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P&B General Election - Game

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The position of minister for p&b has opened up , i believe that replacing a member should be the same as the initial hiring so applications made via the thread

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If FUN were to dispose of their leader who clearly is the weak link and doesn't have time for the party, I could see them being an unstoppable juggernaut. Spain is doing a commendable job but there is only so much one can do when they are a deputy. I expect he'll ace tomorrow nights debate. Sooky could've been a contender but he is being squeezed by his party.

The fact that the irrelevant YSU have got rid of their strongest member in DomDom is only a sign of things to come from them. The Clegg wannabe hasn't got a clue what he's doing with that party.

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You've been duped by a hideous lie. We accept everyone at the Dece Party as long as they embrace the idea of Deceness.

Between this and the earlier exchange you had with Itzdrk, I can see that YSU is in turmoil as well. Everyone is crumbling whilst the Dece stands strong.

Hi EGB, I trust this post finds you well. Please pass on my regards to SSI. I haven't seen much of him tonight so I assume he is balls deep in two or possibly three 9's right now.

I hate to correct you but Club Dece clearly stated that 33 was the cut off age. Therefore myself and Andy remained on the outside. However I am fine with the circumstances as Club Dece have extremely supportive of my forthcoming mid life crisis. I feel that my wife (have you met Marjory yet?) will appreciate my new trendy hairstyle thanks to the sage advice of the Dece bois.

I also have to point out that the Fun Party is gaining momentum. Its a fun bus open to all. Dece boys may just find this their guilty pleasure.

S Club Juniors became The Saturdays m8.

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Hi EGB, I trust this post finds you well. Please pass on my regards to SSI. I haven't seen much of him tonight so I assume he is balls deep in two or possibly three 9's right now.

I hate to correct you but Club Dece clearly stated that 33 was the cut off age. Therefore myself and Andy remained on the outside. However I am fine with the circumstances as Club Dece have extremely supportive of my forthcoming mid life crisis. I feel that my wife (have you met Marjory yet?) will appreciate my new trendy hairstyle thanks to the sage advice of the Dece bois.

I also have to point out that the Fun Party is gaining momentum. Its a fun bus open to all. Dece boys may just find this their guilty pleasure.

S Club Juniors became The Saturdays m8.

Addie, I'm afraid you're making the age old mistake.

The Dece Party is not the same as Club Dece.

The Dece Party see age as merely a number, while #Dece is a state of mind.

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It's no coincidence that every party has had inner turmoil apart from Dece. Can you imagine us arguing and bickering? Laughable suggestion. Let me lay out clearly for the electorate why this has happened, it's the difference in motivation between Dece and the rest.

The Dece movement existed before this election and when we heard about it we had to be involved because it was the perfect platform to say what we believe in. SSI started the party but it could've been a number of people, and such was the groundswell of support that he was able to hear of the numerous interested candidates and pick them in an authentic, transparent way. We have a belief that everyone can be as Dece a person as they want to be without harming others, it's a truly beautiful thing and nothing will get between us.

Then there's the rest, who ran for election and thought of party identities to go with it later. What does Albino Rover stand for? Klopp? He believes in one guy, fantastic stuff. He's playing an online election to boost his ego, as can be seen from his iron fist approach to ruling his party and his lack of ethics at times. Fun? A party set up to say how much they hate another party, great. Do you hate the idea of people being confident? Shameful. There's only one real movement in this election, if we don't win it'll be an outrage.

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Addie, I'm afraid you're making the age old mistake.

The Dece Party is not the same as Club Dece.

The Dece Party see age as merely a number, while #Dece is a state of mind.

Apologies. I see clearly now. The Dece Party is open to all in an effort to engage and improve. How refreshing.

If only you had a wee think about the consequences of the chickens at football though. This is to Dece what tuition fees are to the Lib Dems.

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You've been duped by a hideous lie. We accept everyone at the Dece Party as long as they embrace the idea of Deceness.

To me your post is a clear indicator that Dece would've been your first choice, but through no fault of your own you've backed another party due to misinformation given to you. I won't badger you to switch sides as I respect you too much for that, but I'll finish this by saying that our door is open (oh, and by even saying you like Dece you're contradicting the main policy of your party which is anti-Decism).

I was against Dece due to their ageist entry procedure.

I've waited for an invitation to the Dece party for a while. I even started wearing contacts, stopped scraping my hair back in to a ponytail, quit chess club and started wearing sexy clothes but do you think Fudge or Adam tried to have a ride at me? Did they f**k!

Then I learned that I was too old. :(

So the FUN party appealed to my deep seated resentment of Dece. Spain has spoken to me like the human being that I am and Addie has tried to boost my ruined (by Dece) self esteem by offering me a wee position similar to TRS' in the Klopp party.

I'm a loyal sort and won't let these guys down. *Sobs*

All the best.

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Guest honestrae95

Dear itzdrk,

As the Chief Legal Advisor of the YSU party, I believe I already have the insight and relevant skills to be an exceptional Minister for the YSU party. I will represent the people of P&B in a fair and democratic way and make a real difference within this exciting community.



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Chicken will be a new option but pies should remain, itco.

"But SSI, pies are just minced rats ears covered in pastry. With the football season ending at the start of summer, eating pies is most definitely #CarbsBeforeMarbs. Why allow such tomfoolery?" you might say.

Well I would answer that with a reminder of #CheatDay - which for many of us is coincidentally every second Saturday.

