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Jim Murphy


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His passive-agressive monotone is horrible.

Like a political Cliff Richard - bitterness and bile just under the surface if you take issue with him.

You get the impression Jim and others in the Labour Party really have no clue how to deal with the SNP, they've had it so good for so long they don't know how to react, and just assume it's not them that are in the wrong, but the voters

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The BBC, Scotsman, Daily Record, etc. have been promoting Murphy for weeks now and it's not had any beneficial effect for Labour, not to mention Poor Jim's personal ratings plummeting. I find it hard to believe they will be any more effective over the next six and a half weeks.

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Andrew Neil is a penis but at least he was willing to ask some straight questions that the broadcasting wing at Pacific quay would never countenance asking.

It just makes me even angrier at all the fluff interviews he did with unionists during the referendum. He was lobbing them pre-rehearsed softball questions and cooing at the answers, when he is capable of challenging idiotic nonsense like he did today.

Andrew Marr as well, the interview he did on the Sunday morning with Osborne announcing the vow was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. He was literally chipping them up and Osborne walloped them right out of the stadium, I swear he even said 'wow' as Osborne mentioned all these super-duper powers we were going to get.

That was the biggest open goal for a journalist ever, he should have been saying you've literally come up with this overnight haven't you, in the 12 hours since that poll showing yes was in front, talk about back of a fag packet etc.

But he didn't. If I ever hear him describe himself as a journalist I will throw up, he is an establishment lackey.

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The BBC, Scotsman, Daily Record, etc. have been promoting Murphy for weeks now and it's not had any beneficial effect for Labour, not to mention Poor Jim's personal ratings plummeting. I find it hard to believe they will be any more effective over the next six and a half weeks.

It must pain these amoral media "institutions" greatly that the public no longer do as they're told politically. Time was they could just publish a wee gentle editorial extolling the virtues of voting Labour and the masses would go along with it.

Now it turns out even lies, smear, spin and underhanded tactics aren't working for them.

Well f**k them, I hope the Scotsman and Daily Record die a slow, painful death.

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Panel is him, Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru leader), Steven Woolfe (UKIP), Nicky Morgan (Conservative) and Janet Street Porter.

Is Nicola Sturgeon not supposed to be on soon?

Hopefully Leanne wood will keep him right. Sturgeon was on a couple of weeks ago

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The BBC, Scotsman, Daily Record, etc. have been promoting Murphy for weeks now and it's not had any beneficial effect for Labour, not to mention Poor Jim's personal ratings plummeting. I find it hard to believe they will be any more effective over the next six and a half weeks.

Will a terrible result see him continue as leader ? Will he still stand for First Minister ?

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It must pain these amoral media "institutions" greatly that the public no longer do as they're told politically. Time was they could just publish a wee gentle editorial extolling the virtues of voting Labour and the masses would go along with it.

Now it turns out even lies, smear, spin and underhanded tactics aren't working for them.

Well f**k them, I hope the Scotsman and Daily Record die a slow, painful death.

I see Kenny Farquarson is leaving the Scotsman. They've lost a lot of people over the last year alone.

A newspaper that's on it's knees and they still have a blind allegiance to Labour. Like the Record they just haven't adapted to the changing political environment here in Scotland.

What do they do if Labour are annihilated in May? Do they keep supporting a party that's lost 2 Holyrood elections (and a very likely 3rd next year), 2 EU elections and council elections since 2007? A party that the people of Scotland seem to be turning their backs on in their droves?

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Panel is him, Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru leader), Steven Woolfe (UKIP), Nicky Morgan (Conservative) and Janet Street Porter.

Is Nicola Sturgeon not supposed to be on soon?

I loath Porter on Question Time, she is horrendous

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I see Kenny Farquarson is leaving the Scotsman. They've lost a lot of people over the last year alone.

A newspaper that's on it's knees and they still have a blind allegiance to Labour. Like the Record they just haven't adapted to the changing political environment here in Scotland.

What do they do if Labour are annihilated in May? Do they keep supporting a party that's lost 2 Holyrood elections (and a very likely 3rd next year), 2 EU elections and council elections since 2007? A party that the people of Scotland seem to be turning their backs on in their droves?

That's what I don't understand. Specificallly at the Record, Aidan Kerr, Davie Clegg, Torcuil Crichton and Murray Foote, by siding with Labour regardless and by demonising the SNP and their supporters they are surely pushing away more and more readers every day.

As popularity for Labour drops, their dogged determination to stick by them will ensure that their circulation drops at an equal rate. Hell mend them. I will have precisely zero sympathy when the Record inevitably folds.

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Will a terrible result see him continue as leader ? Will he still stand for First Minister ?

He's stuffed.

If he losses his Westminster seat he will have zero credibility.

If he scrapes through will he stand for Holyrood in 2016 thereby standing down after one year and then leaving a marginal Westminster seat up for grabs again?

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The BBC, Scotsman, Daily Record, etc. have been promoting Murphy for weeks now and it's not had any beneficial effect for Labour, not to mention Poor Jim's personal ratings plummeting. I find it hard to believe they will be any more effective over the next six and a half weeks.

This has pleased me the most. I was initially worried that there would be a 'murphy bounce' and the media would get right behind him while demonising the SNP. Thankfully, I think people are waking up and seeing him for what he and the Labour party really are.

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This is not a wind up and I'm actually gobsmacked.

Torcuil Crighton has an article in the Record about the coffee machine in Nicola Sturgeon's kitchen costing more than a NHS porters monthly wage.

He spotted the coffee machine whist she was being interviewed by Susannah Reid for GMB. :eek:

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