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Milesy making up more stories..... Sigh

On that note, did you really make up a story that you lobbed your own faeces at another human being?

Did 8mile say that he flung shit at someone?

Hey has anyone seen this?

It's so catchy! lol

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Is this the debate? Jesus, even kiddy on politics is fucking shite. Newsnight is for wankers. Don't let P&B go the same way. Throw this kiddy on political stuff into the Politics Forum.

It certainly appears to be going round in circles now. I think it's best we abandon the UKlopP conversation for now.

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Adam, I like you as a poster and I'm sure you're a fine gentleman, but it appears Dece has brought out the worst in you. Look back at some of your comments about me, not through Deceist eyes but through your own, and please realise the indecency of those comments and show some respect and responsibility in the rest of this debate.

And I you, but if you're going to post slanderous comments against my fellow party member, expect an appropriate response.

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I do wonder if we are focusing too much on the homophobia and not the ageism (not even ageism, prejudice against younger football fans myself who reject the youth culture that Deceism represents).

I own beige trousers. I haven't been to a nightclub for three years. I can't figure out how to hashtag things (seriously, I inherited a MacIntosh computer from my sister and the keyboard doesn't have a hashtag button). I like taking hardboiled sweets to the football, and as much as I do support safe standing, I also actually quite like having a seat at the football so I can read the programme at half time and rest my legs. I still spell 'Boys' with a 'y' in it. I don't go to the gym, when I want to exercise I play football, and out on a field not on some synthetic surface. I'm still suspicious of people who turn up for a kick about wearing the full Real Madrid kit with 'Ronaldo 7' strewn across the back. I also think gay people shouldn't have to suffer from homophobic abuse at the football. But most importantly, why on earth would anyone want to replace a pie at the football with chicken!?

With all that in mind, I do worry about a 'Dece' future. We may not be the most exciting of football supporters, but we pay for our season tickets every year, and sit patiently, waiting for our team to do well. What place will we have at football matches if Dece have their way? Sounds awfully worrying to me.

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It's not particularly fair to blame the Dece Party for #gifgate. I acted alone and I'm not a cabinet member so the Dece cabinet have not resorted to any underhand tactics. Should I have done it? Probs not but I'll learn from my mistake.

Some might say "But Yoda, you were just trying to draw attention to double standards from some of the other parties, isn't that a noble deed?". Perhaps it is a noble deed but I'm mature enough to accept responsibility for my actions. I'll allow my peers to judge me. However, what I will say is that I hope other posters are mature enough to say "I was wrong to accuse the Dece Party of homophobia and/or chauvinism". Some might say that failure to do so merely shows that those other posters lack a strong character, but I couldn't possibly comment on that.

FWIW, I wouldn't want Albino Rover banned. Why? I'll tell you why. The Dece Party can help educate him: rehabilitation is more important than punishment.

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I do wonder if we are focusing too much on the homophobia and not the ageism (not even ageism, prejudice against younger football fans myself who reject the youth culture that Deceism represents).

I own beige trousers. I haven't been to a nightclub for three years. I can't figure out how to hashtag things (seriously, I inherited a MacIntosh computer from my sister and the keyboard doesn't have a hashtag button). I like taking hardboiled sweets to the football, and as much as I do support safe standing, I also actually quite like having a seat at the football so I can read the programme at half time and rest my legs. I still spell 'Boys' with a 'y' in it. I don't go to the gym, when I want to exercise I play football, and out on a field not on some synthetic surface. I'm still suspicious of people who turn up for a kick about wearing the full Real Madrid kit with 'Ronaldo 7' strewn across the back. I also think gay people shouldn't have to suffer from homophobic abuse at the football. But most importantly, why on earth would anyone want to replace a pie at the football with chicken!?

With all that in mind, I do worry about a 'Dece' future. We may not be the most exciting of football supporters, but we pay for our season tickets every year, and sit patiently, waiting for our team to do well. What place will we have at football matches if Dece have their way? Sounds awfully worrying to me.

I like the cut of your jib.

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I do wonder if we are focusing too much on the homophobia and not the ageism (not even ageism, prejudice against younger football fans myself who reject the youth culture that Deceism represents).

