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P&B General Election - Game

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Quick point on Albino Rover.

There's no doubt that on paper he's failed so far. A) With the pro/anti Dece sentiment splitting voters between Klopp/Fun on one side and Dece/YSU on the other, he had the early advantage of running the most established party on the slight majority (55% I'd estimate) anti-Dece side. They came a dismal third in the poll. B) He tried to run the exclusive line on Dece which was exposed as extreme hypocrisy, C) he's alienated his cabinet by neglecting their contributions and by inviting others in first, D) people have quit the party and E) he has a white robe wearing skeleton in his closet.

In short, it's been a total disaster. So, as someone who claims to be passionate about his beliefs, will he give his beliefs every chance of becoming a reality by quitting? Or will he hold at the expense of his parties prospects and expose his motivations as being all about himself? I do wonder.

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Oh and thnx to Addie for the kind words. The difference between ourselves and Nick Clegg is simple, morals.

I understand your point about us not enjoying the less glamorous aspects of politics, but we intend to make politics a more lively prospect for those running it as well as those engaging in it. Our conference in Marbs was intensely productive and yet we had Calv, Kloppo, R9, The Fresh Prince and more nines than a German Better Together rally.

Both can be done. We'll rest when we're dead, which if our diets and exercise regimes are anything to go by will be in about 120 years.

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Guest honestrae95

I am excited and honoured to be the new YSU candidate for the position of Minister for P&B.

I look forward to working with my colleagues and collaborating an engaging and exciting White Paper.

Until then, be strong- VOTE YOU SEEM UPSET.post-34041-14140159157543_thumb.jpg

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I have already said plenty of times that the incident is dealt with on my side. The rule breaking in question has no effect on the long term election as it's now done and dealt with.

It is up to the party leader in question as to whether they reveal it or not. I believe they have been suitably punished and I won't punish them further by revealing who it is when I told them it would be their choice.

I assume their party knows as the leader informed me at the time that they had discussed it with their party but this could of course have been a lie as I'm not involved in the cabinet PMs.

Either way it's closed from my end

Outrageous. Who would bother voting in these sham elections where DavidmcG plays at being God and won't tell the people which party has broken rules or which rules they have broken. As the Dragons say, stick it up your arse ya bam.

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Oh and thnx to Addie for the kind words. The difference between ourselves and Nick Clegg is simple, morals.

I understand your point about us not enjoying the less glamorous aspects of politics, but we intend to make politics a more lively prospect for those running it as well as those engaging in it. Our conference in Marbs was intensely productive and yet we had Calv, Kloppo, R9, The Fresh Prince and more nines than a German Better Together rally.

Both can be done. We'll rest when we're dead, which if our diets and exercise regimes are anything to go by will be in about 120 years.

I am glad of your reassurances but do have concerns that The Dece Party will have a detriment on the very successful Club Dece. Has The Collector been in touch or is he doing a set with Calvin right now?

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Scary Bear, on 22 Oct 2014 - 23:13, said:

Outrageous. Who would bother voting in these sham elections where DavidmcG plays at being God and won't tell the people which party has broken rules or which rules they have broken. As the Dragons say, stick it up your arse ya bam.

The only good that came of the false allegations was that it outed FUN and Klopp as being utterly desperate and latching onto it, despite it becoming clear that it was utter bullshit.

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I am glad of your reassurances but do have concerns that The Dece Party will have a detriment on the very successful Club Dece. Has The Collector been in touch or is he doing a set with Calvin right now?

Did the collector not return to say he was voting YSU

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The only good that came of the false allegations was that it outed FUN and Klopp as being utterly desperate and latching onto it, despite it becoming clear that it was utter bullshit.

Allegations? Who cares? It's all about the ladyboys and shots of whiskey in the eyeballs Dom. Come on in.

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Did the collector not return to say he was voting YSU

Would that be "The Collector's Lawyer"? If so that isn't the man himself, this new fella is currently on the Club Dece thread trying to encourage the inclusion of James Wade into the club. James Wade FFS!

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Allegations? Who cares? It's all about the ladyboys and shots of whiskey in the eyeballs Dom. Come on in.

The snorting whisky actually affected me more than doing it in the eyeballs. I could feel it in my nose, throat and eyeballs when snorting. It was indescribable.

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Some absolutely sensaysh news to bring Dece fans everywhere.

Lexi Collector has just sent the Dece Convenor, depute Convenor and cabinet members a text inviting us as well as all Dece supporters to watch Cal. Harris smash it at Hakkasan in Las Vegas on 22nd Nov to celebrate if when we win.

For those not ITK, Hakassan is a v.v.v.v Dece and v.v.v.v exclusive nightclub in Las Veags. I couldn't think of a more fitting location to celebrate.

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The only good that came of the false allegations was that it outed FUN and Klopp as being utterly desperate and latching onto it, despite it becoming clear that it was utter bullshit.

Since you're not throwing YSU in the shit I guess that just leaves the options of:

1. Hoax from our impartial host


2. fine for Dece.

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Albino Rover, on 22 Oct 2014 - 23:26, said:

Since you're not throwing YSU in the shit I guess that just leaves the options of:

1. Hoax from our impartial host


2. fine for Dece.

YSU haven't cheated the system to the best of my knowledge. Cheating their voters? Probably, hence my "sacking". Although even that point isn't relevant. What else is there? The vomit inducing Dece lot and the two basket cases.

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Some absolutely sensaysh news to bring Dece fans everywhere.

Lexi Collector has just sent the Dece Convenor, depute Convenor and cabinet members a text inviting us as well as all Dece supporters to watch Cal. Harris smash it at Hakkasan in Las Vegas on 22nd Nov to celebrate if when we win.

For those not ITK, Hakassan is a v.v.v.v Dece and v.v.v.v exclusive nightclub in Las Veags. I couldn't think of a more fitting location to celebrate.

So to clarify - if you win this election you're all going off to get pissed and listen to house music?

This is what you're voting for Dece bois, a bunch of irresponsible alchies and homophobes.

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YassinMoutaouakil, on 22 Oct 2014 - 23:31, said:

So to clarify - if you win this election you're all going off to get pissed and listen to house music?

Not sure you'll find many people who give a toss about this. Desperation once again.

Certainly as someone who's fairly sick of their shit, I look at this revelation and think "ah well, good on them".

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Some absolutely sensaysh news to bring Dece fans everywhere.

Lexi Collector has just sent the Dece Convenor, depute Convenor and cabinet members a text inviting us as well as all Dece supporters to watch Cal. Harris smash it at Hakkasan in Las Vegas on 22nd Nov to celebrate if when we win.

For those not ITK, Hakassan is a v.v.v.v Dece and v.v.v.v exclusive nightclub in Las Veags. I couldn't think of a more fitting location to celebrate.

And off they go. Tried to keep it sensible but like the overexcited wee laddies they are its all this pish again.

The vvvvv exclusive nightclub pish is very telling, very telling indeed.

Let dece eltisits go to the club. We invite the p&b masses to come to the klopp.

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