarantee the time during this coming week.

P.S: Shout out to my mentor Nic Machz

P.P.S: Shout out to the Dece Party cabinet for channeling the words of S.Tzu over the past few days - "The good tactician plays with his adversary as a cat plays with a mouse" #cultured

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Another gr8 contribution from Yoda. It's funny though, I'm reading through it (#mirin as per usual) and yet when I get to the end of it I feel uneasy and troubled rather than defiant and proud. Up to now I've felt so sure of every decision we've made, and then I read something in Yoda's post that makes me question one decision.

It's in times like these I refer to Omar Little and Tay Swift:

1) It's all in the game, yo

2) The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

Have we been premature with our official campaign song? I Follow Rivers (Magician Remix obv) is a ridic song without a doubt, but T. Swift's Shake It Off is not only a contemporary pop classic, it summarises the message of our party and the mood of our campaign perfectly. L. Li's song is so dece, but the lyrics "I, I follow" sounds more fitting of one of our more leader-centric competitors.

Of course everything else we've done has been totally perfect, but in this case a change is needed ITCMO.

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You neglected to tell us that you would be PMing the people you thought fitted this criteria and again failed to mention this when asked about your recruitment policy earlier.

Being a closed shop with not a drip of inclusivity about you is bad enough but lying about it is even worse. Tut tut.

What I find interesting is that you think it is bad to reach out to the entire P&B community to see if they wanted to consider joining the party and maybe working towards a better more prosperous P&B future.

Yet you are the one who posted the following on your Club Dece thread.


Pls nomn8 yourselves for Party membership bois so Im not stuck with some P&B Game playing dweeb cramping my style.

So in other words, you just wanted your "dece" brothers to nominate themselves on the thread so you would be able to avoid picking other people?

We have AR reaching out to people across the community and you reaching out just to those in the "dece" club? I know which one seems more inclusive and open to me and it isn't Dece!

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Dece is the main political opposition for Klopp in my book. Dece are like Labour. No matter what levels they plan to sink to, they'll still collect votes. Doss are just pale imitators who give off the annoying student-y vibe.

Klopp are free thinking and hope to build our support on a love for The Jurgen and solid policies.

This posts suggests there are two main parties.

If Dece are labour, doesn't that make Klopp the tories of P&B?

Not really a place you want to be right now...

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