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P&B General Election - Game

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Spain, on 22 Oct 2014 - 17:33, said:

I didn't say you were against pie, I just said that your party is a bit dull and predominantly white. I am fully aware that it's the "dece-bois" who find the hot gravy a little too much to handle.

I knew what you were getting at, I just didn't want there to be any confusion further along the line. Much rather be the safe option than the raving, shambolic party that you are and that you represent.

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I knew what you were getting at, I just didn't want there to be any confusion further along the line. Much rather be the safe option than the raving, shambolic party that you are and that you represent.

Sir! Have you no shame?

The Fun Party is organised chaos with a strong cabinet of serious contenders who are all living the dream. You can live the dream too if you just open you eyes to the pathway to euphoria our party represent.

I have to say after my first cabinet meeting today I was impressed by the togetherness and inclusion of all members in a democratic, respectful and mature way. Ham is an excellent figurehead who is a true statesman in every sense of the word. Spain may be the most vocal of our party, but that's his job. A true catalyst of change.

Takes my breath away. I have never been so impressed by a group of people since I met the Hollyoaks cast in 2002. Spain is a modern day equivalent of Paul Danan. He is just...wow.

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To all parties. What music video on YouTube sums up your party's ethos?

For FUN and YSU.

Dece Party and Klopp Party promptly responded.

Finger out please, thank you.

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For FUN and YSU.

Dece Party and Klopp Party promptly responded.

Finger out please, thank you.

Apologies for the delay in responding. This was due to the booze and cocaine fueled sessions last night involving several ladyboys recent cabinet reshuffle and mourning the sad loss on my predecessor.

Our media adviser is currently helping children in an orphanage in outer Mongolia, but I am sure he will respond accordingly.

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ANNOUNCEMENT - Hello everyone, I'm incredibly proud to announce that I have been appointed the Official Campaign Manager for the Klopp Party. I am obviously extremely happy to take up the role, but this happiness will mean nothing if we are not successful on Election Day. I am aware that we must remain vigilant and keep fighting for our cause until the very last seconds. A win in the elections will not be possible without the cooperation of you, the voters. Don't, for one moment, sit back and think to yourself, ''I am just one person. What effect will my vote have?''.

The answer is this, my friends: Every vote matters. Every single vote. There is only one party with sensible, beneficial policies and a remarkable level of empathy. That party is the KLOPP Party.

To all KLOPP Party members, please make it your aim to get one person on board every day. Whether it be a friend, family member or a total stranger, let it be known to them that there is only one viable option here. To those of you have placed your support elsewhere, we respect your opinion but would advise you to refrain from making your mind up until all of the parties, ourselves included, have revealed more about their policies and made absolutely everything transparent.

Thanks to you all. We send you all our love and gratitude at this time.

The Real Saints


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Quite a coup for Klopp Party; with no charismatic heavyweights in their ranks, they pull off a true marquee signing like TRS.

I wonder how much that is costing the party though? Did Adolf Rover renounce his membership to the KKK to bring in the forward thinking and liberal TRS?

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So Klopp have decided that a 5 person game, requires 6 people? I guess they've got to make up for how dull they are somehow, but come-on...

7 Members of YSU

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So Klopp have decided that a 5 person game, requires 6 people? I guess they've got to make up for how dull they are somehow, but come-on...

All my non-cabinet appointments have been made with the permission of DavidMcG, so I'm sure FUN will be able to do the same once you get more than 5 supporters.

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This is an interesting revelation. Other parties were granted permission to appoint extra members without any kind of announcement to the remaining parties detailing an update to the rules?

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Rumour has it that i have renounced the post of independent pollster to officially come out for one party, so impressed have i been with their campaign. Press conference expected at 9.

Did they slip you a bundle of £500 notes?

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Dear Public of Pie & Bovril,

I would like to notify you of my intention to resign immediately from my cabinet position of Shadow Minister of Scottish Media in the Klopp Party. The reasoning behind this decision is that I have come to find that the party is an absolute shambles. There is zero element of leadership throughout the party. Another member of the cabinet resigned more than 2 (TWO) days ago. Instead of attempting to address this situation and find a suitable replacement, our dear leader Albino Rover stated:

'Even posting the odd Klopp picture on the Conference thread would suffice, just to kid on you're still fully active. A ministerial resignation is not public information, we're going to have to keep this between us for the sake of the party image.'

The announcement of TRS as Campaign Manager came as a great surprise to the Klopp party. A great addition he is, a potential vote winner he is, but for the leader to not even prep the team beforehand about this information is ridiculous. It is obvious that the statement about AlbinoRover handpicking the team and running a dictatorship is proving to be true.

On asking why this coup had not been revealed to the team prior to the on-thread announcement, we were told from dear leader that, 'Sorry, there wasn't much to discuss.'.

Then of course, is the initial scandal of our Dear Leader attempting to handpick his team. Not a bad idea, and I stood behind Dear Leader at the time.

That was, until it was revealed that the ideal cabinet did not contain a single member of the team our Dear Leader had wished for. I took these concerns to the Deputy Leader (Sooky) and part of the response I received included the line:

'It was a bit disappointing to find out there was at least four more ideal candidates that Albino had in mind than us, I can't deny that.'

Therefore, the reason I am leaving the Klopp Party is because I no longer feel I am fighting for the fundamentals Klopp inspire, instead it has became the AlbinoRover party. That is only proven with the massive lack of activity there is within the party as well. Considering all that I have revealed, it would not surprise me if Klopp is the party that has the 15 point deduction either considering the Dear Leader has no regard for the rest of the team and is not fully honest with them.

