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Jim Murphy


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Murphy always smiling and laughing in just about every camera shot. Brave face or does he believe he'll keep his seat?

He's still sniffing glue. Fact.

ETA: great minds and all that ST.

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But that's the point, why was he there? An English comedian who is a party member.

Doesn't make sense to me, it wasn't the same as pulling out Gordon brown is it. Why would bringing an English comedian wearing a dress make undecided voters vote labour. It came the day after there was a bloody nose from a nat. The were hoping for bad press for the nationalists.

I guess because he's famous and kind of well liked. Almost all of us like Billy Connolly but his political views are mince - the socialist shipyard worker one minute and the laird pal of the Royals the next.

A real Izzard a step forward from a cardboard Doctor Who. Plus it deflects a bit from #creepyjim.

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I long to live in a country where the sexual preference or the dress preferences of a man or woman isn't even remarked upon.

Eddie is welcome to come up here whenever he likes, go wherever he likes and can dress however he likes and shag whoever he does or does not like.

IF, and I repeat IF he chose to use his choice of clothing to try and provoke a reaction then that would say more about him than anyone else.It

does however frustrate me that people would make that accusation without a single shred of evidence to back it up.

Given that he has been beaten up previously for this very behaviour (on more than one instance) then I think it is fair to say that he thinks that it may not be as socially acceptable as you would like it to be. In 2007 when he was working in the US media industry, he stopped dressing like this as he knew that the impression he gave would stop him from getting work.

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I long to live in a country where the sexual preference or the dress preferences of a man or woman isn't even remarked upon.

Eddie is welcome to come up here whenever he likes, go wherever he likes and can dress however he likes and shag whoever he does or does not like.

IF, and I repeat IF he chose to use his choice of clothing to try and provoke a reaction then that would say more about him than anyone else.It

does however frustrate me that people would make that accusation without a single shred of evidence to back it up.

Of course we all want to live in a world where people's sexuality or whatever isn't a issue. But I honesty think you are underestimating the underhand tactics political party's go to at election time. Especially when they are desperate.
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I long to live in a country where the sexual preference or the dress preferences of a man or woman isn't even remarked upon but it's completely fine to discriminate against young people


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Given that he has been beaten up previously for this very behaviour (on more than one instance) then I think it is fair to say that he thinks that it may not be as socially acceptable as you would like it to be. In 2007 when he was working in the US media industry, he stopped dressing like this as he knew that the impression he gave would stop him from getting work.

This is when he was starring in a show called The Riches, where he portrayed a man with a young boy who was coming to terms with his transvestism. Erm. Izzard's been one of the highest-profile BBC celebrities for years, thanks to his Comic / Sports Relief work and general willingness to do anything whatsoever with a Union Jack. There's no way that he feels unable to dress as he pleases in the UK now.

It's entirely possible that he was picked because of the impression by McTernan and co. that he'd get abused for it, but frankly you have to do better than that to get a second glance in Glasgow City Centre.

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Only a few sleeps now until Scottish Labour are projected to suffer an unprecedented rejection from the Scottish people and even at this stage, they have absolutely nothing to say about themselves. Eight years after negative campaigning and red-faced SNP obsession first manifested itself in electoral failure, they still haven't found a renewed dentity or sense of pride in their own party. Instead of using the remarkable level of focus and attention on Scottish politics to stand up for something - all they want to talk about is the Scottish National Party.

It's almost sad.

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As much I dislike his politics Murphy needs to be saved for the nation, and Danny Alexander. It's only the now redundant FPTP that is going to equate to a rejection, still don't see a natsy >50%. All the half-wits, and I mean half-wits, semi literates who exercised a first ever vote on the referendum that gave the Yes 45% have a slight appetite to repeat the gig. It won't last, this is just a after shock from last year. When reality bites they'll go back to Labour when they see what's representing them.

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As much I dislike his politics Murphy needs to be saved for the nation, and Danny Alexander. It's only the now redundant FPTP that is going to equate to a rejection, still don't see a natsy >50%. All the half-wits, and I mean half-wits, semi literates who exercised a first ever vote on the referendum that gave the Yes 45% have a slight appetite to repeat the gig. It won't last, this is just a after shock from last year. When reality bites they'll go back to Labour when they see what's representing them.

Word salad.

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Was Izzard not associated in some way with shipyards or dock work too at one time, like Billy Connolly?

Did he not work doon the docks (ho ho) or do benefit gigs for striking workers or something?

Maybe they hoped there'd be some residual kudos from that among Labour folk. A bit of a stretch though.

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It's almost sad.

It's not. It's fucking glorious. Seeing Labour and the and the Lib Dems getting absolutely horsed out of Scotland will be beyond what a Dale Carrick gif could ever convey

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From ScotGoesPop - latest evidence of the Murphy bounce.

Do you think Nicola Sturgeon is doing well or badly as First Minister?

Well: 75% (+7)

Badly: 19% (-7)


Do you think that Jim Murphy is doing well or badly as leader of the Scottish Labour party?

Well: 27% (-5)

Badly: 62% (+8)


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In 2007 when he was working in the US media industry, he stopped dressing like this as he knew that the impression he gave would stop him from getting work.

So basically he compromised his principals for money.

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So basically he compromised his principals for money.

He'll have a lot in common with Jim Murphy and the rest of Scottish Labour then. Then only difference being, Eddie Izzard had principles at some point.

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I'm sure the homophobia jibe probably refers to his dress as it's predominantly gay men who dress in drag. I could be wrong though but as several others have said I don't think anyone has actually commented on that aspect of his identity which is good.

Much in the same way that Robbie Fowler was homophobic for the way he treated Graeme Le Saux despite the latter being straight.

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From ScotGoesPop - latest evidence of the Murphy bounce.

Do you think Nicola Sturgeon is doing well or badly as First Minister?

Well: 75% (+7)

Badly: 19% (-7)


Do you think that Jim Murphy is doing well or badly as leader of the Scottish Labour party?

Well: 27% (-5)

Badly: 62% (+8)


Scotgoespop-pro independance site,clearly non biased then.

Youguv-snp fb page had link telling everyone to join and told them to vote on all scottish polls.

End result-huge majority of above votes are from snp supporters so the result is no great shock is it.

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Scotgoespop-pro independance site,clearly non biased then.

Youguv-snp fb page had link telling everyone to join and told them to vote on all scottish polls.

End result-huge majority of above votes are from snp supporters so the result is no great shock is it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


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