I own beige trousers. I haven't been to a nightclub for three years. I can't figure out how to hashtag things (seriously, I inherited a MacIntosh computer from my sister and the keyboard doesn't have a hashtag button). I like taking hardboiled sweets to the football, and as much as I do support safe standing, I also actually quite like having a seat at the football so I can read the programme at half time and rest my legs. I still spell 'Boys' with a 'y' in it. I don't go to the gym, when I want to exercise I play football, and out on a field not on some synthetic surface. I'm still suspicious of people who turn up for a kick about wearing the full Real Madrid kit with 'Ronaldo 7' strewn across the back. I also think gay people shouldn't have to suffer from homophobic abuse at the football. But most importantly, why on earth would anyone want to replace a pie at the football with chicken!?

With all that in mind, I do worry about a 'Dece' future. We may not be the most exciting of football supporters, but we pay for our season tickets every year, and sit patiently, waiting for our team to do well. What place will we have at football matches if Dece have their way? Sounds awfully worrying to me.

Mate, you have basically described myself there. OK, maybe not on the technology side of things (I love my iPad more than my wife), but I am not your average Dece person by any proportion.

I joined the gym at work in June and have yet to go, even though they are taking a £22 a month direct debit, I haven't owned a football shirt in over four years, and even then it was for playing fives, and my colleague at work brought back some Vimto sweets from a conference in Manchester last week that I enjoyed so much I went to the shop that very afternoon for a quarter of Bon Bons.

And yet, I believe the Dece Party represents each and every one of my needs for football, the media, and on P&B.

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I do wonder if we are focusing too much on the homophobia and not the ageism (not even ageism, prejudice against younger football fans myself who reject the youth culture that Deceism represents).

I own beige trousers. I haven't been to a nightclub for three years. I can't figure out how to hashtag things (seriously, I inherited a MacIntosh computer from my sister and the keyboard doesn't have a hashtag button). I like taking hardboiled sweets to the football, and as much as I do support safe standing, I also actually quite like having a seat at the football so I can read the programme at half time and rest my legs. I still spell 'Boys' with a 'y' in it. I don't go to the gym, when I want to exercise I play football, and out on a field not on some synthetic surface. I'm still suspicious of people who turn up for a kick about wearing the full Real Madrid kit with 'Ronaldo 7' strewn across the back. I also think gay people shouldn't have to suffer from homophobic abuse at the football. But most importantly, why on earth would anyone want to replace a pie at the football with chicken!?

With all that in mind, I do worry about a 'Dece' future. We may not be the most exciting of football supporters, but we pay for our season tickets every year, and sit patiently, waiting for our team to do well. What place will we have at football matches if Dece have their way? Sounds awfully worrying to me.

^ Edited version of one of his anti-Independence posts with the word Dece mail merged in throughout, imo.

Says the man named after a player's cock.

And? What's wrong with cock?

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I do wonder if we are focusing too much on the homophobia and not the ageism (not even ageism, prejudice against younger football fans myself who reject the youth culture that Deceism represents).

I own beige trousers. I haven't been to a nightclub for three years. I can't figure out how to hashtag things (seriously, I inherited a MacIntosh computer from my sister and the keyboard doesn't have a hashtag button). I like taking hardboiled sweets to the football, and as much as I do support safe standing, I also actually quite like having a seat at the football so I can read the programme at half time and rest my legs. I still spell 'Boys' with a 'y' in it. I don't go to the gym, when I want to exercise I play football, and out on a field not on some synthetic surface. I'm still suspicious of people who turn up for a kick about wearing the full Real Madrid kit with 'Ronaldo 7' strewn across the back. I also think gay people shouldn't have to suffer from homophobic abuse at the football. But most importantly, why on earth would anyone want to replace a pie at the football with chicken!?

With all that in mind, I do worry about a 'Dece' future. We may not be the most exciting of football supporters, but we pay for our season tickets every year, and sit patiently, waiting for our team to do well. What place will we have at football matches if Dece have their way? Sounds awfully worrying to me.

Lovely post. The day the kiosk in the Davie Cooper and other stands throughout Scotland resembles the ovens in Asda with numerous chickens turning on a skewer will bring Armageddon to Scottish Football.

No Pie

No Party

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