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Jim Murphy


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I'm not about to disclose our confidential canvassing data to a football forum.

What I will say is that Lord Ashcroft's polls, both the most recent and in terms of the trend, isn't surprising to us.

As I suggested and apart from protecting their incumbent seats, the liberals have given up in Scotland.

They would prefer that Murphy holds on.

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Ach leave Libby alone, he's the candidate FFS! He's hardly going to go 'you know what? I'm going to a struggle to keep my deposit, Murphy is a tool and the Tories will keep him in with tactical voting' now is he?

It's a daft fitba website with a bunch of yahoos on it. It will also be monitored by folk in parties, looking for dirt to chuck at their opponents.

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It will also be monitored by folk in parties, looking for dirt to chuck at their opponents.

It can't be.

He's on record on these boards as suggesting that Danny Alexander sounds "gormless" so I think he's at liberty to be as candid as he chooses on here.

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Aye, Ad Lib is definitely the weapon in this exchange.

In most cases, he usually is, but you and oaksoft seem determined to make him look better by default. Is he actually paying you money to do that?

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And insulting more than half of the Scottish electorate by saying they are voting SNP as they are either abandoning their critical thinking faculties or are just stupid. If he was not such an irrelevance in the seat I'm sure any opponent viewing this site would be all over that.

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More than you probably think we've done.

Fair enough. I honestly didn't have a clue how many resources are allocated to these sorts of seats, though. I wasn't trying to be disparaging.

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Fair enough. I honestly didn't have a clue how many resources are allocated to these sorts of seats, though. I wasn't trying to be disparaging.

No it's a completely fair question. There are some seats where the Lib Dems do negligible canvassing and campaigning and just throw who they have into supporting efforts in held and target neighbouring seats. We've done things a bit differently here in East Ren, as we don't see this as just about the Westminster election but about re-engaging with the electorate and developing an activist base from which to get some councillors back and to build a coalition of support for future Holyrood and Westminster elections. Most of our work has been direct canvassing on the doors and I think people, even those not voting for us, have, on the whole, appreciated our efforts to listen to their concerns and to focus on quality of voter contact rather than just blitz them with 5 or 6 leaflets like Jim has done in some parts.

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Spot on. Was out in Granton today, a random bloke came up and said 'want to know why labour is getting beat? You are he only guys out in the rain, chappin doors and trying to talk to folk'

I may disagree with the libs but the lad has it correct. If you want to win elections, be prepared to wear out shoe leather....

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Tbf I slate Ad Lib but he talks a lot of sense at times. I am tipping him to lead the Scottish Lib Dems within 10-15 years. And he is pro-independence, allegedly, so that would be a positive move. If he didn't sell out his principles for power like Clegg and co.

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Ad Lib - how many advisory directorships would you need to publicly agree with policies that you consider immoral? :P

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Tbf I slate Ad Lib but he talks a lot of sense at times. I am tipping him to lead the Scottish Lib Dems within 10-15 years. And he is pro-independence, allegedly, so that would be a positive move. If he didn't sell out his principles for power like Clegg and co.

Aye, but will he pretend not to know us when he passes us in the street? :(

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