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Support for 2nd independence referendum


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That is some statement, politicians can lie and say what they want and it has no relevance - wow democracy rocks !

What about the position of the Government as a whole, perhaps formally included in the democratic process, say in a white paper?

'It is the view of the current Scottish Government that a referendum is a once-in-a-generation opportunity'

The one thing you are right about is that you have nothing that could educate me.

So after the next election there will be a new government. Will they be constrained by the position of the previous government?

UK Prime Minister David Cameron has flatly ruled out any extension to tax raising powers for Scotland beyond the proposals contained in the Scotland Bill which is currently going through the Westminster Parliament.

The Prime Minister also refuses to consider devolving any part of the benefits system to Holyrood, according to reports in today's Scotland on Sunday.

According to the newspaper, a spokesperson for the Conservative Prime Minister has described additional powers for the Scottish Parliament as "inconsistent" with remaining a part of the United Kingdom.

If Scots desire greater control over their own affairs, they will have no option but to choose independence. The UK government believes that a single UK tax and benefits system is the "heart" of the UK, and will not countenance devolving any of these powers to Holyrood.

Amazing how potentially losing your job can result is a complete about turn.....

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That is some statement, politicians can lie and say what they want and it has no relevance - wow democracy rocks !

What about the position of the Government as a whole, perhaps formally included in the democratic process, say in a white paper?

'It is the view of the current Scottish Government that a referendum is a once-in-a-generation opportunity'

The one thing you are right about is that you have nothing that could educate me.

Can you see the word in that sentence that invalidates your arguement? I'll give you a clue, it starts with 'c' and ends with 't' (I'll avoid the obvious joke).

In a true representative democracy a government can and should only be determining policy for the electoral period of that government.

I used to think you were on of the (relatively few) NO voters who wanted genuine debate, hence my willingness to engage with you; I'm beginning to think, on this subject at least, you're attempting to troll.

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Can you see the word in that sentence that invalidates your arguement? I'll give you a clue, it starts with 'c' and ends with 't' (I'll avoid the obvious joke).

In a true representative democracy a government can and should only be determining policy for the electoral period of that government.

I used to think you were on of the (relatively few) NO voters who wanted genuine debate, hence my willingness to engage with you; I'm beginning to think, on this subject at least, you're attempting to troll.

That quote is from the current Scottish Government.

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I gave up on him. Putting forward such a provably incorrect position is one thing, persevering with it is another.

Yes, as soon as evidence is produced re the 'once in a generation 'lifetime' stuff; it is first ignored and then the troll rubbish comes out.

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In what way is that binding commitment?

Weren't you lying about this the other week there ? Have you find the page in the white paper yet ?

Can you provide proof that the SNP have committed not having another referendum for a generation please ? Ta in advance.

Was my question beyond you? In what way is that a commitment to a timescale for another referendum? Genuine question requiring a genuine answer. Otherwise i'm fed up with your trolling and you're on the iggy list.

Why are you asking me?

This may surprise you but not all Yes voters look to the SNP to work out what to think.

You can tell the yes hordes are raging. :lol:

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Decent article from Unionist Massie..

The National shows just how much danger the Union – and Scotland – is still in


"And that will serve as an overture to the 2016 Scottish parliamentary elections, at which another SNP triumph would open the door to a second independence referendum.

Such a ballot would, technically, require Westminster’s approval — but it is difficult to imagine circumstances in which London could deny the clearly expressed will of the Scottish people. What Scotland wants, Scotland will get. The winds of change are still blowing and they will continue to blow in favour of the nationalists. They have not gone away and, you know, they need only get lucky once. The Union was preserved in September, but for how long?"

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I was cool on the prospect of another referendum in the next ten years or so. However, recent events have made me begin to think it could be realistic and desirable to have another, without a 2 year lead in, in the life of the next holyrood parliament.

Surely you know that, if it is in the 2016 SNP manifesto, for 2018 or 2019 the frenzy will begin, unless they can sneak it in within the small print :rolleyes:

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Keep it up lads post-30824-Jack-Nicholson-Creepy-Nodding

This will be the "beginning of the end" or whatever the Labour quotes were about Smith. Nearly half the people in one area being a bit uppity is manageable, the entire island tearing each other to bits around a complete mess of a constitutional arrangement is the Union absolutely fucked.

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Nice one, smell that seethe. The smell of priveleged seethe. Nothing beats that stench.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Salmond confirms there will be another referendum In an interview with Spectator magazine

Asked by the Spectator if there would be another such poll in his lifetime, the 59-year-old politician replied: "Oh yes."

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