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Tories to introduce Benefit Smart Cards

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Wonder if Ian Duncan Smith thought this up while munching one of his £39 breakfasts he puts on expenses?

Call me a cynic, but the fact that these cards would be valid only in Asda in Tesco would make me think there will be a few Tories a lot richer thanks to 'honorary directorships' of those two retailers.

It doesn't go far enough for some though. We should have some sort of large communal domicile for the poor, where they could be employed in return for gruel or something. Possible 'Toil-dwellings' or 'Employment-shacks'.........

This would also have the benefit of freeing up Social housing as well, I like it.

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It's ironic that IDS loves to put the boot into the unfortunate when he himself has proved to be a colossal failure in almost everything he's done.

Academic failure, bombed out the army, shit novelist, worst ever Conservative leader.

In the real world he'd be a complete waster.

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It's ironic that IDS loves to put the boot into the unfortunate when he himself has proved to be a colossal failure in almost everything he's done.

Academic failure, bombed out the army, shit novelist, worst ever Conservative leader.

In the real world he'd be a complete waster.


I completely forgot he'd led the Tories. An utter failure of a man.

It's especially amusing to see him lambast "scroungers" whilst living off his wife's family's money away from parliament, and skinning the taxpayer for tens of thousands whilst in it.

I just hope he's still in office when he suffers the humiliation of his Universal Credit baby totally bombing on his watch. Fucking c**t.

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It's ironic that IDS loves to put the boot into the unfortunate when he himself has proved to be a colossal failure in almost everything he's done.

Academic failure, bombed out the army, shit novelist, worst ever Conservative leader.

In the real world he'd be a complete waster.

My theory on IDS is that they Tories get him to do all the really low stuff (which he does gleefully, of course) because they know that every c**t hates him already.

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Fucking yet more benefit bashing from the media, weather they bring this in or not is another story. does anyone else notice all this benefit bashing going on constantly ? residents of benefit street lied to by the producers, words like scroungers and feckless thrown around all the time. job seekers all assumed to be lazy shiftless b*****ds?

Yes everyone knows someone on the dole who doesnt bother their arse but thats a small minority, and even then that doesnt cost that much money

-Pensions make up the vast majority of welfare spending.

-Tax avoidance/evasion costs the uk treasury 10 times the welfare budget.

Figure it out

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