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Morrissey - First of the gang to die?

Casual Bystander

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They have scraped cancerous tissues four times already, but whatever, if I die, then I die. And if I don’t, then I don’t. Right now I feel good. I am aware that in some of my recent photos I look somewhat unhealthy, but that’s what illness can do. I'm not going to worry about that, I’ll rest when I'm dead.
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Needs to have B 17 supplements they work no matter what they doctors say made from grass and other foods left out a modern diet

When a animal is ill it eats grass to heal itself its exactly the same with humans ancient tribes no about this and never get cancer live till ripe old age

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Needs to have B 17 supplements they work no matter what they doctors say made from grass and other foods left out a modern diet

When a animal is ill it eats grass to heal itself its exactly the same with humans ancient tribes no about this and never get cancer live till ripe old age

Thats a load of nonsense even by the ridiculously low standard you have set.

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Thats a load of nonsense even by the ridiculously low standard you have set.

Rubbish OK my friends a telling lies then lies he gave them to his mate and he has got over ten years when the doctors gave him a year to live

You will be right then a guy that I do not know from Adam,best believe a total no entity on Pie and Bovril than a real person I have known since childhood

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