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No Pie

No Party

The replacing of pies with chicken at the football will go down with the great political mistakes. They've basically done a Nick Clegg.

Who really wants to tuck into a greasy rotisserie chicken at the football anyway? Logistical nightmare. Pies are perfectly sized and designed to be eaten, standing up, and on the go. Perfect for a football match.

Chickens are for a Sunday Roast, and even then everyone is secretly disappointed that lamb, beef or pork isn't being served instead.

No Pie

No Party

It's quite clear that the only way to prevent being force fed chicken is to vote FUN.


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Dear itzdrk,

As the Chief Legal Advisor of the YSU party, I believe I already have the insight and relevant skills to be an exceptional Minister for the YSU party. I will represent the people of P&B in a fair and democratic way and make a real difference within this exciting community.



honestrae you are hired

Well that took all of 5 mins , seems that its not hard to fill spaces in the big party's, we don't even have to pretend that members are still in the cabinet or anything...


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Response to Addie/Andy C.

I believe Addie is like that Asian guy in the SDL who gets paraded around as an example of how progressive they are. He's a well meaning guy and not someone you should resent, but he's been duped on his new friends' motives. Fun are a hateful party, they were set up on the basis of being "anti-Dece". We aren't anti-anyone Addie, and we hope that when things get better again with Marjory and you're swaggering to work feeling like a top boi, you realise that the ones who helped you (Dece) have your interests at heart above everyone.

Andy C, I'm sorry to hear you feel this way. It doesn't rest easy with me that other parties are made up of people who wish they were with us and are elsewhere out of spite, and the fact that misinformed information has led you there makes me sad. You weren't invited to Dece because that isn't how Dece works, being the inclusive perty that you are we all have to declare an interest first. Make no mistake, we'd have accepted you as a Dece member, and we still would.

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Well, their policies for a start. It is about time that football supporters were respected more by the bigwigs. At the end of the day (classic football cliche), we are the customers and we keep our clubs afloat. It is absolutely vital that our opinions are respected and taken on board. I believe that the Klopp Party are in the best position to achieve this.

Also, I must admit to having quite a personal reason for joining this party. I am keen to get involved in sports journalism. The Klopp Party are promising more opportunities for journalists of all ages. I am currently experiencing just how difficult it is to find a job after graduating from university. No matter how much talent you have, it is an incredibly tricky business if you don't have the contacts already. With the deteriorating quality of journalism revolving around Scottish Football, it is a very frustrating situation. Again, based on their policies, I believe that the Klopp Party are in the best position to positively amend this state of affairs.

With a strong leader like Albino Rover and a charismatic figurehead like Jurgen Klopp, I was left in no doubt about which party to align myself with.

TRS, my apologies for the delay in reply. I have been replying to the overwhelming volume of positive, personal correspondence the Party is currently receiving.

Can I further enquire as to why you believe in Klopp Policies, when no party has yet released their policies? Klopp have drip fed some, we're saving much of ours for tomorrow night, with the rest to follow on Sunday/Monday at the White Paper Launch, as per the stipulating electoral procedure. I can assure you, we have policies in the pipeline which will also help your personal journey.

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The Dece Party are a group of confident #lads who know how to enjoy life and embrace the state of mind they have made for themselves. Who wouldn't want to be part of that? Women want them. Men want to be like them. Are they the guys you need to help you with style? Yes. Are they the ones you should cast an admiring glance towards? Absolutely. Who wouldn't want to be like Fudge, EGB or SSI?

But would you want them to be elected?

Do you honestly want to do this to such a group of top bois? Look at Nick Clegg before the election? He was young, he was vibrant, he was the rising star of politics.

Then he was in Government.

Look at him now. Could you look yourself in the mirror and do this to good looking lads like the Dece Bois? Dece bois sitting in office in the wee small hours whilst bars in Marbs go empty? Nah. This ain't right. Lots of 9's in empty beds. Nope.

This won't be fun. It would be wrong. Vote Fun. The time for fun is now. The bus is running folks.

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YSU have formally told me that DomDom is no longer a cabinet member and replaced him with honestrae.

FUN Leader has yet to formally tell me who is replacing Barra and running serious risk of penalty.

I have instructed Klopp leader to replace Ludo and Cardinal ASAP and currently mulling over if they will be punished

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YSU have formally told me that DomDom is no longer a cabinet member and replaced him with honestrae.

FUN Leader has yet to formally tell me who is replacing Barra and running serious risk of penalty.

I have instructed Klopp leader to replace Ludo and Cardinal ASAP and currently mulling over if they will be punished

Ham will be in touch in the morning upon his return from assisting at the orphanage.

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Response to Addie/Andy C.

I believe Addie is like that Asian guy in the SDL who gets paraded around as an example of how progressive they are. He's a well meaning guy and not someone you should resent, but he's been duped on his new friends' motives. Fun are a hateful party, they were set up on the basis of being "anti-Dece". We aren't anti-anyone Addie, and we hope that when things get better again with Marjory and you're swaggering to work feeling like a top boi, you realise that the ones who helped you (Dece) have your interests at heart above everyone.

ThanQ ERB.

However I must add that since the Fun Party carried off a major coup and appointed me, they have focused on having fun and allowing everyone to live the dream. This isn't a party of hate. This is a party of fun. Nothing more.

The Dece bois will forever be welcomed in my church - so to speak.

Fun for all.

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