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The Storms & Severe Weather Thread


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6 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

That's because most of us are too lazy and/or don't care to give up our lifestyle. That includes me to a high degree if I'm brutally honest.

Aye, simple things like making public transport easier and more efficient could have made such a difference. I tried to set an example and used trains to get around the country instead of the company car but the constant strikes, cancellations, missed connections and weird pricing made it next to impossible. Now we've got the Tories handing out drilling licences, opening up coal pits and declaring they're "on the side of the motorist" - as if there's any "sides"

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3 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

In this crazy January we now have the Scottish and UK record high January temperature being smashed by almost a full degree today. Looks like being confirmed as 19.6c, crazy stuff.

According to Calum it's due to the Foehn Effect...



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18 hours ago, Crawford Bridge said:

We are addicted to capitalism, therefore fucked. 

Our only hope is an alien race coming to show us the way like in Star Trek First Contact. 

We'd end up going down the mirror universe road.


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15 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

First nice night in a wee while so went for a post work walk along the North shore in Troon, cracking sunset and still a fair bit of light in the sky when I got back home at 5.20. We are getting there.


Love Troon, my granny lived in Wemyss Cres then Welbeck Cres.  Many happy visits, beach, crazy golf, and then an ice cream drink in the Beach Cafe.


Jumpers for goalposts, Ron Manager etc...

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Another storm, this one called Ingunn named by the Norwegians. This currently messing with wheely bins and open gates here in Scotland. This one is supposed to be an absolute beast, the worst of the winter so far for Norway. Norway has been getting an absolute battering this winter from storms. Luckly it only clips us for a few hours while the main part of it is to the north of Shetland heading for Norway which along its coast has been given a red warning. Certainly making its point here in Inverness at the moment, noisy.

Have seen very little mention of this storm regarding us here in Scotland, or maybe I've missed it? Yellow warning at the moment covering Scotland, Northern Ireland and the north of England.



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On 29/01/2024 at 17:38, Billy Jean King said:

First nice night in a wee while so went for a post work walk along the North shore in Troon, cracking sunset and still a fair bit of light in the sky when I got back home at 5.20. We are getting there.


Getting where ? Unable to sleep cos it's still light at 11pm and light again at 4am ? Not for me, Clive. 

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Media currently using phrases 'like wall of snow' and 'beast from the east' regarding the forecast of snow next week, or was that this week or the week before. Stopped clock is right twice a day method of forecasting, eventually correct.

A massive 550 mile wall of snow bringing as much as 8cm deep in places, temperatures of -2c. Well, holy f**k balls that's unusual this time of year, what will we all do?

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The latest on next weeks snow, is GB News upping the length of the wall of snow to 800 miles and dropping the temperature to -4.

40 minutes later the Mirror is back with their wild forecasting with -13 temperatures for central Scotland.


GB News need to bring out the big guns for this now. Surely they bring out Nathan Rao..............to end this as a competition.


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