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Jim Murphy


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He's clearly tried to develop his answer into another 'I grew up in Arden, so vote for me' issue. He's now at the stage where we're bypassing plain incompetency, and are now well and truly into Iain Gray territory.

I've got to agree with that. As someone who really rated Murphy as an astute politician, he has been an utter disaster as leader.

We should have known how it was going to go for him when we saw him running up the banks of the Clyde in a Scotland top proclaiming he is a patriot.

Total cringe and it's basically went down hill from there - it that was possible.

Yesterday's YouGov poll on the Holyrood election showing the SNP would give Labour an even bigger doing than when Gray was in charge is now not surprising.

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Laughed tears at this...

Jamie Ross @JamieRoss7 Follow

The Jim Murphy glue thing is my favourite denial since Paul Nuttall from UKIP had to deny playing Bungle in Rainbow. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/10/20/ukip-paul-nuttall-bungle-rainbow_n_6012832.html

1:50 PM - 13 Mar 2015

James Millar @PoliticalYeti Follow

It's taken Scottish Labour only most of a day to clarify that Jim Murphy has never sniffed glue.


Even Jim's 'I wiz doon the scheme...' patter goes tits up.

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Booze for raging wife-beating bigots at football matches and glue for the Labour leadership: such a skilfully managed 'Murphy bounce' for the terminal Scottish Labour party's fortunes.


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He's clearly tried to develop his answer into another 'I grew up in Arden, so vote for me' issue. He's now at the stage where we're bypassing plain incompetency, and are now well and truly into Iain Gray territory.

This was my first thought.

I assumed he thought to try to go for another anecdote about his personal experience and then got into a muddle, akin to his oft-repeated sharing of his memory of sleeping in a drawer as a baby when visiting his Gran's house, or something.

Now, people are left guessing whether he also dabbled in permanent marker pens / white-board pens.

I was brought up in Glasgow too ... Could've been me :/

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What I love about this is the way he tries to dig himself out of a hole after a sudden realisation of what he said. And when he realises his digging is making the hole bigger he makes a light hearted comment to deflect.

I'd have had more respect for him if he had come out and said in his youth he did it. The other three did and had no problems in saying so.

Lets face it most of us have dabbled in getting high at some point in our lives.

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I got shot with an airgun dart when playing for my school in Arden. Tough scheme. Never been back.


Or like this quote from Reddit:

Classic Murphy one-upmanship.

Sturgeon, Rennie, Davidson: "Sure, I've been in a fight..."

Murphy:" I murdered a baby. "

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I'd have had more respect for him if he had come out and said in his youth he did it.

That's precisely the point. When he hasn't got his close pals in the media to craft his message he's as bad as Miliband at sounding like a real human being. The only surprise is that the BBC hasn't had a full fluffer brigade out to explain how he's really Lenin in a shiny suit and just shy at explaining his policy for turning over the means of production to the workers the day after the election, like the Guardian and the Independent have repeatedly done for Red Ed.

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