I also believe Dear Leader hasn't exactly covered himself in glory throughout the initial bouts of sparring either, often contradicting himself throughout as evidenced by the other parties running rings round him.

Yours faithfully,

(Former) Shadow Cabinet Minister,



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How do you know im not coming out for your lot. Very rash, very rash....

I do know. Inside every top lad on Pie and Bovril, there is a Fun Party member bursting to come out.

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Dear Public of Pie & Bovril,

I would like to notify you of my intention to resign immediately from my cabinet position of Shadow Minister of Scottish Media in the Klopp Party. The reasoning behind this decision is that I have come to find that the party is an absolute shambles. There is zero element of leadership throughout the party. Another member of the cabinet resigned more than 2 (TWO) days ago. Instead of attempting to address this situation and find a suitable replacement, our dear leader Albino Rover stated:

'Even posting the odd Klopp picture on the Conference thread would suffice, just to kid on you're still fully active. A ministerial resignation is not public information, we're going to have to keep this between us for the sake of the party image.'

The announcement of TRS as Campaign Manager came as a great surprise to the Klopp party. A great addition he is, a potential vote winner he is, but for the leader to not even prep the team beforehand about this information is ridiculous. It is obvious that the statement about AlbinoRover handpicking the team and running a dictatorship is proving to be true.

On asking why this coup had not been revealed to the team prior to the on-thread announcement, we were told from dear leader that, 'Sorry, there wasn't much to discuss.'.

Then of course, is the initial scandal of our Dear Leader attempting to handpick his team. Not a bad idea, and I stood behind Dear Leader at the time.

That was, until it was revealed that the ideal cabinet did not contain a single member of the team our Dear Leader had wished for. I took these concerns to the Deputy Leader (Sooky) and part of the response I received included the line:

'It was a bit disappointing to find out there was at least four more ideal candidates that Albino had in mind than us, I can't deny that.'

Therefore, the reason I am leaving the Klopp Party is because I no longer feel I am fighting for the fundamentals Klopp inspire, instead it has became the AlbinoRover party. That is only proven with the massive lack of activity there is within the party as well. Considering all that I have revealed, it would not surprise me if Klopp is the party that has the 15 point deduction either considering the Dear Leader has no regard for the rest of the team and is not fully honest with them.

I also believe Dear Leader hasn't exactly covered himself in glory throughout the initial bouts of sparring either, often contradicting himself throughout as evidenced by the other parties running rings round him.

Yours faithfully,

(Former) Shadow Cabinet Minister,




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Dear Ludo,

On behalf of the FUN Party we would like to apologise to you. Apologise, I hear you ask? Yes. You are a victim of a system that has failed you. We have all failed you. And as such, we extend to you our hand, please join the FUN Party in our crusade for electoral reform and revolution of the system.

Your's apologetically,


Deputy Leader of the FUN Party

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Dear Public of Pie & Bovril,

I would like to notify you of my intention to resign immediately from my cabinet position of Shadow Minister of Scottish Media in the Klopp Party. The reasoning behind this decision is that I have come to find that the party is an absolute shambles. There is zero element of leadership throughout the party. Another member of the cabinet resigned more than 2 (TWO) days ago. Instead of attempting to address this situation and find a suitable replacement, our dear leader Albino Rover stated:

'Even posting the odd Klopp picture on the Conference thread would suffice, just to kid on you're still fully active. A ministerial resignation is not public information, we're going to have to keep this between us for the sake of the party image.'

The announcement of TRS as Campaign Manager came as a great surprise to the Klopp party. A great addition he is, a potential vote winner he is, but for the leader to not even prep the team beforehand about this information is ridiculous. It is obvious that the statement about AlbinoRover handpicking the team and running a dictatorship is proving to be true.

On asking why this coup had not been revealed to the team prior to the on-thread announcement, we were told from dear leader that, 'Sorry, there wasn't much to discuss.'.

Then of course, is the initial scandal of our Dear Leader attempting to handpick his team. Not a bad idea, and I stood behind Dear Leader at the time.

That was, until it was revealed that the ideal cabinet did not contain a single member of the team our Dear Leader had wished for. I took these concerns to the Deputy Leader (Sooky) and part of the response I received included the line:

'It was a bit disappointing to find out there was at least four more ideal candidates that Albino had in mind than us, I can't deny that.'

Therefore, the reason I am leaving the Klopp Party is because I no longer feel I am fighting for the fundamentals Klopp inspire, instead it has became the AlbinoRover party. That is only proven with the massive lack of activity there is within the party as well. Considering all that I have revealed, it would not surprise me if Klopp is the party that has the 15 point deduction either considering the Dear Leader has no regard for the rest of the team and is not fully honest with them.

I also believe Dear Leader hasn't exactly covered himself in glory throughout the initial bouts of sparring either, often contradicting himself throughout as evidenced by the other parties running rings round him.

Yours faithfully,

(Former) Shadow Cabinet Minister,



Explosive. But unsurprising at the same time.

I am sorry you had to endure such oppression when all you wished for was a better world. Why not have a chat with one of our fellow members and see if you can find a way forward to a more fun and better Pie and Bovril? If you can't find common ground, then no dramas. Its all about the fun and equality.

An extended hand of friendship is offered by Pie and Bovril's very own Paul Danan. I'm welling up here!


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